Different Glock 18 Questions

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I have not found another difference to the G17, however the block in the frame is supposedly thicker.
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If the G17 and G18 slide rails were the same width, then then a non-controlled part on the G18 (the slide) could be placed on a G17 and the G17 would be full-auto. Glock made the G18 with a different slide rail width so that it's not possible to swap the slide with any other Glock.
i heard the same thing about the width, for the same reason, glock was thinkin ahead there, not anticipating the ban, but makin sure if you wanted to convert your 17 you coudn't (not from them anyway) youd have to buy the 18 and make glock some more money, lol
So I took my G18 and my G31 (I did not have a G17, but the frames of G17 and G31 are the same) out.
First I tried if the G18 slide fits on the G31 frame.
It does not! The G31 upper however fits on the G18 frame, but dry firing it, it did not sound right! I did not test shoot it, but think it would work.
I took the frames apart and compared the parts.
The picture below shows the differences of the G18 frame to the other small Glock frames.
1.The G18 frames/slides are smaller then the other frames.
2.The rear rail is longer as indicated in the picture below.
3.Also marked by the arrow, there is a cut out in the frame on the G18.
The rest is the same, including the block and I am sure that the parts are 100% exchangeable.

that notch has to have some relation to the "nub" that sticks out when the selector switch is in full auto, maybe to keep it from going back/forth too far? to prevent slide/frame damage?
Well, I never had one, I only looked at one years ago at a friend who has a manufacturer FFL and therefore can make legally such a conversion.
What thoses switshes must do is, that they use the little space on the right to that plastic strip.
I'm late to the party once again ( usually it's only a few months, this time, a few years ).

I have a Wilson Combat ADP and was looking for a way to make it go full auto and it is extremely simple with the right tools.

Basically, all that needs to be done is have that flat metal bar (dont know the name) that is connected to the trigger be higher than normal when the slide returns to its original position after firing a round. Combine that with a slide activated lowering of that flat metal bar and the firing pin fires again.

The only thing i'd need to do to make my gun full auto is to mount a small ramp or bump to the slide next the firing pin block and remove the spring mounted hooks connected to that flat metal bar. As long as that bump extends slightly below the firing pin block... the gun will be full auto after the first trigger pull. The only thing left would be to make a small notch in the polymer frame at the back to prevent any obstruction with the ramp that may or may not extend below the slide.

Now... if I am not modifying the trigger, is it still illegal?
looking for a way to make it go full auto
There is.
It will also cost you $250,000 and 10 years in federal prison.
Yes, it's illegal. Very very illegal.
On the spectrum of what's illegal (in terms of what the gov't will do to secure a conviction AND what the punishment is), it's pretty much the ultimate crime in this country.

I'd go back and delete your post before someone tries this and gets themselves into ALOT of trouble. ;)

Now... if I am not modifying the trigger, is it still illegal?

As PTK stated...Yep! It doesn't matter what mods you do it, if it makes it fullauto you have just committed a felony.

Yeah, you're more likely to get away with murder.

I agree it is sad. But I'm only a law abiding US citizen...what do I know.
you're more likely to get away with murder.
Indeed. If they treated murder prosecutions like MG ones, you'd already be in prison serving a life sentence for owning a steak knife with someone else in the house and without having a steak in the refrigerator. No, I'm not joking - it's the legal principle, which the BATFE fanatically implements, of "constructive possession": merely having the un-assembled parts to a MG, with no other way of immediately assembling them into an unquestionably legal configuration, is as illegal as though you had assembled it illegally and were demonstrating full-auto fire with it at the range.
Asked And Answered

Short answer: NO, THERE'S NO WAY to get away with it. Either jump through the hoops to become a dealer and get along with dealer samples, or forget it.

Almost everyone's been very patient and helpful, but the topic is exhausted.


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