Difference in attitude about personal defense

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This kinda reminds me of the joe citizen who got all jammed up by the VICTIM he was trying to help.

As i remember:

A guy hears a female screaming in the area behind his office building. Its late in the evening and not many people around. He goes out back of his office and sees that a man is kicking a woman on the ground and she is screaming. He starts to go to her aid but the badguy has a gun in his hand. The citizen goes to his car and gets a ccw and begins to shout at the bad guy to stop attacking the woman. The two men have words and the citizen is pointing his firearm at the badguy (from cover)telling him to stop. The bad guy stops and the woman gets up and runs to a nearby home across the alley. As the woman escapes, the citizen backs off and returns to his office to call police. He realizes that as he is on the phone, the police are already in the back of the office at his car. Guess what? The Woman (who escaped) went to her house, called police and reported that a unknown man with a gun was threatening her and her boyfirend in the alley. Yep! How's that for a thank you.
The Police teach head for cover, the Israelis teach draw, crouch, and shoot.

In the Police or civilian self defense context in America, if you stand and deliver-you likely will get shot. What the Israelis prepare for a bit different than in your face SD, please advise me if I am wrong.
No, you are not wrong, but as most confrontations take place at very short distances, right in your face, draw and fire comes to mind.

As each fight, with or without guns, in it's self is a single unique incident, you find something that works, and go with it.

I found instant aggression works. And taught same.

Living in Micky's town, Orlando, not frequenting Clubs after 1AM, or Bars, or drinking to much, the chance of getting in to a fight (especially at 77 YOA) is remote.
as previously mentioned in this thread:

there is always the possibility that someone is committing murder in your vacinity(one of many examples being the oregon mall shooting previously mentioned in this thread). One must make his/her best judgement and also have the guts to draw their weapon..

Obviously many factors come into play(too many to list). An example is if you have a chance to escape with your children.

That being said, if you are willing to stand up for life and liberty, believe you have a fighting chance, see someone murdering others, you'll know real quick what you decide to do.
Brit, if it is that close I am probably going hands on vs trying to draw at bad breath distance. Obviously each encounter is different. If I am going to draw I am gonna bust off the X while perforating said bad guy (at least that is my training and mindset).

As a Bouncer for 5 years in Liverpool UK, was in lots of fights, lots. Best way to win, start first.

Person you can reach with your hands, just a single step away, I own him.

But if you had to resort to bullets? You had better have drawn and fired from concealment, the same holster, same pistol, a whole bunch.

Hit with one hand, or both, close up, under 10m, hitting body mass, whilst moving, not impossible.

But you had still have had to ask yourself that question? Could I shoot someone, multiple times? Oh yes, I did not travel this earth for 77 years to have some low life end said life, not without a fight.
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