Dillon Service

The issue with bullet feeder and station 4 in xl750 is a real concern. And to concur with 9mmand223only, the way Dillon has chosen to handle it is of even greater concern. __If buying a 650 was even still an option that would be one thing, but Dillon has DC sales of the 650 and is pushing the 750 without disclosing the known bullet feeder issue if you want to use a powder check.
Dillon will of course happily sell you a Mr. Bullet Feeder (they are an authorized dealer) and their own powder checker with your 750 purchase.....if anyone doesn't see a problem with this you're either a Dillon shareholder or cognitively impaired.
I spoke with Dillon and got some lukewarm reassurance that they think Double Alpha can solve it. I spoke with Josh at Double Alpha who let me know they are working on it, and was pretty blatant in his disappointment of Dillon's attitude and lack of cooperation concerning the design oversight.
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Again, let's leave characterizing others as "cognitively impaired" or anything else out of it. It's a rule violation. Read the rules.

I am glad to hear you went to the source for information on the compatibility issue. It sounds like a case of designing with tunnel vision aimed at resolving one set of problems to the exclusion of considering the possibility of raising other problems in the process.
Another Dillon fan. Bought a used Square Deal B years ago. Sent it to Dillon to be refurbished for a very reasonable amount (I want to say something like $30-$40) and it came back working and looking like new. I've cranked out thousands of pistol rounds on it and it's done yeoman's work. Aside from a few of the plastic bits breaking, and them sending me out a few new ones (for no cost), it's been super reliable. I reload on it for 4 different calibers.

I'm not a Dillon only person, also owning a Lee Classic Cast press and a MEC9000 press, but would consider another Dillon in a heartbeat. Great company!
Blue has been a great color for me, starting with a 450 in the early 80's; no tool head, had to put in empty brass, set in a bullet, pull the primer operating handle, then pull the powder knob...made for a very busy operation. But, after buying a Lee Pro1000, and hating it almost from the start, I called Dillon to get another 450. Then they said there was a 550, so I got that. It is still on my bench, followed by 4 more Dillon loaders. All have been great, with little maintenance required. Just good, simple designs,what I call Mike Dillon's genius. After hundreds of thousands of rounds, they are all going strong.