Desert Storm US Sidearms

Air Force! I couldn't make it into the Air Force as reading was required. So I went into the Marine Corps for awhile where reading was not required.

The Marine Corp however did not last long as I was raised Catholic and did not know the meaning of the cuss words that the officers there screamed at me about 50% of the time they spoke at all. "You xyz!%$ maggot, I said lmnop&!$* right turn! Don't you know xz#!g English?" So that didn't last long.

Then I went to the Navy where I was welcomed. After 2 years there an officer (a First Mate Admiral or something I could never keep that straight) discovered I was aboard ship and asked who I was, rank and what I had been doing for the last two years. "Same as everyone else Mame, mostly I read comic books", I said. See the Navy taught me to read! She got upset that I had not addressed her as "Sir". There was a big scandal over that and they put me ashore in Kuwait and sailed away.

So I got into the Army during that war. They gave me an M9 and a shovel. I also got a promotion to Private First Class Idjiot. A fellow officer of some type came and told me to start digging holes for latrines "6x6x6 feet space them 10 feet apart dig them side by side in a straight line in that direction till I come and tell you to stop." I did that. Hard work in the sand. Everyday a fella on a camel came and brought me a bottle of water and something to eat. I kept following orders till that man on the camel with the water came and told me no one was paying him anymore to bring me water. That the war had been over for a year and a half. He also said I could go "$ut!%" myself" and just go home.

So here I am. I still have the M9.

Space Force maybe. Unless I'm too old.
