Dick's no longer selling "assult rifles" and all firearms under age 21.

Stopped shopping at Dick's when they would not sell me .45 auto ammo after the clerk heard me telling other customers that I was going to use the case lot for 1911 in IPSC match-- ok for rifle use.
No one will ever win suing a store for not selling a gun to an 18yo.

Can’t compare to the bakery, as it is not the same.
mcb66 said:
Didn't we just go through two years of news story's about how a retailer can't legally refuse a purchase due to religious or moral issues?

No one will ever win suing a store for not selling a gun to an 18yo.

Can’t compare to the bakery, as it is not the same.

That's right. An individually owned bakery has a much better argument for not providing personal service as protected by RFRA that a publicly owned chain store does for arbitrarily refusing to sell a commodity.
As long as they're refusing to sell to everyone under 21, they should have no problem. What's problematic is the refusal of service to members of a protected class: the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination by privately owned places of public accommodation (which includes stores) on the basis of race, color, religion or national origin. In many states, these protections extend to gender and/or sexual orientation.

Dick's could, if they chose, refuse to sell to anyone wearing camo -- and that would be perfectly legal, as long as they apply it to everyone. :eek:
A lot of people are upset about it but I really don't care. Dicks firearms are way over priced unless you want one of the shotguns or .22s that they get hefty discounts on.

If you don't like it(I don't), then take your business elsewhere(I will).
You can add Walmart to the list that won’t sell to persons under 21.

I think it’s time to stop shipping 18 year olds off to war as well.

Well I’m late on this one.
FedX is NOT joining the anti NRA movement . It's nice to see someone refusing to join the panderers !!
I've never seen an AR or a magazine that held more than 5 rounds at Dick's before, so this is news to me that they sold them.

The gun section at Dick's has always been there to try and sucker some golfing guy who has a country club membership into buying an over/under for skeet and trap.

Ammo sales at Dick's can be good at times, I grabbed a brick of .22 on Black Friday last year for $25, but that's the only thing at Dick's that's worth anything. Beyond that, Dick's has nothing I'm interested in and now I have less reason to give them money.
They did have some good 9mm sales. However, I hardily ever went there. Got a flyer in the paper and that's how I saw the sales. They were not a destination point for me.

Too much yuppie crap - Golf and workout clothes (which I wouldn't look good in).
So whats the difference in refusing to hire someone old? Case law has many suits on this. Age discrimination is just that. If they refuse to sell to anyone under 21, when the State law is 18, then they should not sell to anyone as a whole, but not singling out a specific age group. just my .02
There should also be NO military service required until the age of 21. Also NO voting until age 21. If young people aren't mature enough to buy a gun or have a drink until they're 21, they sure aren't mature enough to serve our country or vote until they reach that magical age of maturity.
I thought Dick's had stopped selling "assault weapons" after Newtown...?

According to one of the articles I read recently, Dick's stopped selling ARs (assault weapons) after Newtown, at their main retail stores.

Then later ("quietly") brought them back to cash in on increased gun sales during the Obama buying panic increase in gun sales.

As to the 18 year olds limits, and responsibilities you need to look at the history. The 1968 Gun Control Act set the minimum legal age for buying long guns at 18, from FFL dealers. The state passed their own laws, generally using the Federal age standards.

18year olds got the right to vote in 1971. The push for lowering the voting age to 18 was Vietnam (soldiers being sent to war they couldn't vote about), and one political party adopted it as a cause, believing that the 18-20 year olds would vote for their candidates, they got a law passed, but it was struck down as unconstitutional (badly written law) but a Constitutional amendment to replace the struck down law was ratified in 1971.

Many states lowered their legal drinking age to 18 as well, some in a strange fashion (beer legal at 18, hard liquor not legal until 21..) and most, if not all of those states raised their legal drinking age back to 21 after a some years.

It was a political ploy one party hoped would benefit them, but which, ironically did not, at least in the next election cycle.

I don't know if Dick's store policy changes reaches the legal standard of age discrimination, I suspect some folks with legal background will be looking into that. I realize its not the same as a baker refusing service on religious ground, but it seems there is, on the surface, a similar principle involved. Time will tell on that matter...
I was at another store close to Dick's on Sunday so went in to see if they had AR magazines. It had been many years since the last time I'd been in there. The last time I remembered the firearms/hunting section seemed fairly large. This time it was down to one small corner.

The counterman told me they only carried 30 round Pmags so I guess that's over. I did check the rifle racks and didn't see any AR style rifles.
I don't know if Dick's store policy changes reaches the legal standard of age discrimination, I suspect some folks with legal background will be looking into that. I realize its not the same as a baker refusing service on religious ground, but it seems there is, on the surface, a similar principle involved. Time will tell on that matter...

I think Dick's is just trying to ride the wave of political correctness. Once the fallout dies down from a shooting or whatever, they can always add AR-15s, "high capacity" magazines, etc. again with little downside. I don't know how solid a case of discrimination it is but short of something like a confession, I wouldn't waste my time and money in the courts for gun rights.
No one is going to challenge this. Remember, we are the bad guys here. We are the ones on the side of evil. We stand in the way of progressive values. We are on the wrong side of history. WE are the only ones that care about this. The bakery is also on the wrong side. There are also many stories of the bakery owners not being so innocent.