Dentist who took Cecil the lion did nothing wrong

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As it turns out, after all of the catcalls for his head on a plate, and extradition, the Zimbabwean government has now declared that Walter Palmer did nothing wrong.

After the investigation by the police and the National Prosecuting Authority it was found that he was innocent of wrongdoing and no charges would be brought.

In the beginning, it was thought that he had entered the country with a tourist visa, which does not include hunting; but it has been found that he entered with all of the correct paperwork for hunting. If he had entered on a tourist visa he would be charged with poaching.

There is a video discussion at the source.


Minnesota dentist who killed Cecil the Lion broke no rules, Zimbabwe says

By Paul TilsleyPublished October 12, 2015

JOHANNESBURG – The Minnesota dentist who killed Cecil the Lion with a bow and arrow while hunting near an animal preserve broke no laws and will not face any charges in Zimbabwe, an official from the Robert Mugabe administration said Monday.
Much of the animosity directed towards him had to do with the ethics used and many realized from the start that, because he had hired "professional hunters and guides" they would take the brunt of the legal scorn . His "professional" hunters, responsible for the hunt are still charged and I would assume the trophy will still be confiscated..
I assume that all of your assumptions are correct. The guides are there to assure the hunt is legal; and they failed in that responsibility. Fifty-thousand dollars is a powerful incentive to ignore one's responsibility to the law.
50 years ago they killed 33 lions making the movie Born Free to show peaceful lions shortly before other peaceful lions killed Joy Adamson.
Too bad it's too late for him to fix his reputation after a couple months of media destruction of it. Being a lion hunter is the only thing more evil and sinister than being a white police officer.
Dr. Walter Palmer is not a well like neighbor in Northwestern MN. He has surely bent a few State Game Laws in his time in regards to his obsessive quest for trophy animals. As far as his reputation and integrity goes. So long as he resides in Minnesota. "Tarnished beyond repair."
His reputation might improve if the mainstream press that destroyed him, and caused several airlines to ban shipments of trophy takings, would similarly cover his exoneration. Even though I look absolutely smashing in blue, I will not hold my breath waiting for that to happen.
He has surely bent a few State Game Laws in his time in regards to his obsessive quest for trophy animals.

Not just bent, but has been documented by my state's DNR. He ain't no innocent victim. What he paid to shoot that lion, most of us could live on for a year. I ain't gonna feel sorry for him.
He shot a pet; because that's how people think of them. They name them. They see them as warm cuddly fuzzy things.
From local news reports out of Zimbabwe, most of the citizenry had no clue about any "Cecil" lion's existence, and don't really seem to care. Probably have a generally negative attitude about them, anyway. Kinda like soccer moms and cougars around the house.
I bet the guy holding Cecil's leash was praying the good doctor was a good shot! Be a shame to get an arrow in the old posterior.

The old story from months ago is "Cecil daid! Zimbabwe wants hunter's haid!""

The new story from October 12 is "Hunter didn't break any laws."

Note in today's story you linked to:

Animal rights charities criticised the decision this week not to prosecute the dentist, but officials in Zimbabwe insisted he had filled out the proper paperwork allowing him to hunt.

So even after he is found to be guilty of no crime, the animal rights nuts still want a prosecution.

In an earlier version of this story, it stated that the people there blame U.S. laws against hunting as the cause of their problems. They stated that a hunter will pay many thousands of dollars to hunt while those who want to take snapshots pay about $10.
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Do you think they will run any stories on 20-20 rescinding the charges???
Nah... The damage was done.

As for hunters who pay big bucks for a hunt.
Most guys who have that kind of extra Ging to spend are dinks.
But who cares, many people make a living from them.
So I am not for ending the practice. I my self have made a few bucks off rich people who did not want to do things them selves.
I just charged them enough to make it worth while.
Sorry, but just don't see hunting solely for the cause of assuaging one's bloated ego or bolstering one's lack of masculinity.

Deer and elk hunters perform a vital service by thinning herds when overpopulation creates problems. An egotistical dentist with a small appendage who kills an endangered species does not.
There has been a lot less protesting in this country over "Magazine name" hunters that actually did break the game laws (Except Ted, who is a celebrity). One was poaching in a Federal park a few years ago. I caught a well known east coast writer doing something illegal deer hunting years ago. I try to avoid people like that and really don't want to draw attention to things like that by starting arguments over it. People that knowingly break the law or walk along the edge are out there and there is not much you can do about it.
People who pay thousands of dollars to those poor countries governments to legally hunt fund their anti poaching programs and encourage habitat preservation.

Animal rights folks contribute nothing.

African lions are not an endangered species.

The myth of firearms as a penile extension was debunked decades ago. It is still bandied about as an epithet by anti-firearms groups and activists.

Regardless of your opinion about these types of hunters, they add a great deal of money to the poor third world nations. I don't like trophy hunting either; but it has its merits. The people in these poor nations don't have a problem with it so why should we, sitting in the comfort of our homes thousands of miles away? Usually the meat from these animals is also used to feed the indigenous people in the area.
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