Different sounds of gunfire

This may be a little off, but have you ever noticed that you cannot tell where the shot came from in the mountains? Many times I would have sworn it was the mountain across from me and it was really up and behind me.
All a matter of skill level.

My dad is legendary for emptying his shotgun and having 3, 4 sometimes 5 deer dead. No one believes he could aim, much less switch targets, that quickly until they see it a few times.

He's not as good as he used to be, getting up there in years now, but there was a time that I counted dead deer from his shots rather than how many shots it was. He used to be the fastest, most accurate, real world, hunting conditions shooter I've ever known.
A fusillade generally means an unhappy Nimrod

My dad is legendary for emptying his shotgun and having 3, 4 sometimes 5 deer dead. No one believes he could aim, much less switch targets, that quickly until they see it a few times.


I would pay your dad to come give lessons to the neighbor family.

There is 4 of them that all hunt...dad, mom and two boys. The dad and mom are both known around here that if they pull their trigger once, they have to rapid fire till the gun is empty. Firing so fast that it would be impossible to be shooting accurate.
That's not bad enough, they have taught their teenage boys to do the same. :rolleyes: This is no exaggeration but I would guess that in a weeks time(our shotgun season) these four will shoot an average of 40-50rds.
And not kill anymore deer then anyone else around here but wound many. :mad:

I had to have a conversation with the dad due to the fact that they all line up on the property line and would rapid fire over on this property slinging hail storms of lead through the woods/thickets towards hunters I had here. And don't let one deer run parallel to these people. Every one of them will empty their shotguns at this deer and maybe hit it. You can follow the direction of the deer by the string of shots.

Actually very sickening cause they wound a lot of deer every year and seem not to care. Extra sad that the parents are instilling this in their kids.

On second thought Brian, don't bother your dad, these people need more lessons then shooting lessons. :rolleyes:

I digress...
There does seem no shortage of that type. Around here, they're usually individual hunters or it's sadly common that they do it on drives, literally shooting at anything that moves "to keep the deer moving". Squirrels, raccoons, birds, etc, etc. Many of the drivers actually (illegally) carry birdshot.

I don't think my dad could help anyway. I certainly never figured it out and I've shot/hunted with him my whole life. One time, we were walking down this seasonal highway and this doe comes busting out of the brush, running parallel to the road. We both had our guns slung on our shoulders. I had moved enough to get my hand on the gun and bring it about 45dg around when his shot went off. The deer (two them) rolled into piles. I just stood there looking at him. Really? Unimaginable. Twice as fast as I could react, he had aimed and fired. Shot the doe through the shoulders and unknown to both of us there was a button buck on the other side of her, shot him through the head with the same slug.
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I've shot into soft ant hills at a distance just before dark. Just fishing for some company to show up after dark wondering what gender of deer I harvested. {Works good for getting a cribbage partner or two.} Yesiree!!_:D
One time, we were walking down this seasonal highway and this doe comes busting out of the brush, running parallel to the road. We both had our guns slung on our shoulders. I had moved enough to get my hand on the gun and bring it about 45dg around when his shot went off. The deer (two them) rolled into piles. I just stood there looking at him. Really? Unimaginable. Twice as fast as I could react, he had aimed and fired. Shot the doe through the shoulders and unknown to both of us there was a button buck on the other side of her, shot him through the head with the same slug.

Skills like that are not natural. But rather learned skills that are honed and groomed. Usually practiced over many years. At least I've never seen them come naturally to anyone. Although I have seen various gun skills come a little easier for some then others.

Sounds like a gentleman you would want in your corner in a firefight.