From my experiences with only a few digitals, Ive come to the conclusion that they can only register a gradient. This is to say they can only read 10,1 gr when the 10.1 gr level is reached. They cannot read a half tenth like a balance beam, this you can't change unless you get a scale that reads to smaller increments; 0.0n gr My latest is a Dillon that has served me well, although its like a bird dog or retriever that you have to learn to read some idiosyncracies.. I find it works flawlesly if you dump 98% of the charge and add a grain at a time until it "breaks" over into the next tenth. This break will be accurate and consistent nearly all the time. If it misbehaves, its because the A/C or heat is on. Waiting forever, as stated gets it confused, so a fast reboot is needed, lift the pan and reweigh. I always check the tare weight when lifting the pan. If its changed, Illre zero. I use the same pan for it as the balance beam, and just drop the pan on the beam every so often to confirm.