Dick's destroying lots of rifles

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44 AMP said:
ASSAULT WEAPON is a term defined in the Federal 1994 law (which sunset in 2004). It does not cover machine guns, it only covers certain semiautomatic firearms, rifle, pistol and shotgun.

I believe the choice of "Assault Weapon" as a term can only have been deliberately done to enhance confusion.

People have a very strong tendency to reduce complex concepts down to simple sounding terms, but doing so often changes important meanings.
I agree. There's no way such a confusing term was chosen at random, by accident. And, of course, not a single anti-gun politician or activist has ever acknowledged that their "assault weapon" is NOT the same as an assault rifle.
School children are dead, county workers in California are dead, concert and nightclub goers are dead... all have the AR15 in common.

The list of things all the shootings have in common is HUGE. As in nearly every thing on earth huge. If you want to go to the extreme, they all happened on Earth!!! so, we need to ban Earth!! (or, at least, leave.. right??)

From 1986 through the 90s, the "weapon of choice" of the wackjob killers was an AK-47 style semiauto. Today, its an AR.

On a particular day in September, a couple THOUSAND people were killed, without a single gun of any kind being used. NO AR, no AK. no ASSAULT WEAPON, no gun of any kind. Just the itty bitty blades of utility knives (aka box cutters) available in every store in America that has a hardware section. No age limit, no background check, no capacity limit LAW on how many blades you can store in the handle, no permit required, just a simple everyday tool used daily by millions of people lawfully.

Forgive the fantasy reference, but those who blame the tool don't understand the "Riddle of Steel", and the press, if not the direct cause, is the major contributing factor.

The sword is nothing without a hand to wield it.
On 9/11 American citizens were shocked into giving up freedoms and privacy on an unprecedented level.
The public has been shocked again.
Pro gun people are kinda business as usual, arguing about wording and clip sizes and comparisons to other methods of being killed.
The public has now seen through the argument that the AR15 and other “Assault Weapons” are just as benign as grampa’s hunting rifle. The public and a few corporations are calling BS.
Anyone that doesn’t want gun rights to be diminished had better not skip out on voting for a few years.
Trying to ban "assault" rifles is like trying to ban Hoodies (hooded sweat shirts) because criminals might wear them.

I think the logic is undeniable.

Nobody NEEDS a hoodie.

Welcome to the Forum, I liked your post.
As much as it pains me to admit it, the ship has sailed on the term "assault weapon." Even Merriam-Webster has changed its definition. What's even worse is that MW's examples of "assault weapon" in use are quotes in support of banning them.
M-W has even changed the definition of "assault rifle": "any of various intermediate-range, magazine-fed military rifles (such as the AK-47) that can be set for automatic or semiautomatic fire; also : a rifle that resembles a military assault rifle but is designed to allow only semiautomatic fire"
Bluewizard (a person from Minnesota) lists some interesting statistics and then posts:
Most data comes from FBI-2106 reports that are readily available to the public.

I wish your statistics got a better play.

Contrast that to what my Minnesota newspaper, the St. Paul Pioneer Press printed in the 'letters to the editor' section.

Criminal background checks save lives. The 19 states that require them for all handgun sales have seen: 46 percent fewer women shot to death by intimate partners, 48 percent fewer in law enforcement shot to death with handguns, 48 percent fewer people killed by firearms suicide, 48 percent less gun trafficking and 52 percent fewer mass shootings.

And this is printed with no references even though some comments to the letter requested them.

It's a very uneven playing field out there.

P.S. I appreciate the information on "assault rifle". I appreciate the truth being out there even if a large number of folk don't acknowledge it.
Well, there’s Assault weapons bans on the books around the country and more in the works as we speak. A national ban probably won’t happen
rpseraph - "Dale, you made my day. Walmart, at least in MN, is terrible...."

Same in southern MN, go to Walmart and it is Crickets and Tumbleweed in the Gun Department, though our Warmart doesn't have actual Guns. The 'associates' do have internal phones (walkie-talkies... whatever), but it usually takes me three 'associates' before I get one who will directly call the guy with the Keys. Better to just go to Runnings, Fleet, or Dunham Sports. Price is pretty close to the same. Fleet had CCI Standard in 100 round plastic packs, which are hard to find.

But ...yeah... crickets and tumble weed at Walmart.

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rickyrick - - "They don’t care if your feelings are hurt by the term Assault Weapon; School children are dead, county workers in California are dead, concert and nightclub goers are dead... all have the AR15 in common."

Total Rifle Homicides in 2016 were 374 (FBI), not all of which were 'assault' rifles.

Here is how people actually die.

* as many as 200,000 Dead from Medical Malpractice
* 88,000 Dead from Alcohol Poisoning
* 56,000 Dead from Opiates
* 5,600 Dead from Suicide - age 15 to 24
* 4,000 Young People Dead Texting While Driving
* 4,000 Drown

You are TEN TIMES more likely to be killed by your Smart Phone that murdered by a Rifle.

You are MORE LIKELY to be Struck By Lightening than to be murdered by a Rifle.

Funny how those were are for Gun Control have lots of hysteria, hand-wringing, and fear-mongering to back up their position, but I've yet to see any of them present any real credible data, and the reason is, the actual FACTS do not support their position.

Still a worn out argument. The people that want the semi auto rifles and the potential deaths that each one rifle can cause.

They don’t care about the other numbers and and they consider comparisons to other methods of being killed as a weak argument. Most of the ones listed above already have restrictions, because they are dangerous. Guns don’t get heavily regulated like most of those other ways to die.
They don’t care about numbers at all except for these 30 and 10.

Attempts to sugar coat or out-logic gun control advocates have already failed.

My opinion is this: “hell yes my firearm is dangerous and that’s why it’s my right to own it!”

The most effective way to sway someone to look at gun rights more positively is to explain why we have that right.
The way to have your argument shot down quickly, just try to deflect by spewing unrelated stats to them; that will end any chance you had at influencing them.

Since the chances of getting injured by a rifle are so astronomically low... why do we need semi-auto rifles at all? Maybe all we need is single shot rifles. Since death by crime wasn’t even in the list, why do we need any gun for that matter?
Still a worn out argument. The people that want the semi auto rifles and the potential deaths that each one rifle can cause.

They don’t care about the other numbers and and they consider comparisons to other methods of being killed as a weak argument. Most of the ones listed above already have restrictions, because they are dangerous. Guns don’t get heavily regulated like most of those other ways to die.
They don’t care about numbers at all except for these 30 and 10.

Attempts to sugar coat or out-logic gun control advocates have already failed.

My opinion is this: “hell yes my firearm is dangerous and that’s why it’s my right to own it!”

The most effective way to sway someone to look at gun rights more positively is to explain why we have that right.
The way to have your argument shot down quickly, just try to deflect by spewing unrelated stats to them; that will end any chance you had at influencing them.

Since the chances of getting injured by a rifle are so astronomically low... why do we need semi-auto rifles at all? Maybe all we need is single shot rifles. Since death by crime wasn’t even in the list, why do we need any gun for that matter?

I happen to agree with this. I don't think we do ourselves justice by correcting the assault rifle term. We can agree here on the technical definition, but that does nothing to change the minds of likely more than 100 million Americans who are naive to the technical aspects of firearms other than what they learn from CNN and company. Like it or not, that is our reality. English language changes... Definitions change. Look at all of the words and terms that have been added to our language and defined since the dawn of the internet.

But that's not to say we're defeated, just that the term has been defined for us whether we like it or not. I'm with rickyrick. Let's just own it and explain why it doesn't really matter.
I’ve spent enough time talking to antis, I don’t agree with them, mostly, but I have a good understanding of why they think the way that they do.
There were 374 Rifle Homicides nationally, but there were 4000 Texting While Driving Deaths. That means you are MORE THAN 10 TIMES MORE LIKELY to be killed by your Smart Phone than by a Rifle. Where is the call for age restrictions on Smart Phones, where is the call to ban "Assault" Phones?
I see where you're going with that...but..Several laws have gone on the books that make it illegal to text while driving.

Also - several states/ towns/cities/'burgs in the country have made it illegal for any driver under 18 to use a phone while driving.

I'm also in the camp of - let's forget trying to fight the "firestorm of the term assault rifle". We should concentrate our efforts on terms we still have a chance of erasing from pubic use - such as "gun violence'.

As far as "assault -weapon/gun/rifle" is concerned - bunk to the WebsterClaim that the term originated in 1966!

Right here in page 20
Of the May 1960 edition of Popular Mechanics - they refer to an "assault gun".

Honestly? Who really knows how the term grew in our culture. It could have just as well been a marketing thing on "our side" to promote a certain style of semi auto rifle to the SOF crowd way back when.

Either way - "their" side or "ours" - this fight was decided a long time ago.
I have to agree that making excuses or trying to portray guns as less dangerous as other things kill you will have little effect on the debate if you know something about concept formation and how people form attitudes.

Said this many times before, so I'm not going write another dissertation on these factors. Some folks can't get their heads of the choir arguments to see how they play to neutral or anti gun folks.

You are better off trying to come up with a defense of why such guns are integral to the RKBA rather than trying to say they are not so bad and excuse them. It's a worthless task to excuse them.
with a defense of why such guns are integral to the RKBA

Sadly, I don't see the respect for the words 'freedom' and 'liberty' and 'patriotism' in the middle-age to younger crowd much anymore. I believe they think it's 'cool' to be cynical and that the previous words are just a 'dog whistle' to the alt-right. They seem not to understand that we want freedom and liberty for everyone.

I meant to add that this does NOT mean we should not keep trying. We definitely SHOULD keep on trying and I include ALL the arguments listed in the previous posts.
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These companies that manufacture, and the stores that sell assault rifles are running scared. After Sandyhook the companies that make and the stores that sell the courts and lawyers will have a field day law suit wise they will be held accountable if there guns are used in a senseless killing. The parents of the kids went to Washington DC to complain to Obama. I’m thinking this will be on Biden’s desk in the near future probably a buy back program yes the worst is yet to come for us. Buy your pvc pipe now before the rush to bury them.
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