Pond James Pond
New member
Normal volumetric powder measure and a scale to check is all you need.
I've made the following point before but I'll say it again.
With VihtaVuori powder (extruded stick) the volumetric measures like the PPM get you most of the way, but cannot be trusted to just load straight into the case, at least not the way I like to load.
I used to get huge variations in the auto-disk, and the PPM will still throw under my chosen weight regularly, requiring the trickler to be on hand.
So while, yes, I have managed to load with just a scale and dipper on occasion and now with the PPM too, it takes me a very, very long time to reload. I mean hours for a single OCW test string of .308 etc.
This means that so far, I have just abandoned any idea of reloading .223. I would revisit that idea once I have a thrower.
This isn't about what is possible, but what is convenient and makes reloading something I can one evening instead of pencilling a whole afternoon a fortnight before hand.