Dick's no longer selling "assult rifles" and all firearms under age 21.

Several of the larger big box stores have caved on guns before, then resumed selling them when gun sales began to rise sharply. It's all about appearances and profit. Whatever balance between the two a company's leadership thinks makes sense at the time guides their policies.

Fortunately retail competition abounds and we aren't forced to rely on only a few places to purchase our shooting products.
Didn't they pull this pusillanimous nonsense after Newtown as well?

I don't think it helps as much as they think it will. People Like Us (PLUs) will remember that they are a craven chain store, but I doubt that when it comes time to buy a canoe or a pair of yoga pants that someone will say "I'll be sure to buy from Dick's because of how they stopped selling a rifle I don't understand after a shooting".

The same applies to cutting commercial ties with the NRA. PLUs will remember the slight long after the luster of feigned virtue has gone dull.
That news release wasn't meant for gun owners. We rarely visit the place anyway except for maybe some sportswear.

Considering what a small percentage gun sales contributes to their bottom line, they can pander to the media, get free advertising and give up virtually nothing.
My concern is that we create an "industry standard" around the term "assault rifle". Granted the standard being created here seems just bizarre to me - the AR15 but not AK47 variants?
There was one time assault rifles meant select-fire rifles that used an intermediate cartridge.
The AWB defined what an Assault Weapon was. Many will not admit the fact that the term Assault Weapon is a legal Definition. Yes our beloved AR15 is indeed legally considered to be an Assault Weapon.

This go around I’m seeing the terms intermixing together in the news articles; sometimes in the same sentence. It’s going to be all semi autos now. Semi automatic rifles are the “military style” rifles that they are talking about.
Yep - I saw one reference to the "assault weapon ban of 2018" that references any semi-auto rifle or pistol with a detachable clip. So like 99% of semi-auto handguns. I'm sure there is a counter-example out there on handguns but I don't know it.
People actually shop at DICKs...? Really? That's pretty funny. I made the mistake of going in DICKs once. They were 50% higher in price than my LGS. WHY would I give DICKs my money, so they can continue catering to the LEFT? I couldn't care less if DICKs quit selling guns completely. I wont ever buy one from them, and if I would ever need a brightly colored gym bag made in China, I'll just get it online. DICKs has been dead for many years as far as I'm concerned.
Yeah, Dick's made a big deal about not selling 'assault weapons' after Sandy Hook. But according to this story after a few months they resumed sales in their 'Field and Stream' stores.


Don't go to the above story unless you want your blood pressure raised...they have a 'graphic' showing how mass shooters 'Attack With the Rifle Firepower Typically Used by Infantry Troops.' Sheesh.

Not selling guns to under 21 year olds who can legally buy guns? Well good thing for Dick's it's about GUNS and not refusing to sell something like a CAKE.
I've been to Dick's on black friday before to buy ammo. I guess that's over.

Unless they were selling it at a loss, if that's the case, then I'll be buying twice as much on black friday.
I called Dick(head) Sporting Goods after their decision to stop carrying AR 15's in 2014. I haven't been in their store since. The current announcement is a bit of virtue signaling only.
Considering what a small percentage gun sales contributes to their bottom line, they can pander to the media, get free advertising and give up virtually nothing.

^^^This. I haven't gone to Dicks for any kind of firearm/hunting/fishing purchase in a long time, nor do I know anyone who does. Occasionally I buy my kids soccer cleats or basketball shoes there, or have in the past. I would peruse their outdoors section (they call it the lodge, I believe), and remember why I go elsewhere. I almost never see anyone in the outdoors section... they just don't cater to it. Dicks could probably give up "The Lodge" and focus more on Golf, gym equipment, and other stuff and not lose any money.
Didn't we just go through two years of news story's about how a retailer can't legally refuse a purchase due to religious or moral issues?
I understand (but don't agree with) their decision not to stock and sell AR15s. That's their prerogative.

However, if they stock and sell other long guns, I don't see how an attempt to not sell those guns to persons under 21 could stand legal scrutiny. That could easily be considered discriminatory...akin to the baker (who sells wedding cakes) refusing to sell a wedding cake to a gay couple. If you stock and sell a legal product and an 18 year old has the right (by federal law and most states' law) to purchase it, you should be required to sell it to them.