Denver shooting: How, Why, What Now?

I haven't posted anything since the shooting, mostly because I'm not really sure what to say. Being a junior in high school this really kind of scares the crap out of me. There are going to be "fringe" groups in every school. Not everyone is alike and thats fine. Everyone says "how could they not notice these kids?". In my school, and I'm sure many others as well, the teachers don't pay much attention to the "fringe" kids because they don't like the teachers and the teachers don't like them. They just put up with each other and leave each other alone. Has anyone noticed that the shooters in several of these shootings have alot in common? They are all kids that no one knows exist. They go to school and start shooting and after it is all over everyone in the school has to look the person up in the yearbook. Thats pretty damn sad if you ask me. These kids feel unwanted and need attention. Notice that they always go after the "jocks" and popular kids when they snap? They are jealous and want to get even.

The morning after the shooting our school had a minute of silence and our principal made an excellent point. We all need to be more friendly to each other. We (high-schoolers, myself included) have to learn to accept more people into our circle of friends. Try to understand them and get to know them. If we knowt them well we can tell when something is wrong or bothering them. And if they feel accepted and wanted, they won't do something like this. We have to get rid of the cliques. They are seperating us (kids) and seperation creates hate. This has nothing to do with gun control. While a teacher with a gun may have prevented more loss, the kids had already snapped.
I usually don't watch talk shows, but I was cleaning the garage the other day and had Oprah on. She had a guest on who made an excellent point. Disarming kids is useless. We have to disarm their hearts. Even Oprah said that kids having guns is not the issue at all. Disarm the hearts and you won't have to disarmt he kids.

Sorry for the long post but I had to say something somewhere. Feel free to email me as I don't get to check the board as often as I'd like.


No apologies necessary or expected. Your post is well-reasoned, on target and appreciated. You are our future and America needs you. Thank you

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Andy, I'll second DC's comments. It is great to have you participating in this discussion. Many of us finished high school long ago, but you can help us (along with talking with our own kids) to get a feel for the current situation in high schools.

Many of us are just frustrated as heck right now with the 'guns are more available' argument. I even discussed this with my mother yesterday, and she started mouthing the same thing. I had to ask her over and over. But finally, she had to admit that, yes, there were guns at home when I was a kid. And, there were guns at home when she was a kid. And, there were guns at home when my Dad was a kid. And we could go on, and on and on.

So, I asked her why she never killed anyone when she was a kid. At first she told me I shouldn't say such a thing. But, I told her to really, carefully think about it. If guns are the problem, and easy access by kids is the problem, then why wasn't I, my sister, my mother, my father and countless other people, years ago, going postal all of the time? Because it has nothing, nada, zip to do with the guns.

It has everything to do with the ostracism you describe, media hype about every such incident, an extreme focus on violence in music, TV and movies, lousy or nonexistent parents, a nanny state, etc. If Oprah said that, she was right - we have to disarm their hearts. It has nothing to do with what they can place into their hands.

Lord, do we need strong, logical and honest leadership in this country. Damned if I know where it is going to come from.

Except, just maybe ... kids like you, Andy. You clearly have wisdom beyond your years, and I am so glad kids like you are in this world. Thank you. Good luck, best wishes, and ... cherish freedom.