Denied firearm purchase

You should stop chasing shadows...very few people in this country actually have anything against "the troops." Unless, of course, you confuse opposition to the war they're fighting with a lack of support for them. Which is silly, because even many of the soldiers over there don't even agree with what we're doing. I should know, I was one (Army as well).

Unless of course you're suggesting that the majority of my family (including my wife), who bitterly oppose the war (some from the very start) don't support "the troops." Or that I somehow don't support "the troops."


As I'm sure you can see, people who think that failing to favor the war or support the president somehow denigrates the troops is a big sore spot with me. [/tangent]

I'm not chasing anything. I don't personally favor the war myself, but I favor my buddies that died in it. I don't care who supports the war, but I do ask they support the troops.

I asked old 12 gauge about his comment because it sounded to me like he was saying "It's ok to go kill people for the government, but if you hit somebody here you can't buy a gun. BLAH!" That's what i got from it and he replied that it wasn't and I replied with an apology.

I'm glad you decided to weigh in and presume to know SO much about me. Chasing shadows? Hardly. Favor the war? Not so much. Support the troops? Unwaveringly so.

Next time don't read so much into my text. I'm a pretty straight forward kinda guy and there is never anything under the surface. If I wanna say it, I'll say it. Plain and simple. Take it at face value.

Lets get back on topic now. If you got anything else to say send me a pm and let's not hijack the thread any further.
Error or Identity Theft

I do know that statistically there are a significant number of rejections made in error. Sometimes it is because someone else has stolen their SSN or other personal information. Sometimes it is simply name confusion. Good luck!!
Ever since the new guy at the gunshop read my info (I heard him clearly give them the wrong birthdate and mess up my SSN) over the phone to the background-check people, I have been "delayed" on two of my last three firearms purchases. This has been a minor pain-in-the-arse, but no big deal. They always OK the purchase within 24 hours.

I wonder if the Wall-Mart clerk could have heard "delayed", didn't know what that meant, and told this guy he was rejected?
I have a police buddy that I frequent gun shows with. He cannot buy a firearm directly because his no-account brother used his name once (twice actually) when arrested. He always gets rejected/delayed because they think it's his brother using his name again. I have been through the process with him actually purchasing a firearm so I know he can do it legally.

Question? If the sister ran, who did the police list as a complainant/victim for the arrest? Why did she run? Something fishy here.


I recently went to a coarse for FFL's and according to them the FBI has added some things to the prohibited processor list you may have fallen up one of their new listing. I have a 4473 that has not been approved yet it been over 90 days. They won't give your FFL the reason you where denied at least they have never told me on any I have had. So the best thing to do is follow the above advice and see what happens. Be Safe Out There Kurt
Its pretty simple:

Either you did something that has stuck on your record or someone else has used your identity when they were arrested in the past.

The solution is pretty simple too: Send in a laywer and money before you can get your guns....

( yes, I am paraphrasing the song.....)
I once had the FDLE put me on hold.....for a long time........then the cops showed up and arrested the man trying to redeem his pawned gun. Turns out he was wanted for murder in Miami. Tried to run from like 6 huge Tampa Police Officers......the dumb arse.
The "they" I am refering to are NCIS/FBI/Gov. If "they" are going to say to Walmart (and through them Brian) that he cannot exercise his right to keep and bear an arm he has the right to know why. He shouldn't have to go through all this red tape to find out why. He should be told right then and there why he is being denied.

Red tape is the process. If you don't like it, what are you doing to make it right?
for whatever it is worth.....I am speaking out against it on behalf of Brian and others. If a good candidate is out there who is all for rolling back all these statist gun laws (federal and state) I'd be all for voting for him.

If a police officer arrests you, must tell you right then and there what you are being charged with. You have a right to know why you are considered a criminal. Why should it be any different here. They are essentially telling him he is a criminal (convicted felon, wife beater, child molester etc.) If he hasn't done any of these things, he should hear why he is being refused normal exercise of every day life (pursuit of happiness)
That's my point.

he has to go through all this......:

When an individual is denied the transfer of a firearm, the individual may appeal that decision in writing directly to:

Federal Bureau of Investigation
NICS Section
Appeal Services Unit
PO Box 4278
Clarksburg, WV 26302-9922

You may obtain an Appeal Brochure from an FFL or online at

From the Brochure:

# You must include your complete mailing address in the request. You may also submit your request by facsimile or by e-mail. (See reverse side for the NICS facsimile number and e-mail address.)
# You must include your NICS Transaction Number (NTN) with your written request. The NTN can be obtained from the FFL.
# The NICS Appeal Services Team (AST) cannot initiate an appeal for you at the request of another individual without your written and signed authorization.
# You may submit your fingerprints, which must be rolled by a law enforcement agency, with your initial written correspondence. The submission of fingerprints with your appeal request may hasten the appeal process for you.
# The NICS AST will respond to your written request by providing the reason for your denial within five business days after receiving your correspondence.

There's more. Go To the website above and printout the brochure. Follow it to the letter. If you think us mods at TFL are anal-retentive, you haven't even begun to scartch the surface.

In the meantime, the very fact that you have a NICS denial, means that you will be looking at Federal felony charges if you so much as touch a firearm. Take this very seriously, as it is serious.

.....garbage before it is explained to him (and hope they reply to him before next Christmas if ever :rolleyes: )
That's just not right. (I know I know, "But that's the way it is and the only way he can get results.) Well, I wish him well. But it really stinks.
That's my point.
he has to go through all this......:
Which part would be so difficult for you?
Getting the form on line? He listed the website. Click the link and hit print.
Including your mailing address? They need to know where to respond.
Including the transaction number? They need to know which request they are checking on so they can give him the reason.
Yup, sure sounds pretty difficult to figure that out.
Yup, sure sounds pretty difficult to figure that out.

For them it is I'm sure :rolleyes: Even if he does fill all that junk out to get an answer he still has to depend on them to reply in a promptly manner (which I doubt will happen)
Even if he does fill all that junk out to get an answer he still has to depend on them to reply in a promptly manner (which I doubt will happen)
And you know all this exactly how?
Guess providing your name, address, and transaction number may be a bit too complicated for you. You don't do your own taxes do you.
Legally, the FFL isn't entitled to a person's criminal record. All the FFL gets, and is legally able to get, is if the buyer is OKed or rejected. A person's criminal record is not open to just anyone. Next time you buy a gun would you want the FFL to announce to all the other Dougs in the store that incident about you and the sheep from 2 yrs ago? I think not.
No I don't want anyone shouting incident ABC throughout the store. But there are better ways to handle it. The dealer could be told "he is denied, he has a problem with his record." dealer give him a number to call immediately and at least find out what the trouble is. Not send out for something in the mail. If it is easy enough for them to give you a negative over the phone then there is a way for them to give you rhyme or reason over the phone
Taxes they are happy to get because it's you sending them your money. Takes a number of months get get back anything you overpaid them once you notify them.
The dealer could be told "he is denied, he has a problem with his record." dealer give him a number to call immediately and at least find out what the trouble is. Not send out for something in the mail. If it is easy enough for them to give you a negative over the phone then there is a way for them to give you rhyme or reason over the phone
That's pretty much what the FFL is told.
As far as giving you a number to call, just think about that. How long and how many people do you think it would take to staff an entire bureau to handle such a venture? You haven't ever tried getting thru to have a check run now during a busy time. The one advantage of paper is it leaves a record of what the person was told. An exchange on the phone doesn't. Many people will only hear what they want to hear, won't follow what they're told, and will minimize the bad. With a paper trail there's no doubt what the people are told.
If all that is too complicated to understand, look at it this way. It's a legal matter. You don't resolve legal matters over the phone.
Next time you need to file an appeal, if you need help understanding the form and filling in your name and address, I'm sure someone around your house can help you out with the hard parts.
Doug, if you had actually gone to the website and read the whole thing, it would have told you that the agency has 5 working days to respond. That's by law.

Thas purty durned fast for a gubment agency, if'n ya axed me! :D
well you got me there. I'm convinced.

EDIT: I still don't like having to go through red tape and send in forms just to kinow why I am denied being sold a gun. But that is much better than I expected
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Next time you buy a gun would you want the FFL to announce to all the other Dougs in the store that incident about you and the sheep from 2 yrs ago? I think not

Uh, my names not Doug but how'd you know 'bout the sheep?:confused: :p
