Dentist Arrested In Road Rage Incident

well, dang, I am now in trouble. I am a dentist and I have a CC permit. But as for road rage, I live in a small town. When two cars meet at the same time at a 4 way stop sign usually both wave the other to go on first.

One reason I think I am not going to be one of the suicide statistics is that I do not read articles such as the one the OP linked to. We all have enough going on in our lives without spending time reading about other people's problems and stupid behavior.

“I do have to then ponder the "an armed society is a polite society”
Of coarse it is, when everyone is smart enough to realize that, hey that guy could be armed
Maybe I should treat him/her/idk with respect and as a individual whom is as intelligent as i
Of coarse it is, when everyone is smart enough to realize that, hey that guy could be armed.

The problem is, however, in the heat of the moment, some never think of the eventuality. If all of us did think, potenial jail time would prevent all crime.
The problem is, however, in the heat of the moment, some never think of the eventuality. If all of us did think, potenial jail time would prevent all crime.

I just always think to myself "firing a gun at someone is a one-way ticket to the worst trouble I could ever possibly imagine..........short of getting killed."
It takes time to concoct a story that has a prayer of appearing credible when it has to contradict the testimony of thirty eyewitnesses. Their lawyer will keep them from giving a statement for as long as he possibly can, while he coaches them on what not to say.

And to put it in layman's terms, they are in plenty o' hot water now :)

I highly doubt Walker is going to be able to legally own a gun again after this incident. If you are a type of person who likes to start and escalate incidents, society as a whole would be better you don't get your hands on potentially dangerous commodities.

I do have to then ponder the "an armed society is a polite society"

Well, one guy learned his lesson about being a dummy the hard way. News like this, and other armed SD situations tend to circulate rather quickly in today's telecommunications age, and people will know that it is better to not start problems with random individuals for no better reason than a testosterone trip. Brandishing/threatening others with weapons is just stupid when you are in a place where weapons are common and there are people who will be better armed and prepared to react than you.
What's really interesting to me about this story is that the person who was actually brake-checked in the red car just went on about his/her business. The conflict was between the offender (Dentist in the Escalade) and a third party (husband and wife in a Dodge Avenger) who decided to be offended on behalf of the person in the red car.

The moral of the story is that we should try to be like the person in the red car who just went on about their day. Looking for trouble on the road, either by driving aggressively or by taking up a conflict on behalf of someone else is not smart--to say the least.
If you're driving an Avenger I guess you don't have a choice in that situation. That's why I bought a Toyota MYOB.