Discovery,TLC,History...what to watch..

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Does anyone here watch any of these channels on a regular basis (especially recently)- almost 90% of the time I can turn on one of these channels and something on the topic of "Guns" will be on....between

Commandos, Navy Seals, History of the Gun, Weapons of War, Police Force, Gangsters, Killing Ships, Military Blunders, etc :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

These are fantastic shows...I love these channels!

[This message has been edited by JG (edited January 09, 2000).]
Discovery, History, TLC, and ESPN 1&2, along with Braves baseball in the summer (any one of 3-4 stations) represents about 90-95% of my TV time. Oh, yeah, I watch some Jeopardy with my wife.
Absolutely. I love the little series that the History channel is doing called Tale of the Gun. Gives history of certain firearms through several different historical periods. Best thing. Not a single anti-gun remark.
This week caught a series running on the History Channel called Suicide Missions. Early in the week it was on the Wild Weasels in Nam. This afternoon I saw the last half of an episode on Snipers. I'm looking for a replay on that one.

Jim in IN

Thats what I forgot to add, what I like the most is the complete absence of anti-gun remarks and propaganda. Of course the shows are great- but its refreshing to see anti-gun free content for once.

JJB- good call on "Suicide Missions"- B17 documentary, very moving.

[This message has been edited by JG (edited January 09, 2000).]
Yeah, love all three of these channels!
Watch them regularly. Also, A&E. Tomorrow night at 9pm Discovery is having I think 2hrs on the U.S. Marshals (which I want to be). Can't wait!!!

9mm Tactical/Pracatical Glock 34
Large Chris Reeve's Plain Sebenza Knife
Oh no, TLC and Discovery have some very anti gun shows from time to time. I think it's Discovery that does, "Investigative Reports", that tends to bash guns on a regular basis. TLC has run the "Gun Death Clock" a couple of times.

History Channel is my favorite. Unfortunately my current cable carrier doesn't offer it, but does offer about 5 home shopping channels! Looks like I'll have to investigate DSS or something.

Yeah, I remember that "Gun death clock" - showing cases of people being killed in different places in 24hrs or something to that extent. Only thing I remember about that was the guy who shot up the Japanese restaurant (woman's husband was killed, they were with friends)- I remember it being interesting, but don't remember the commentary.

I also remember the episode "5 guns and 5 American Kids"- they would show the gun used in the crime hanging on a wall in the evidence room with a tag hanging (Gun manufacturer and cal.) on it before each story started. Remember 3 of the guns, Phoenix 25acp- Colt 45- AMT Backup (talked about a lawsuit because AMT would fire even wit the clip removed). I'm fairly sure a Glock was the 4th. Don't think there was much blatant anti-gun commentary (but the overall topic and the way the show was presented was not in favor of guns). Don't remember the channel-either TLC or Disc.
Yes. I watch The History Channel the most (just watched Tales of the Gun in fact). I find some interesting stuff on A&E from time to time also. I do catch mistakes sometimes and I'm no military historian or firearms "expert". Overall though these programs are good viewing. Guns are often shown in a positive light, but generally when used by our military or law enforcement agencies. I wouldn't count on these owners, producers, and directors doing much to help ordinary people like me keep my handguns and military&police type weapons.
I watch TNN's American Shooter (check for schedule and program details) as that is the only reliable schedule--any others are caught by luck. I used to watch even reruns for the commercials, but now they have some really funky non-gun, non-outdoor stuff that is no fun.
Just finished watching the Navy Seals program on History channel about an hour ago. Caught the tail end of History of the Gun yesterday only to hear some anti-gun commentary at the conclusion. Said something about congress failing to pass laws that would prevent criminals from buying guns at gunshows or something like that. Of course they had to say it was a 'failing' of congress rather than a small victory for freedom. I like the history channel but the commentary kinda made me roll my eyes back.
History chanels Tales of the Gun series is one to watch the TV guide for. Best nonfiction series on TV...ever. It gets me more excited watching it than the Steelers fans that I spend time with when they are playing. ;)

"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)
There is an awful lot of erroneous and misleading trash on all those channels. Research seems to be nil and there is far too much of "get me some pictures of a soldier firing a gun - what do I care what soldier or what gun or what army!"

Fake WWI shots are in WWII stories, clips from movies are shown as real, Japanese soldiers are really Chinese ("aw hell, they all look the same to me"), Bonnie and Clyde used am AK47 and an SKS, etc., etc.

Those channels prove that you should believe nothing you hear and very little that you see. As entertainment, they are not much good; as history, they are no good at all.

Jim, what you just wrote is complete BS. I've found TLC/THC/TDC to be extreamly accurate in what they broadcast, ESPECIALY THC. Perhaps you have some particular examples you could point out since I have recorded just about every "weapons at war" and "tales of the gun" made?
Jim, whatever your smoking...would you please pass it over. What the he*l are you talking about-yeah, maybe these channels have a slight anti-gun bias (on occasion), but they are extremely accurate in what they show.

I myself would also be very interested in knowing what program you are talking about, which channel, and what the issue you have with it is. Because, I have seen them all (almost all), many of my friends have also- and the general overall consensus with my friends and I is- how grateful we are to have shows like this on Television.
Bonnie Looked nothing Like faye dunaway, Clyde may have been homosexual.. hell maybe asexual. Niether used a tommy gun and clyde was AWFULLY fond of the BAR (to crack the cast iron block of pursuing police cars) stolen from a national guard armory.

The ambush set up to get them featured Remington autoloading rifles and a BAR (this was written up in a gun magazine YEARS ago, where famous law dogs would tell the "real" story of famous cases.)

These and other facts has NOT changed the publics perception of what Bonnie and Clyde should look like and how they died.

Often times in hollywood "reenactments" accurate props and extras are not available and (esp when you are on a budget) you make due. I've noticed the "actors" in the FBI files reenactments are a LOT better looking than the REAL Cops. And the criminals loking NOTHING like the real perps.. its confusing sometimes.

I think TLC, Discovery and the History Channel have been pretty good overall.. in fact some sundays I've been Known to curl up with the cat and watch discovery/TLC all day (provided the Broncos and X-files aren't on)

Beats the Hell out of watching crap like Walker, Texas Ranger and game shows featuring Regis Philbin.

Rob, THC had a show just a few weeks ago (I think it was "histories mysteries") that pointed out all these facts, as well as photographs of both Bonnie and Clyde. It was very in depth and accurate.