Dick Morris Dem Ticket Prediction: Obama/Richardson...

So, what's your take on this possible scenario? Would this help garner a broader support due to Richardson's loyalty to the Hispanic communities? (I mean this statement in no way to be derogatory)

Dick Morris has been a close advisor to the Clinton Administration during his presidency. Some folks have clamoured that Hillary might be chosen to sit in the VP slot. Mr. Morris thinks not. Waaayy to much baggage.

I myself have been intrigued by this scenario due to some members here claim to be an Obama supporter. With Richardson being a proclaimed 2A supporter, does this rethink anyone's decision to vote for Obama?

I'm asking of anyone's opinion whether you're a diehard Dem, Repub, or Ind thinker.

What say you?
Morris was once very close to the Clintons - one of the closest advisors. He's now one of their biggest detractors (he can't stand them is the easiest way to put it).He seems pretty savy when it comes to politics and could very well be right on this one.
I'm anything but an Obama fan, but such move could definitely help him with his lack of experience factor as well as the Hispanic vote.
I think he's right.

Demographics: He's a Latino with about as white a name as you could come up with. Brings in the Latino voters that Obama had trouble with in the primaries, and nobody who lives out West can doubt that there's been some Latino / Black tensions, but it's not an in-your-face "racial pick". Yeah, it'll send the racists screaming around the bend, but a) they weren't going to vote for him anyway, and b) nobody should give any consideration to their opinions at all, ever.

Geographics: The Northeast / West Coast strategy hasn't worked, and it isn't going to start working now. The Dems need some new territory, and the West is the best chance they've got. The South is still red, and will stay that way, although VA is probably purple, and large black turnout might throw some projections out the window. Still, their best bet is in the West, and Schweitzer's committed to running for re-election. Richardson's termed out, and passed up a run for the Senate, which he would have won.

Foreign Policy: Dude's got chops, no doubt, and his experience has all been in the context of executing policy, rather than making it, which leads to:

Not a Center Stage Guy: The last thing a Presidential candidate wants is a VP that'll upstage him. Not an issue here.

Good pick. I think it'll happen.

Gee was Dick Morris the same guy who predicted

the presidential race would be Condi v Hillary. :eek:

Seems that he missed that one bye a mile. So why is his current prediction any more insightful? :barf:
If I was an Obama supporter, this would be an ideal duo. There seems to be a growing number of Americans that are really starting to lean to the center of most issues whether social, fiscal, govt. size, etc.

It personally scares me because I think it might pull quite a few gunowners to vote Obama. But, since I'm not happy with the GOP right now, I'm looking forward to the congressional election in a couple of years...
Seems that he missed that one bye a mile. So why is his current prediction any more insightful?

You're kidding, right? He did predict Hillary running and in case you haven't been keeping up, she nipped at Obama's heels to the last minute.

You're judging your opinion on ONE prediction? Gotta love Monday morning quarterbacks....
Obama's got to pick a woman. Maybe McCain does, too. Richardson's such a lightweight! I don't think he brings anything much to the Democratic ticket.
Who ever gets picked they will be a toadie. Pro 2nd won't matter.

Well, it will if he croaks, which while unlikely, isn't impossible. That's why we've got VPs, after all: As stand in Presidents in case something happens to the main one.

It would be a smart pick. Wouldn't make me even think about voting for him, though. If they'd run the ticket the other way around, OTOH...
The "out-of-the-blue", most brilliant choice, of course, would be Caroline Kennedy whateverhernameisnow. No Republican would dare attack her; universal name recognition; guaranteed to immediately transfer all the Hillary voters to the Obama camp. No experience? So what! Obama has no experience, either, nor did Bill Klinton, Harry Truman, etc., etc.

She'd never agree, due to her family's tragedies over the years, but she'd be a heck of a V.P. candidiate, from a "what can she/he bring to the ticket" perspective. ;)
No experience? So what! Obama has no experience, either, nor did Bill Klinton, Harry Truman, etc., etc.

Bill Klinton was a two term Governor. Harry Truman had ten years in the senate, the was VP. Obama has had two years in the senate and before that was basically a community activist giving out gov't cheese to poor people.
Richardson is someone I could have seriously considered voting for even though he was a Klintoon toady, but I wouldn't vote for the evil reincarnation of Karl Marx even if I knew he'd be struck by lightning within 6 months of being elected making Richardson POTUS.
Predictions are worth spit and designed to get the doofus on TV.

Remember when it was going to be Hillary vs. Rudy.

I went to a talk by Bob Woodward of Watergate fame about a year ago. He told the crowd that Cheney would be the GOP candidate.

I'm hoping for Rendell since he was mentioned. I want to see if you all, and you know who you are, will continue to defend the most anti-gun ticket ever to come down the pike. Hopefully, they'll be rebuffed and end both their political careers. If they're elected then we know where we stand.
Being a two-term governor of Arkansas doesn't begin to qualify as experience relevant to the Presidency. Truman was an ignorant, uneducated shill for the Pendergast political machine, one of the most corrupt organizations in American history.
half right makes him infallible! RIGHT!

"You're kidding, right? He did predict Hillary running and in case you haven't been keeping up, she nipped at Obama's heels to the last minute.

You're judging your opinion on ONE prediction? Gotta love Monday morning quarterbacks...." Tuttle8

The issue is Dick has made a lot of predictions. Many were wrong and some were right or partially right. Neither of which makes his guesses anything more than his guess. Why should anyone give this guess any greater level of truth than his opinions on outcomes or candidates that were completly wrong. The guy is a political hack and survives on being a hack;that does not make him infallible in his guesses.

For every one of Morris's guesses there are another dozen experts predicting something else.
Jon Stewart replayed Joe Scarbourough on how Hilly would crush Obama.

I wonder if Morris makes his predictions only when he gets his toes sucked? :barf:
pilot said:
... Obama has had two years in the senate and before that was basically a community activist ...
Actually, he spent 8 years in the Illinois State Senate between being a community activist and becoming a United States Senator.
Obama's choice for VP is very important since I think, and I hate to say this, if Obama wins he will have a far greater risk of assassination than most of his predecessors, only 91% of whom have not been assassinated. Choosing Hillary as VP would of course greatly increase that risk. I can see Hillary in tears at the swearing in ceremony after writing the check for Obama's assassination vowing to confiscate all guns in the US so a President can never be shot again. If Obama does get elected I hope he serves out his term in good health. If he gets shot in office we'll be facing some major new gun laws. That's not the only reason I'd want him to live but it's a big one.

Come to think of it McCain's choice will be very important too due to his age and his chances of dying from natural causes during his term.