Did anyone see the lady?


New member
Any word yet on the lady that was being escorted out be security during Gov. Palin's speach?

She didn't appear to be sick, drunk, maybe?
I saw her being dragged up the steps, and assumed she was a protester who somehow got in. I didn't see what she did to attract the attention of security.
Yeah I thought that was funny getting dragged up the stairs giving a peace sign. Wonder what she did?....wish they would have showed that.
Guess it's back to the streets where she can join her comrades in breaking windows and jumping on police cars, all while dressed in costume of course.

Isn't it amazing how all those people somehow magically managed to get the day off from work? :)
We're supposed to have a free country, so let them protest in peace instead of hassling them. If they get disruptive or out of line, then escort them out, preferrably without beating them, tazering them or otherwise assaulting them.
Sure they can protest all they want outside in the public venue, but inside the convention is no different than someone trying to crash your wedding reception.
Job? What's that?

I saw. The occasion will make headline news tomorrow, just as it was intended to do. Think GreenPeace.
If they get disruptive or out of line, then escort them out, preferrably without beating them, tazering them or otherwise assaulting them.

When the morons throw urine and feces on people, they should be tasered, or worse!
I watched a report on 71-year-old woman and her son from the Connecticut delegation who had been attacked and had bleach thrown on them while trying to enter the Xcel Energy Center in St. Paul.

The woman said she was really taken aback when one of the protesters yelled at her "why are you (Republicans) all so OLD??".

The CT delegate said she did not know how to respond, but she was amazed at the hate in that young woman's eyes.

A spinning ninja-kick to the solar plexus would have been the best response, but I think a great response would have been "Because our young Republicans are working, paying taxes and fighting for your right to free speech right now." ;)
You folks are forgetting something, THIS is the their job, Most of these people who are showing up are professional protesters. They show up for all these events funded by people like George Soro's and other PAC's. They work during the weeks passing flyers, phone calling etc, and then when events need protesters, they load up the buses and send them off.

Of all the people arrested in MSP this week around the convention, very few are local's, Many have prepaid legal and bonding cards ready to go when picked up.
Did anyone see the lady?


Any word yet on the lady that was being escorted out be security during Gov. Palin's speach?

I did hear some yelling right before she was escorted out of the fine speech.
We're supposed to have a free country, so let them protest in peace instead of hassling them. If they get disruptive or out of line, then escort them out, preferrably without beating them, tazering them or otherwise assaulting them.
AH the good old days...
Peaceful protest not breaking out stoor windows and looting. Throwing bricks through city police cars windshields. Starting fires in trashcans and then running a block and busting out shop windows and stealing.
I say bring back NONVIOLENT protest and I encourage all hippies to take a stand and follow suit.
then escort them out, preferrably without beating them, tazering them or otherwise assaulting them.

Fact of the matter is that most of these protesters tend to get very upset and jumpy when you start taking out the more dramatic members of their group who aren't happy simply standing and waving a sign. Do we remember the "Don't taze me, bro!" guy who disrupted a John Kerry speech and refused to comply with the officers removing him? After he refused to walk out with them they attempted to cuff and arrest him, to which he began resisting.

The First Amendment affords us "...the right of the people peaceably to assemble..." And the majority of the board members here can agree that a person's right to whatever ends when it infringes on my right to whatever. When people get out of line and become a general disruption to a sanctioned event (yes, even a politically rally hosted by dem's or repub's since they're paying to use a building) then those people need to be removed.

If lady here was being disruptive or the party leaders simply wanted her out for whatever reason, don't they have the right to have her removed? It's their party....
Got this from CNN, it was the last paragraph in the article.

Police said two protesters were removed during Palin's speech. They said they were members of the anti-war group Code Pink. A representative for the Joint Information Center said the two women were escorted by law enforcement officers from the Xcel Center for heckling.

They stood and yelled off to the side of the podium during Palin's speech. They were not charged and have been "sent on their way," this representative said.

Code Pink confirmed it on thier website. They were not arrested, and told they could return to the floor after the Palin speech was over.

The woman said she was really taken aback when one of the protesters yelled at her "why are you (Republicans) all so OLD??".

Because that is what happens when young Democrats with any raw intelligence mature.