Dick's Announces How it Disposed of it's Bad Guns


New member
The CEO of Dick's Sporting Goods said the company destroyed more than $5 million worth of assault-style rifles following its decision to stop selling the weapons amid pressure on retailers from gun control groups.


I'm only partly confused. I mean sure, good on them for throwing away millions of dollars on principal. But...

"We found out that we sold this kid a shotgun," Stack said. "That's when I said, 'We're done.'"

I mean ok, if they are going to blame the gun then why not destroy all their guns, especially the shotguns since they were the most offensive?
I think they should buy a lot more and destroy them too. It's great support for the gun industry.

Think about what a windfall that would be. They give money to the gun manufacturers, but then they destroy the products which means that overall supply is not increased. Win-win from the gun industry's standpoint.
I would not want to be a stock holder in this company. And, I have to agree with first post: on principle, Dicks should get out of the guns & ammo business. Realistically it is a waste of floor space.

It seems to me companies that do the best are led by users of the products and services. Harley Davidson comes to mind. And Ruger for many years. There is no guarantee of success, but; at least the compass will point north.
I'm a little surprised the stockholders haven't sued. Admittedly, I haven't been watching for it, but I haven't heard that they sued.
Being from the region where Dick's started (PA), I always found it strange for anyone to shop for firearms at Dick's, when we had so many firearm specific stores, typically at far better prices with an infinitely better selection. Their Field and Stream stores were no different.

To me, this was an opportunistic business decision, permitting Dick's to concentrate more on their generalized sporting goods business (tennis, soccer, golf, baseball, football, sports clothes & shoes).
Funny how these companies and people that sell completely unnecessary products and services are the same people that try to teach us morals.

You know:
Entertainment and celebrities
Sports, sports figures and sporting goods. Coffee companies, gym shoes and so on.
All unnecessary for existence and survival of humans. Entertainment and sports, as well as humans endeavoring to enjoy these luxury activities are draining much needed resources, but yet they are being virtuous and pointing out their virtuosity at us.
I think you fellows are looking at this from the wrong perspective. Dick's gets out of a saturated (ie, not meeting profit objectives) market and gains a lot of mostly positive press for the cost of writing off some inventory. They wouldn't get any virtue signaling points if they had put them on sale. And I bet $5M would be retail. Their cost was probably more like $3M. That's pretty cheap advertising.

And just one less competitor for your LGS.

SHOW ME THE PICTURES of the guns, cut up, crushed, welded together, what ever, show me the pictures, and some PROOF that they came from Dicks.
THEN, MAYBE, I'll believe its not bullsnorting.

Lets be generous and say Dick's valued each gun at $2000. (which I doubt) 5 MILLION $ of $2000 "assault rifles" is 2,500 guns.

2,500 destroyed guns is quite a pile. Where's the pics? If you are so proud of doing it, of showing us your moral superiority by doing it WHERE ARE THE FREAKING PICTURES???

OR ANY documentation beyond a CEO sound byte claim???

How about the paper trail proving the guns came from your stores, were reduced to scrap, and who bought the scrap? Or did Dick's just dump the scrap in the ocean?? (further polluting it?:eek:) Or was the scrap carried to the sky by a magic beanstalk?

It actually bothers me more that Dick's won't sell a shotgun to an 18 year old. When I was 18, I was in uniform, serving my country.

At 18, the US govt will put a real machinegun (not an "assault style rifle, a real machine gun) in your hands, to defend your right to be Dick's.....

I don't hear Dick's CEO saying we should stop doing that....
They probably claimed $15-20M for tax purposes.
I am done with Dick's. Here in Central NJ several gun shops/ranges have opened, they will get my business.
I think the CEO owns a majority of the shares,

He owns 20%. His dad started the company and he (Edward Stack) bought it from him.

The current CEO is worth over a billion dollars and it's hard telling what he's going to do with the publicity/virtue signaling/opportunities he's gained by melting a few rifles.

My guess? He's going to make a run at politics, seeing as how he grew up in New York.

Melting Evil Black Rifles will translate into tremendous political capital. IMO.
I don't see them throwing their cars away that kill more people than guns. They should tape off their parking lots rather than encourage people to go to their stores with automobiles that kill so many people.

Dick's Sporting Goods store has always been the worst sporting goods store in my opinion. I could never get myself to buy anything there cause of how cheap you can get everything anywhere else.

This is what happens when the Low IQ get together and take a stand. But thanks to Dick's, we're supposed to believe they made a difference concerning gun violence.
Another very good reason not to buy anything, or shop, there. They didn't have a great selection of firearms to sell and the prices were not all that great.
Instead of cars, how about something really dangerous and pointless like Cheerleading? About 500K people participate in cheerleading every year. About 8-10% will visit the ER every year and on average ten will die. This gives a death rate of about .002% for the population participating in cheerleading.

Those killed with an "Assault rifle" the rate was about .00024% if you just include the gun owning population. So they are about hundred times safer.

Dicks needs to grow a conscience and quit providing these tools of death to our young women and men.

Get woke - No more pom-poms and bull horns.
falling stock

While in the gym the other day, I caught bits and pieces of one of the investment shows mentioning something to the effect that DICK's stock value was dropping. No details, not sure what really was being discussed.