Discreet Ultimate Urban Carbine

I have a Just Right Carbine take down model. You can get a back pack designed to carry it and some mags. If needed just pop the barrel on and screw down the barrel shroud and pop in a 32 round Glock mag and you have .357mag power in a 9mm ready to go. Out to 50yds fast accurate engagment with a red dot is easy peasy.
My understanding is that lever guns are actually surging strongly in popularity
As best as I can tell its largely because people are seeing the "evil guns" ban that is on the horizon
Both new owners not wanting to get trapped, and existing gun owners diversifying
Prices of capable "hedge weapons" such as pump-action rifles like the Timberwolf, R7600, and lever actions... along lower capacity semi-autos like the Model 44 have been climbing and get snapped up quickly.
I think lever guns-like revolvers-are better for beginners, require more active involvement and participation and thought by the shooter. Like learning to drive with a manual transmission. And again-it's only the hits that count.
Post 5 nailed it. A lever action with a loading gate is the best option where semi auto's are not allowed or difficult to get and get stuck with fixed magazines. All the revolver magnums are perfectly adequate for distances out to 150 yards- more than enough for urban use.

I would like to see capacities increased and one idea I've pitched to Henry was for them to make a carrier or other part(s) needed to allow their rifles to function with shorter cartridges like .38 Short Colt, .44 Russian, or .45 Cowboy Special for the purpose of increasing the capacity of the tubular magazines.

I've also found that with shorter cartridges, due to their decreased length, I can stick two of them in one loop on a bandolier and double the carrying capacity.

Henry never got back to me on that. Guess they don't like the idea of people opening up their lever actions to replace the parts or they don't see money in the idea, even tho it would likely see huge sales for CAS events where capacity and low recoil is the goal.
A gun nut friend has all types of ammo ,high cap mags and guns to match.
He asked me what do I Carry i said a REVOLVER
My first urban assault rifle was a Marlin '94 lever-action carbine in .357 Magnum. I was looking for a Winchester at the time, but they disappeared right about then. I've always wanted one, and I figured it would be way down on the list of guns that might be banned. I think it's still a good choice for defending the home. 10 rounds is probably enough (2 or 3 is probably enough) and you can top off the magazine thru the side gate if there a lull in the action.

I also have a Mini-14 GB with a fancy walnut stock. With a short magazine it looks like something you'd shoot squirrels and rabbits with, not an EBR. I generally like 20 round mags better than 30s, but I also have the original Ruger 30-rounder it came with and it works well. I've had problems with plastic mags.
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A lever action carbine will encourage fire discipline, eliminate the idea that if you put enough lead in the air you will hit a bad guy. Like driving a stick shift as opposed to an automatic.
Give us such an example where a typical, law abiding civilian has "needed to use a high volume of fire" somewhere in the the U.S. in say the last 20 years.
What has or has not happened in the past is in no way indicative of what the future may bring.
Give us such an example where a typical, law abiding civilian has "needed to use a high volume of fire" somewhere in the the U.S. in say the last 20 years.
That's an easy one, seen gangstah hits where they simply pull up in a vehicle next to their target--which could be anyone or anything in a house--and proceeded to empty multiple magazines from their AK's and/or AR's. The lieutenant that was teaching my CCW class was engaged and shot dead by an itinerant psycho at over 200 yds using an AR. Bullets don't know whether they are law-abiding or not.

I mean to say use whatever weapon you feel you are most effective with. If that's a Trojan battle spear or a Hitori Hanza katana in a shoot-out where the bad guy(s) have the AK's and AR's--more power to you. I do NOT in any way advocate ANY weapon being used against a person(s) unless it is clearly self defense and you have no other choice that would prevent you from being gravely injured or killed imminently.
"Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it."
I have read than in Vietnam snipers achieved hits with 1.7 rounds while the average GI or Marine needed something like 20,000. But how many of us have what it takes to be a sniper?