Department of Homeland Security report targets veterans

What I think is so funny is that we keep hearing about how wrong it is to profile Muslims, and then this report comes out saying:

- How "whites" are going to become terrorists because we have a black President.

- Right wingers may “recruit” combat veterans “to boost their violent capabilities.”

But, hey it is wrong to profile. Unless the person being profiled is a white conservative veteran who has spent the last few years of his life fighting terrorists for his country.
The DHS report indeed mentions unhappy right wing groups but places undue emphasis on veterans. I wonder if the past administration would have allowed such a biased document to be printed. By the way, veteran Timothy McVeigh, mentioned as an example in the document, was a troubled individual long before he served in the Army. He would probably gravitated to extremism and bombs and killing without Army training.

Each administration has a short temporal notion of history and it panics when presented with crises. Europe and Asia were suffering from mass killings and terrorism since recorded history began. We forget the domestic terrorism of the 1860's, in particular the draft riots. In the 1940's the US hysterically penned up American citizens of Japanese decent but failed to do the same with German- and Italian-Americans. The mad bomber from 1940-1950 and copy cats held the northeast with fear. Weather Underground and Symbionese Liberation Army and other like-minded groups (these were left wing groups as opposed to right wing groups mentioned in the DHS document) were very active in the 1960's to 1970's.

My point is this: any unsatisfied group, as mentioned in the report and no matter what their reason, is a potential hazard to our peace and well-being. But, as read on most pages of the report,the singling out of veterans is egregious.
Not to step on any toes, so to speak, but I clearly remember media reports of gang members joining the military to gain experience to bring back to their groups. I believe that this is one of the reasons used by the DHS to justify their report (an extremely small number but give the government an inch and it becomes a mile).

The overwhelming majority of service people have their minds and hearts in the right place - otherwise we would not have this country -period.

The DHS report was another ill-conceived document that further lets us know that we do not have the brightest working for us in Washington, DC. To issue one report about Left Wing radicals in January and then to follow up with a Right Wing report in April just adds fuel to the fire. I wish our government would act for the people instead of continuing to drive a dividing line between Left and Right think citizens.

A Conservative liberal thinking gun owner.
Very well put CJW. The more I read history the more I am convinced that career politicians are the bugaboos of democracy.
My concern is that, while the first part of it targeted very specific leftist groups, it painted the right-wing with such a broad brush that one-third to one-half of the population could be considered a "potential terrorist." And, the timing of the report--coming out close to the time of the various Tea-Parties--seems a bit dodgy to me. I am left with a sneaking suspicion that the real purpose of this report is to stifle dissent and opposition to the current administration's agenda.

We need to realize that a number of folks on the left see conservatives as evil, stupid, or brain-damaged. Look at what Keith Obermann's guest said on his show a few days ago, when the Tea Party protests were going on. She said that the participants were racists, and that they had an _anatomical_ problem with their brains that caused their frontal lobes to press on their "too small skulls." While that may have been intended as humor, it seems to be a very vicious sort of humor, meant to dehumanize conservatives.

As for this report, the implicit threat is, "Keep your mouth shut if you don't like the current policies, or you will end up on a watch list." If that is not intended to stifle political dissent, then they sure missed a good chance.
The DHS report was another ill-conceived document that further lets us know that we do not have the brightest working for us in Washington, DC. To issue one report about Left Wing radicals in January and then to follow up with a Right Wing report in April just adds fuel to the fire. I wish our government would act for the people instead of continuing to drive a dividing line between Left and Right think citizens.

Divide and conquer.