Diallo Shooting

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Sorry, Rob, I disagree. That was no accident in any normal sense. No one's gun went off accidentally. Those cops let killer training and panic take over and simply kept firing because thinking was not part of their weapons training. It was not premeditated, but those cops were psyched up to kill. One of them saw or thought he saw a weapon, and fired, then the others joined in almost from reflex. The first shooter could have fired once; the others could have chosen not to fire. But their training (see my note about military style training above) along with some panic kept them firing.
I think the Cops were overthere looking for trouble and they found it. It is a known fact that when Cops want to stir some sh*t we all go to the Balck Communtiy. I am just as guilty of it as anyone. Tensions are high and most younger cops are hyped up ready to draw the gun. I am guilty of that too. i think they are tired of Cops uselessly patroling the streets where there is little chance to stop Gangs members drug dealers ect and mess with the semi threats: such as peopel with Guns. It has been my experience that most people in the Black communtiy have guns for protection and not for crimes.. MOST WHITE COPS dont care about that all they want to do is claim they got another GUN off the Street. I am a Cops so trust me, most of the guys on the force are Chicken shi* ex-military kids who just want the Action with out the danger and that is why Every Black man or woman in a low income community thinks we are the biggest pieces of Crap they have every encountered. That is the Facts whether these cops on here want to admit it or not. That is one of those thing s that is just understood in BIG CITY POLICE WORK>>>>>>>
On second thought, this is not worth responding to. My previous comments deleted.
[This message has been edited by Rob (edited March 31, 1999).]
Well thanks for the complement of Youth But I am kind old and some might say a little Crazy. My wife is Black so that is why I sound racist.(HAHA) It is true ROB most white cops are seriously and strongly racist. I hate that you had say that and i am kind of hurt that an administrator would speak to me in that tone. I forgive you. I know that is not what you wanted to here. No hard feelings. Pal. i can only tell you what my experience has been sorry if it is not the facts BTW my son is older thatn 13 HAHA
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