Designated Survivor tv show pushes gun control

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Sub-plot. I liked the show in the beginning but I'm not sure I can keep watching. Not because I disagree with gun control, but because I'd rather watch a 2 hour movie and not a long drawn out series. A series has to grab ahold of me and this one has not so far. I'll give them one more week maybe.
If you think the main networks are not a propaganda arm of the Democratic Party, then you need to look around.

Join democratic groups, go to their rally's and protests, read their books, go to their campaign offices, become Facebook friends with them and join in their discussions.You will see. Don't worry about the constitution, they don't want it.

You can find out easily what is going on, if you cross over. It's easy to do if you have benign social media accounts.

You have to get information from both sides to see what's really happening. I see a lot of assumptions out there, the true intentions are actually much worse than what most people assume.
Wait till next election, if we even get there.
jdc1244 said:
The Supreme Court has consistently held that the Second Amendment is not ‘unlimited’ – that government is at liberty to enact regulatory measures with regard to the sale and possession of firearms.
"Consistently" implies that there has been a series of consistent Supreme Court decisions all holding that the 2A RKBA is not unlimited.

Aside from the fact that I disagree with that position (based on the clear language of the 2A), I recognize that the nine (or eight, until tomorrow) black robes have final say and I don't. But ... other than Justice Scalia's execreble "existing presumptively lawful regulations" clap-trap in Heller, where's the trail of other SCOTUS decisions that have "consistently" held that the RKBA is not unlimited?
"Have you listened to some of the losers coming out of our institutes of higher learning?"

Gunplummer, maybe that's part of the plan. Keep indoctrinating more and more of the populace with free brainwa....erm...I mean free tuition and you get more voters on your side.
Every side has an agenda; the problem lies when only one agenda is allowed.
That's really ok for a private entity. TFL has an agenda, The NRA has an agenda.

The media bias is quite evident, no need to discuss that.

We live in a time where many people cannot fly an American flag in their front yard without getting their homes burnt down, tires flattened or graffiti scrawled on your fence. Those of you that live in red areas may not realize this. At my house I had to stop flying flags, two houses in my neighborhood have burned this year because of the United States flag was flying.
I'm a veteran, my father and uncles were veterans, my grandfathers were veterans and so were their fathers. In my family there are Two Medals of Honor, a Silver Star for valor, Bronze Stars and Purple Hearts... I cannot even celebrate these men's sacrifices without being, vandalized, assaulted or called terrible names... so yeah, there's an agenda, if you don't think there's an agenda in 2017 that's ok too.
Good land rickyrick, where do you live?

And it's fine with me if you don't want to answer, I'm in a Twin Cities suburb where it's fine to fly the flag although MN did go for Hillary Clinton in the last presidential election.
Every side has an agenda; the problem lies when only one agenda is allowed.

That's really ok for a private entity. TFL has an agenda, The NRA has an agenda.

The media bias is quite evident, no need to discuss that.

We live in a time where many people cannot fly an American flag in their front yard without getting their homes burnt down, tires flattened or graffiti scrawled on your fence. Those of you that live in red areas may not realize this. At my house I had to stop flying flags, two houses in my neighborhood have burned this year because of the United States flag was flying.

I'm a veteran, my father and uncles were veterans, my grandfathers were veterans and so were their fathers. In my family there are Two Medals of Honor, a Silver Star for valor, Bronze Stars and Purple Hearts... I cannot even celebrate these men's sacrifices without being, vandalized, assaulted or called terrible names... so yeah, there's an agenda, if you don't think there's an agenda in 2017 that's ok too.

Well you can thank all those here in America who "want to undo" all the hard work those you honor did to get us here.

Call "them" what you want but we know "who" they are and what they would like to turn US into.
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