Difference between a handgun and pistol?

I also agree with 44 AMP. A "revolver" is a revolving pistol. A semi-automatic is either a "semi-automatic pistol" or (as in earlier parlance) an "auto-loading pistol."
I don't know about New York but cap and balls come into California in essence as not being firearms. As they don't fire fixed cartridges. (If not converted.)
I guess New York is different and a few other states are different.
So here anybody can own cap and ball, long or short.
I notice op posted once and never returned.
I notice op posted once and never returned.

That may be because everyone forgot or didn't notice that the OP was talking about pistol vs. handgun in a very specific excerpt of NY laws lol. Interesting reading non the less.

But if the OP is still wondering from what is says in his/her post it would seem you do not need a license for a handgun made before 1898 that does not use rim fire or center fire cartridges as long as you do not have the ability to load it. Once you have the supplies/equipment to load such a handgun the owner is required to have a license.

I like the debate about the etymology of the terms we use.
ALL revolvers are pistols, and always have been. I don't know when the idea took hold that revolvers are not pistols (because they have chambers separate from the barrel), but it apparently has. And those who take their understanding of terms only from modern (and online) dictionaries are often not getting full, or fully accurate information, particularly when referring to terms used in a technical field. They define terms as found in common usage, and common usage is not always (and now days seems to be seldom) technically correct. (look at the various definitions of assault weapon, for a good example of this, a term created only 20 years ago, and misapplied, even by its creators, from day one!)

Agree with that. Yes.
All revolvers are pistols; not all pistols are revolvers.
NYC - a weirdness of its own.
I own two single shot pistols.....on my permit they are both listed as Semi-autos.
They only have two classes of handguns...revolvers and semiautos.
ps - I have almost given up on the other confusion - people using "caliber" when they really mean "cartridge".
One final poke...

A look here will show you the S&W website. Note that under the heading of Handguns on the left that "Pistols" and "Revolvers" are listed separately.


Send angry letters to S&W expressing your outrage! Address them to the "Grumpy Old Man Rants Department"! Alternately the "Department of Back In My Day Complaints" may accept the letter. They will also accept collect calls from a pay phone. No email, texts or tweets. No sexting please.
