Denis Prisbrey passed away

Denis had an excellent relationship with Henry Rifles, and even Anthony Imperato, himself.
He received no personal compensation for such. He was just a fan.

I'd like to share two chapters of a story that ties Denis Prisbrey's character and Henry Rifles together.
These are from personal email conversations. As such, I've done minor editing for privacy.

Early January, 2019:
Saturday before (since you’re such a Henry-Hater) Christmas, went out with a family of friends shooting their Henrys.

Couple days later told Imperato how much fun we’d had with his products, thought he could use some positive feedback.

Mentioned my partially autistic buddy in that family will be getting his Eagle Scout in the Spring & how hard he’s worked for it.

Imperato & I’d worked out a Scout Tribute rifle for ["Josh"] a couple years back, to reward him for keeping on with the program.

Imperato’s immediate response was “I’m gonna build him an EAGLE Tribute Rifle, no charge. Give me his initials and date of birth for the serial number again.”

I offered to pay, he said no.

[Josh] will be over the moon.

I ain’t never been hugged so hard as when I gave him that first rifle. Took him TWO years to get up the courage to shoot it, “It’s too nice!”

Early April, 2019:
[In late March, I] made it to my autistic buddy’s Eagle Scout Court Of Honor, was able to do a short speech & present [Josh] with the Eagle Scout Tribute Henry rifle that Imperato had had built just for [Josh].

He couldn’t speak when he opened it up.

Two guys up there in front of 50 people in the audience, bawling our heads off.

When it was [Josh]’s turn to do his own speech, he called three people up for his own special recognition, one at a time.

First was appropriately his Dad, then an uncle (also an Eagle Scout) who’d helped with several of his merit badges.

And then me.

Bob, I got two or three old medals from the AF, three or four citations from the old PD.

Ain’t a one of ‘em worth dog [poop] next to the Scout Mentor pin [Josh] gave me, attached to the note thanking me for my friendship and help over the years.

[Josh]’s late Grandpa had also been in the Air Force, and he was [Josh]’s hero.

[Josh]’s always wanted to join too, but obviously can’t.

Looked silly, I’m sure, a bent-over grey old fart in sweatpants & sandals (all I can wear at the moment) leaning on a cane, but I stood to attention best I could & on behalf of myself, Senior Master Sergeant [redacted for privacy] (late USAF), and the United States Air Force that [Josh] reveres but can never join, I rendered the only formal hand salute I’ve given to any man since leaving the AF over 40 years ago.

Eagle Scout, FFA leadership, 4-H horse-riding competitor, solo pianist, high-school concert orchestra violinist.
I've enjoyed reading his work both in print and on the forums. Definitely one of the good guys. I'm sorry that he's gone.
I remember years ago I had made a topic and he gave me an answer I didn't like and I told him to "go away."

I was younger then and since then I've enjoyed and learned a lot from his posts, have even PM'd him a couple times.

There's nothing else I can say but this sucks. Even if it wasn't about something I was interested in, if I saw DPris had said something, I would read it. He will be sorely missed in our community.
Just saw a reference to his passing on another thread and was shocked. Only knew him from some if his articles and here but really enjoyed his knowledge and his take on things. I’m very sorry to hear he passed and getting up there myself, I know for sure that 66 is too young. Sad news!
Denis Prisbrey's final article was recently published. Henry Repeating Arms was given permission to host it on their website.
Those of you that had been in communication with him, or read the previous page, should find the content familiar.

A Scout's Honor
Outstanding article!! I didn’t know Dennis from Adam but he struck me as one of the good ones just from his forum activity.
Dang you FrankenMauser, that made me cry.
You're not the only one.
And I already knew the story.

He is missed.

He always did what was right, or needed, even if it impacted him negatively. - A character trait hit upon time and time again at his funeral, especially by the police officers that served with him.
Always for the greater good, never for himself.