Designated Survivor tv show pushes gun control

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New member
Anyone watching this show?
We were up until last night.
They were pushing for more gun control, using the same emotional rhetoric as we've been hearing for decades.
Maybe the shows bigwigs think they can salvage an agenda that didn't win the election.
It could be interesting to see what effect it has on their audience.
Never heard of it before. After looking it up and seeing what network broadcasts the show, I'm not surprised that it is anti gun.
I would think only dedicated and knowledgeable gun owners would even care what the show has to say on 2nd related topics. I see a lot of apathy from those not seriously engaged in gun ownership and gun use.
What do you expect from the uninformed left wing extremist media?

On the same note, one of the cable channels ran "Killing America: Guns, Greed & NRA" last night. If you haven't seen or heard of it, it pretends to be a documentary but is too rife with misinformation and twisted statistics to merit anything you'd call fair and balanced. Propaganda at its best.
Kiefer Sutherland is as leftist as his da. He's also the show's producer. That makes him the show's Biggest Wig.
He's another 'actor' who made his name playing with toy guns on TV but thinks you shouldn't be allowed to own 'em.
It is standard network dogma to have gun control messages. Also, use of civilian guns for self-defense are usually portrayed in a negative light.

In a way, it's amusing. I'm a fan of Arrow but skipped its gun control episode.

In Arrow, they had show threads were bad guys would take over the city. They usually were armed with swords and bows. In one episode Arrow implored the citizens to fight and some showed up with clubs.

Why don't these shows take place in something like a Texas city where tens of thousands EBRs would make mince meat of 100 ninja dudes hopping and skipping around. I never understood those shows were a bad villain takes over a city. Maybe a gun unfriendly place in NY, MA, CT, MD, etc.
I actually thought the Arrow episode was fairly well done as far as gun control can go on national television, what with different characters expressing feelings on both sides of the issue and then working with the gun rights lobby in the show toncome to mutually agreeable laws, I think it was preaching more on working together than anything IMO.
That's just the way Hollywood is. It seems there are only a certain scenarios where good guys with guns are allowed to be civilians.

Watch any show where a character saves the day with a gun and see if they don't talk about that person being law enforcement, military, dad was a cop and taught him how to use a gun, etc.

It's also funny to me how many guns happen to be "registered" even in states where that doesn't exist, like Florida. They try to make the delineation between a "registered" gun and a criminal gun not realizing that good guys don't register their guns either.

Just gotta accept it and move on if you enjoy Hollywood productions. Actors and creators from shows including gunfight packed shows like Hell on Wheels and Sons of Anarchy come out against defensive gun ownership. On the plus side, you have guys like Keanu Reeves and Michael Rooker (Merle Dixon on the Walking Dead) who are big into guns themselves to kind of balance out the mix.
Arrow's gun control episode was balanced so well I was amazed. Regular citizens defending their city was a theme of the episode. They had main characters take very pro-gun positions, including pointing out that AR-15s aren't machine guns and support for concealed carry. One character even made an argument for allowing dishonorably discharged people to own and carry guns. When nearly every show that involves guns ignores the pro-gun side, Arrow was right down the middle. I kept waiting for everybody to decide to ban guns at the end of the show, but they didn't even go with registration!

I saw part of the episode of Designated Survivor. It did seem they were leaning towards gun control, but I haven't seen enough of the series to know what was going on. Isn't Sutherland's character against gun control? That's how I took it from what I saw.

Even when shows ultimately have an anti-gun bias, I think anytime the pro-gun argument is presented is a good thing. Somebody might hear both sides and at least start thinking and studying the issue outside entertainment shows.
I saw that. Typical. Let the left start by making the use of firearms, and their likeness prohibited in any broadcast, or the big screen.

That would be a great first step.....Let's start with that step in gun control. We already have mountains of laws prohibiting other aspects of firearms, while Hollywood makes billions of dollars using firearms ( and their likeness) to make sensational and violent movies, which are viewed by impressionable youth ( and some adults too) .

Maybe it's time that they look in their very own yard.

God bless America, land that I LOVE
It's T.V. They show folks that ride motorcycles as drug-dealing, gun-running, prostituting pimps that break every law ever written, while the majority of folks that ride 'em are everyday, average law abiding citizens. They show married couples as either having a shortage of intellect and/or are continuously messing with their best friends spouse. How about any T.V. show about ranchers farmers? Just a bunch of hicks that eat only meat, swear too much and drink any beer/whisky they can get there hands on........24/7/365. For the most part, especially drama series type T.V., it's make believe, entertainment and only the very uninformed would consider it as informative.
I stopped watching tv. Nothing but a propaganda arm for desired political party. Just reality, no conspiracy theory, just a fact of modern life.
I don't watch much TV, but what you are talking about is dangerous stuff. Take a good look at the protesters rioting at political rallies. Most are young people that learned this crap by watching the tube, the net, and movies. I remember a news article that stated Sweden (Or one of the northern tier countries) had banned "The Teenage Mutant Turtles" from the air waves in their country. Apparently, a couple 5-6 year old's threw stones at a little girl and killed her. The reason: "Saw it on Teenage Mutant Turtles". Young people's minds can be bent by about anything. Pokeman? Why do you think Democrats wanted free college for everyone? Have you listened to some of the losers coming out of our institutes of higher learning?
Designated Survivor tv show pushes gun control


The Supreme Court has consistently held that the Second Amendment is not ‘unlimited’ – that government is at liberty to enact regulatory measures with regard to the sale and possession of firearms.

Consequently, there is nothing about advocating for reasonable ‘gun control’ that is unwarranted, inappropriate, un-Constitutional, or ‘anti-gun.’

Indeed, the program as referred solely to background checks, which are perfectly appropriate and Constitutional, in no manner manifesting as 'pushing.'

The ‘emotional rhetoric’ is mostly coming from supposed ‘defenders’ of the Second Amendment – those who use demagoguery, hyperbole, and misinformation to propagate fear and ignorance.
The ‘emotional rhetoric’ is mostly coming from supposed ‘defenders’ of the Second Amendment – those who use demagoguery, hyperbole, and misinformation to propagate fear and ignorance.
Who are you describing?
It does sound familiar somehow, but is it us?
Sorry to disagree, but the gun control as presented in the show was a lot more than just about background checks.
Did you watch the show?

And it is propaganda when they don't present stuff the way we like it.
It's less about who likes what, but rather does it present a recognizable agenda?
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Almost forgot,
In the midst of the story of terrorist attacks,
Murder in the White House,
Secret government
Other pertinent and scary subjects,
This episode is mostly about gun control for US citizens.
What was that all about?
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