Denis Prisbrey passed away

I'm sorry to hear that. I benefited from his knowledge and always enjoyed his sense of humor. Best wishes to Mr. Prisbey's family and friends.
That's a shocker! Maybe my sense of time is distorted, but in my mind I think I recall seeing posts by him here fairly recently.

R.I.P DPris.
He was a good friend.
I used to go shooting with him when I was a kid, but lost touch in the '90s.
Our paths crossed again, on this very forum.
We were hoping to be meeting for lunch this weekend.

He stayed as active as he could until the very end.
There was a very serious medical issue that he was dealing with, but appeared to be bouncing back as well as could be hoped.
When he had the energy, he was on the computer - posting on forums, emailing industry contacts, and finishing up his last articles.

He was not going to surrender.
When I was young, 66 was old.
Now that I'm old, 66 seems to be way too young to pass away.

This is very judgmental on my part and certainly not fair but is suspect EVERYBODY does it, that is they form some kind of opinion of the regular posters on this site.

I always though of DPris as a kind person and knowledgeable about our interest. I do NOT remember him picking on others and I DO remember him as trying to add to the overall knowledge on this site.

I'm sad he is gone. I hope he appreciated how much we appreciated him but I don't see how that would be possible.

P.S. For everyone on the site that has a bucket list, this should be a prod to get to it.
I only knew him here, but I valued his knowledge and his willingness to share it. My condolences to his loved ones and his personal friends.
Sad to see him go.

I, like Frankenmauser, knew as a kid, lost touch, and found him again here.

Glad to have known ya Dennis, rest easy.
My condolences to the family, friends and fellow TFL members. I never knew him beyond his Posts on this site, but based on his obituary it sounds like he was a wonderful man.
I'm really bummed to hear of his passing. 66, wow, not that old... I too remember seeing his posts what feels like just last week at the latest. He was such an asset to the community.

I'm jealous of those of you who knew him in your youth, I bet that was fun.

RIP DPris, I only knew ye on this forum but even I mourn your passing and will note your absence.
Only knew him from the forum, but he always sounded knowledgeable and seemed like a good guy. His obit reinforces that. Sounds like he went out fighting.

Very sad news. I only knew him through a couple of firearms forums, especially this one. He seemed to be one of "the good guys." Condolences to his family and friends.
Well thats two gone recently. Dennis and Terry Murbach. Terry was my all time favorite gunwriter and I have shared a lot of emails with him and was invited to his house to visit. I wish I would have went. He posted here as Wil Terry.

Dennis had excellent post and was a real champion of Henry Rifles. I am sure they will miss him too. One of my favorite uncles died at 62. He was my spare dad but died 9 months after my dad died. Too much death. Too much bad news. Rest in peace Dennis.:(