Digging in for war?

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
I have noticed several people on TFL and elsewhere paring down their gun kits to combat-worthy arms in common calibers. An example would be someone who'd get two AR15 rifles instead of one AR15 and one muzzleloader. Am I imagining or are folks getting into higher alert conditions by and large?
I'd be happy with one let alone two! :)

I think people are just preparing themselves and some are just freaking out thinking its the end of the world. Being prepared wont hurt anyone, besides if you dont have to use it, you can go have a shooting day at the range. :)

We are as one as we all are the same fighting for one cause -Metallica
Good point, Oleg. I hadn't really thought about it, but I passed up a Cimarron Model P to get a Glock 26, and got another two cases of 7.62 instead of Stevens SxS last week.

Things that make ya go hmmm...

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
Personally, I'm trying to get myself equipped with at least one firearm that will digest the following calibers:

.45 ACP

I figure that I will always be able to find ammunition, since these are standard issue military calibers. Got three of the five covered now, and of course I have a shotgun and a .22 as well. Looking for either an AR-15 or a Mini-14 and a solid 1911 model or a Sig P220. I already have one Sig (P239) and am sold on them for me personally.

Not digging in for war, but being a good Boy Scout.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
Bob Locke said: Not digging in for war, but being a good Boy Scout.[/quote]

Pretty much covers it :)

No worse for wear

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Handguns: .22; 9mm; .45; .357mag/.38sp; (got all 4; some duplicates)
Rifles: .22; .223; .308; .30-06 (got 3 of 4; some duplicates)
Shotguns: 12ga (oh, a couple, I guess...)

For war? Nah. Just going for what is (and hopeully will remain) common and available.

(another former Boy Scout)
My father would not let me be a Boy Scout, but I have learned to be prepared. Don't over look the likelyhood that if ammo is available, weapons will be too.
If there is going to be a shortage it is prudent to already have your provisions so that you dont have to kill your neighbors to get theirs.
"Be Prepared". Don't you just love it??

Better days to be,

"My father would not let me be a Boy Scout,..."

My father wouldn't let me NOT be one! He was the Scoutmaster!

Seriously, though. I look at being armed and prepared to come to the defense of myself, my family, and my nation as a duty. Guns are "fun", but in my mind that is not their primary function. Is that sort of a "throwback" mentality in 1990's (soon to be 2000's) America? Absolutely. I am soon to turn 31, and I get the weirdest looks from folks my own age when I talk firearms with them. That makes me sad and afraid at the same time. It means, to me, that I am going to have to work all the harder should it ever come to shooting at an enemy, because these folks just aren't going to be ready for it.

So, I talk with them as best I am able, and attempt to persuade them that it really is their responsibility in life to safeguard the freedoms won for us at such a high price a couple of centuries ago. You would think that as I am in the Navy it wouldn't be that hard to make the case that protecting the Constitution really IS our job, and that it is 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. But some just don't see it that way. It's a shame, but we are not raising a "warrior" class anymore, and we NEED those people, as much as some segments of our society today does not WANT them to exist.

I'm not digging in, I'm preparing to do my job to the best of my ability, and possibly even beyond it.
Why use a proper word like War, make us sound evil, the seditionist, uprising, revolt, revolutionists.

Actually being well armed is just me. I'm more of a bolt rifle guy myself, but I did purchase a 7.62x39 recently. I like my handguns of the semi-auto variety, 9mm is my favorite cause when I don't have time to reload I can shoot it pretty cheap with factory stuff. I like my bolts in all calibers, am looking at building a .300 win mag at present. My only shotgun sports a 20" barrel an 8 shot magazine, it pumps and I don't own any birdshot(my wife calls it the robber stopper, I call it Mrs. Messy)

I've got enough guns to fill my gun cabinet at present, so I'm working on a bigger gun cabinet.lol

War??? No, defense of life, liberty, and happiness? Yes for ever and ever.

Major stockpiling on my part not due to anything but some good sales and a fear that the New Year might be a New Riot.

They teach conformity, it equals servitude, and that leads to genocide based not on race but resistance,

Just regular maintennance here. The personal armory is at a constant and steady growth rate tied to my net worth, not any known alert. I could yammer on about Scouting endlessly. It is simply a good thing ... a member of the Order of the Arrow.
As I was a member of the "sleepwalking masses" until a couple of years ago, my "personal armory" is neither large nor anywhere near complete. So, I have been getting in regular trouble with the Missus, who doesn't understand me and often looks at me cross-eyed when I talk of things such as defending home and hearth, and country, from all enemies, foreign and domestic. She is in Colorado with my parents right now, so I have taken a couple of liberties of late with some of my purchases. I also picked up a part-time job, both to combat some lonliness AND to pay for some of these items. Gonna get myself into a little more trouble this Thursday, I reckon. Forgiveness is MUCH easier to obtain than permission, after all! :)

If a fellow has a limited number of arms available to him (say, one pistol, one bolt-action .30 caliber, one semi-auto .30 caliber, and one 12-ga. shotgun), what would the well-prepared have on hand, from an ammunition standpoint? I am of the opinion that I ought to have 1,000 rounds for the pistol and the semi-auto rifle, and 100 for the other two. Any thoughts would be very welcome either here or via e-mail (patriot_bob@yahoo.com).
Dear Oleg,

In between wars, countries tend to let their militaries wane. When foreign countries seem threatening, they tend to re-build their military power to a higher state of readiness.

For me, I felt little need for "serious" small arms until about six years ago, when I began to understand better what the current administration is all about. Then assault rifle/hi-cap magazine laws made me think more about getting minute-man ready. Then, with President Clinton's big chance just around the corner (Y2K), I decided to go to my highest state of equipment readiness. I got rid of some of my "hobby" guns to get an AR-15, which I had loved in the army and feel very comfortable shooting and maintaining. I don't like having all that money in one rifle and accessories, but I felt it was necessary. If we vote out Clinton/Gore/Bradley in 2000 and keep the gun-grabbers out of the majority in the Congress, I might sell it off about this time next year.

So yes, what you described is exactly what I am doing.

Bob, I like your ammo numbers. With your hunting rifle, you're only gonna shoot a few rounds each year. It is your main "combat" or "militia" rifle that would take a serious amount of ammo if you ever really had to use it for its terrible main purpose. I have a bit over 1,000 for mine. I would like more, but $ is always an issue.


Nehemiah 4:18 " ... and each of the builders wore his sword at his side as he worked."
My "militia rifle" (I LOVE that term!) is very inexpensive for me to "load up" for. It shoots the much underrated 7.62 x 39 round, and I can buy cases of that stuff (JHP) for $100 a pop. I have about 500 rounds on hand now, and plan to add that case this week.

The problem with the pistol (9mm) is that ball ammo likes to punch holes and the hollow-points are still pretty expensive, even for the "cheap" ones. I did find a solid supply of 147-gr Hydrashocks the other day, but I read in another thread that these don't always expand reliably. I think I'll get 1000 rounds of ball for it and toss in a couple hundred JHP's of different flavors as I come across them. Then again, I already have a few hundred rounds of ball, so maybe I'll go with the JHP's first. Decisions, decisions! It's tough trying to do this with a VERY limited budget!

The bolt gun is a tactical rig, and is going to get a good workout tomorrow at the range. I STILL haven't put a single round through this thing, so I'll be looking for zero out to 200 yards (the longest shot this range has available). Gotta stop and get a couple more boxes of ammo before I head out there. I wish that I had a better (cheaper!) supply for .308 ammo. Guess I better get to surfing and scout some up.

Bottom line is that I need to get more familiar with the long guns. I have something of an idea as far as expectations go, but I need to go do it. Friday night may just turn into an ugly scene, after all.

Also, does anyone out there have any experience with Winchester's tactical shotgun loads? They're 00 buck, with one pellet removed (8 instead of 9 in 2 3/4" shells) that are supposed to allow for faster successive shots. Feedback?
I've always kept that in the back of my mind while selecting something. All of my rifles with detachable mags have enough for a good combat load, complete with the appropriate load bearing gear. Wouldn't it suck to need it, have some of it, but not enough to be effective?
I have a good supply of ammo for all my arms, except the Browning Hipower (I don't shoot it much), and will pick up another couple of bricks of .22's this week. The ammo supply has been building for several years because when we go to the range we shoot a LOT.

I have added a supply of water, food and emergency lighting. Here we lose power a couple of times a year and that is stuff I should have on hand anyway.

I don't think we will have any major problems with idiots on NYE 2000,other than the normal amature drunks. It is too cold in Michigan to riot well in winter. If there are riots all anyone has to do is spray them with water from tanker trucks.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Stocking up on Ammo? Who can do that? I finally load up around 1,500 rounds for my 357 and then I go to the range. Oh well so much for stocking up. I'm now up to 1,100 rounds 500 in 158gr. simi-wad's and 600 in 38spl. loaded with 158gr. And yes I'm heading out to the range tomorrow. After which I should have a few hundred empty cases to reload. :)


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
Lets see... I had bought 6k of .223 - and after several sessions of serious P-Dog clearing...
I got about 2k remaining. Dang it... Almost time to do some more shopping. Maybe I can find some deals at the Shot-Show!

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
The Rock has been slowly moving in the preparedness direction since HS. The Rock is an Eagle Scout, a Brotherhood Member of the OA and an all around good guy.

I have 2k of 9mm, 3k of .22lr and ~2k of .223 hanging 'round and hope to have more by COB today. I also have some misc. ammo for the SA Ruger and the bolt rifles.

The Rock has seen the movement towards militia arms and that pleases me mightly.

The Rock
Saw the writing on the wall in the Primer Famine of '94 & passing of the '94 Crime Bill. 'Nuff of a wake up call for me. We'd always had a pretty good stash of "stuff" but this even woke up The Wife. "Are you sure we have enough stuff" is music to my ears. ;)

Bullet casting is a great way to practice very inexpensively & you can always get bullet material by prying wheel weights from car tires if worse comes to worse.

Life-long BS, OoA, merit badge counsellor from backpacking to wilderness survival.

& love the quote about easier to ask for forgiveness than permission ...

Aren't you the astute observer? Yes, I think you've seen pa attern unfold, as have many others', by the acquisitions made, and statements told.

I may as well call out during the muster!
As many others' have noted, this is not a preparation for the "W" word, nay, it's being a conservative that leads you to see the dark cloud on the distant horizon, and seek shelter in the belief a storm may be brewing.

I feel that one would be prudent to have an armory that consumes common ammo.
It's cheaper, and more abundant. Buy more for less!!! I LIKE IT!!!
While I currently have no .223, the other calibers mentioned DO make my consist. Minimum 3k rds per caliber. Especially the .308 breed.

What can I say, I like rifles. The kicker is, the much better half can outshoot me any day of the week with the M1A. No joke!
The grandson(permament member of immidiate family) seems to like the Savage, and at 8 yo, it's a good fit for him, loaded light of course. Not uncommon for him to X-ring at 150-200yds on a good day. That of course, leaves me with the PSS, and the x39's.

No, we don't look forward to ranging a person some day, and will do nearly anything to prevent that, but ....

I have bought mucho bango from our friends in Fort Worth, "Cheaper Than Dirt", and will continue to support them in their fight against the FTW Fire Marshall, and his obvious anti-2nd assault upon that business.

I would ask others' to consider them as a possible supplier in the future for the same cause...

Best Regards.