Discounted NRA memberships available


I am not an NRA member but I do have a question about it. How does a one time fee for a life membership actually benefit the member or NRA? To be honest, the fee seems kind of small when one could easily spend that much on one firearm, or when compared to the dues of a shooting club. But at the same rate, that's a large chunk of change to put down if it doesn't really go that far.

I suppose my question is where and how far does that money go? l've completed an NRA instructor course but even if I was a member I'd still have to pay for it, both for the instructor and NRA. By no means am I speaking against the NRA, as I realize its the prominent "voice" for the shooting community. I am just a bit curious before I spend money on it.

What's the benefit? That lighter wallet you're carrying around! :p

Keeps up overhead for an organization that serves 4 million members.
Promotes training programs and materials.
Promotes range design and development.
Runs insurance programs.
Directly supports shooting sports programs, such as bullseye, action pistol, etc.
Indirectly supports other shooting sports programs. (4H, BSA, USPSA, etc.)
Legal action.

That's all I can think of off the top of my head.
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With the political future what it is (again), I think its time for everyone to help to ensure our gun rights.

weren't you guys spouting the same nonsense during the last election? the last time I checked I could still go out and obtain a gun and I see no evidence of my 2A rights disappearing.

I suppose my question is where and how far does that money go?

your money goes into the pockets of Wayne Lapierre so he can continue his scare tactics. scare gun owners > gun owners donate to NRA > Rinse & Repeat.

*silently waits for moderators to delete my post*
gaseousclay, you are lucky enough to live in a state where gun rights aren't that troublesome. Many of our members (NJ, IL, MD, etc) aren't so lucky. Just because you are secure does not mean that all Americans are secure in their gun rights.

Also, the possible difference between 2012 and 2008 is that lame ducks tend to go further out on limbs than do office holders who are worried about re-election; executive fiat moves via ATF and other agencies become more probable under a lame duck - so one has to carefully evaluate the potential lame duck's tendencies. (I don't want to get into specific candidates, as I don't want to veer too far into politics - I simply want to point out that certain changes in status can affect tendencies, so 2012 and 2008 are not necessarily going to be close in nature.)

Last, you may disagree with the NRA proponents in the forum, but accusing people of spouting nonsense comprises pretty strong words. You might want to edit yourself - but that's your call.
weren't you guys spouting the same nonsense during the last election? the last time I checked I could still go out and obtain a gun and I see no evidence of my 2A rights disappearing.

I'm not sure who "you guys" are or what nonsense we are spouting. I'm simply a lone membership recruiter trying to get people to join the NRA so that the NRA can remain the largest single voice for gun owners.

Let's try to keep this thread about the memberships we are offering. If you want to complain about the NRA. Please start your own thread elsewhere.
I sure wish I would have taken advantage of the $600.00 & free leather jacket they offered a couple of years ago.I still have the offer.........:(
Let's try to keep this thread about the memberships we are offering. If you want to complain about the NRA. Please start your own thread elsewhere.

Let's DO keep this thread on topic and let's DON'T be starting any threads bashing the NRA or any other organization.

Fair warning.
My wife just called in and renewed yesterday, paying the full $35.00 annual membership fee. She was convinced she needed to have it renewed to be able to attend the Ohio Gun Collectors banquet this weekend.

But the lady told her since I'm a Life member, had I called, they'd let me sign her up for a Life membership for the $300.00 fee.

Some people disagree with the tactics the NRA uses, myself, I'm satisfied we have a pro 2nd amendment group with the clout the NRA does with legislators. All I ask is, if you're a gun owner, contribute to SOME pro 2nd amendment group. Some of us are getting tired of carrying the entire load ourselves!
Some people disagree with the tactics the NRA uses, myself, I'm satisfied we have a pro 2nd amendment group with the clout the NRA does with legislators. All I ask is, if you're a gun owner, contribute to SOME pro 2nd amendment group. Some of us are getting tired of carrying the entire load ourselves!
Well said. So many complain about the problems we face and yet do nothing to help it. You dont have to agree with everything an organization supports. There is no perfect organization or even candidate. Just do your part to keap things moving in the right direction.
I read, dont recall where, that if you call the NRA and talk real nice you could still get the $300 lifer.
Alsao as stickhaulert mentioned a lifer may be able to sign anyone up, anytime for $300. I have to ask my son.
We're still waiting for a number of applications to come back from the ones we've mailed out. Please try to get those in quickly!