Dick Morris Dem Ticket Prediction: Obama/Richardson...

The issue is Dick has made a lot of predictions. Many were wrong and some were right or partially right. Neither of which makes his guesses anything more than his guess. Why should anyone give this guess any greater level of truth than his opinions on outcomes or candidates that were completly wrong. The guy is a political hack and survives on being a hack;that does not make him infallible in his guesses.
For every one of Morris's guesses there are another dozen experts predicting something else.

Fair enough, toybox. I can see your point. But, he does have internal knowledge of how politics works compared to the average citizen. I'm not saying he's a genious or anything. However, I do think he's an intelligent guy.
Obama/ Clark.
Clark gives him foreign policy cred, moderate appeal, and all the Hillary states without the Hillary baggage.

Of course.. Obama could run with a sock puppet and still destroy McCain.
I concur

Tuttle8 Morris is a definate insider. But sometime his predictions seem more political ( as in my candidate is going t d this and that) than you might get from a person who is not an insider on one team or another.
Sure, Obama is currently the darling of the national media. I don't believe he can stand the scrutiny that this campaign will demand.

The only reason Obama has been able to step in and fill the void that Klinton's candidacy generated is because the DemocRATic party is so devoid of substance and rational thought it permitted a reprobate like Hillary Klinton to ascend as far as she did. Given ANY candidate of substance, Obama would today STILL be a nobody.

I agree, the democrats are devoid of substance. But the republicans are devoid of passion. I prefer substance over style, but that isn't how elections are won. There is doubt whether Lincoln could win a presidential election in this day and age. I have serious doubts that McCain can win.
More interesting possible picks that have been mentioned for Obama are Kathleen Sebelius or Janet Napolitano. They've both got the chops (plus Napolitano is funny as hell, which is always a good thing).

Has a way of getting everything wrong, I like the guy but all his predictions fail to come true.

If Richardson is BHO VP it would be a good thing