Denial of reality

Can anyone older than me (I am 32) possibly point a specific reason why ''feel good'' replaced the reality that bad guys exist and a few need lead injection therapy?

Is there a specific time in history where this mentality took hold?

Is any one group to blame for getting all this nonsense started?
Up late to troll are we?:cool:

Do you think the words "lead injection therapy" are well part of a reasoned, intellectual discussion of issues relating to self defense and criminology?

Surely you are not contending in an angry sort of way that vigilante justice is appropriate for what you term "bad guys"?

WildthumpthumpAlaska TM
OK I'll bite

Hippies, and the love and peace attitude. It has turned us into a nation of whining, simpering, ninnies. Today is my birthday Iam officialy a curmudgeon:D
Lead injection therapy refers to shooting those that need it (self defense or protecting others) since you asked. What, you no likey my off wall insane humor?

I do not support justice that is outside of the law. I hate criminals and have the power to ''do something about it'', but that isn't how I work. I firmly believe that we need police to haul off bad guys.

Calling me a troll doesn't bother me. The only opinions that truly affect how I operate are those of my kids.

Actually, your response had me laughing pretty well for a minute.
Theories in criminology that blame society for criminal behavior instead of the individual criminals (even though criminal behavior has existed in every society throughout written history). Some of the theories are old, some are knew, but in the last fifty years they've gained a lot of clout.
I've thought a lot about this very subject. Not as it pertains to criminal activity itself but our attitude about it and our culture in general. I truly believe that the `60's free love, sexual revolution was the beginning of the end. Vietnam showed us what damage dissension at home can do. Somehow, it made it "okay" to do what would've been considered treasonous in earlier times. There are a lot of things that became acceptable behaviour and common practice that never should've. As a whole, we are certainly NOT honoring the sacrifices made by The Greatest Generation, or those who came before them.

Today is my birthday I am officialy a curmudgeon

Congratulations on graduating to the upper echelons of Old Fartdom! :D
I guess its lucky for me that I dislike almost every person on the planet I havent ever met, and dont even blink when terrible things happen to those people. I am also happy that (provided I knew there would be no legal trouble) I would take someone's life away while fulling understanding the impact it has on their families in a heartbeat, should they try to take my possessions, life, or liberty.

I can say that I'm very happy that I dont love and respect everyone, and I'm even happier that I generally respect anyone I actually meet in person.

Until I meet everyone, however, Ill continue to be a cancer-minded, venom spitting, paranoia victim, with the optimism of The Iceman, and the compassion of Mike Tyson.

...At least Im not a hippy.
I’ve thought about this a lot also and frankly I have trouble pinning it down to any one thing or time. I think in stead that it was more a convergence of things and I think the attempt has come around at other time but I think this last time the field was much more fertile for planting.

I think what we are seeing is the efforts of communism, The Communist party, socialism, what ever you want to call it. And I think the 60s generation facilitated the gaining control of the educational system and redefining the language so that now the tenants of communism are repackaged under the banner of liberalism.

Do I think that there is some master mind communist king pin out there somewhere coordinating all this. Maybe as far as something like that is possible. I do think that the “Communist Party” takes every opportunity manipulate things in this country and I think that there are thousands of professors across this country who are so steeped in communist utopian jargon and that are constantly doing studies on this and that and releasing reports designed to get press coverage so as to continually erode away the ideals that are the bedrock of this country.

In short I think that the trends you describe are only narrow views of something much bigger. The symptoms of something much larger.

This struggle isn’t anything new. It has been going on for a very long time. Everybody does there little part and no one part by its self amounts to much but collectively it can effect this country on a policy level. And if you measure the effect from generation to generation you start to see big changes in the public identity. Eventually you are teaching ideas to kids who’s parents don’t really know what communism really is or its history. Once you have taught situational moralisim to a couple of successive generations you can define right and wrong by any standard you wish. Now into this mix you throw in the media who comes into every home in America and describes the world to us, defines reality to us incessantly 24 / 7 and that media is complicit in this agenda. Well the world looks pretty much like you might expect.

Oh one other thing you shouldn’t find too surprising. Many of the Democrat Party are in fact members in good standing with the Communist Party.

BTW I’m 52
Which ones

I don’t know, I would have to go dig out all the stuff again and frankly I’m not going to rush right off to do that right now. The truth Is that the “American Communist Party” isn’t any secret, I think you might be surprised to know who some of their fine upstanding members are. Frankly if the information was available enough for me to run across it I’m sure it wouldn’t be too terribly hard for anyone else to find. After all I’m a nobody, I have the same kind of resources at my disposal as everybody else.
After studying the HUAC idiocy I got a bit miffed. So I joined the American Communist Party. I had the card for a while but its gone missing since.
But geez I loved the idea that I could be called in front of a committee and asked the "question" to which I would reply f@ckin A asshat.

Imagine my chagrin when I found out it was wasted effort. If you want to be declared an enemy of the people just support the Constitution.
These are the admitted "Progressives" Many more supporters I am sure:

Lynn Woolsey, Calif., George Miller, Calif., Nancy Pelosi, Calif., Henry Waxman, Calif.,Maxine Waters, Calif., Bob Filner, Calif., Diane DeGette, Colo., Alcee Hastings, Fla., John Lewis, Ga., Patsy Mink, Hawaii, Jessie Jackson Jr., Ill., Barney Frank, Mass., John Conyers, Mich., Jerrold Nadler, N.Y., Major Owens, N.Y., Charles Rangel, N.Y., Dennis Kucinch, Ohio, Sherrod Brown, Ohio, Peter DeFazio, Ore., Robert C. Scott, Va., Bernard Sanders, Vt., James McDermott, Wash.

Read their positions here:

The Republicans are not far behind:

If you belong to the Democratic Party, I urge you to take the time to study the platform of your party and compare them to the goals of the communists. They are one and the same, although this will bring shrieks from the likes of Marxist Hillary Clinton, it is the raw truth.

If it will make Democrats feel any better, they need only look at the Republican-controlled Congress since 1994 to see that the official agenda of the GOP – enforced through their voting record on key issues over the years – to see that they have also fallen in lockstep with virtually every communist goal. Don't think so? Look how many Republicans in Congress support and have voted for legislation that is a priority for communist domination. Do the research.
These are the admitted "Progressives" Many more supporters I am sure:

Lynn Woolsey, Calif., George Miller, Calif., Nancy Pelosi, Calif., Henry Waxman, Calif.,Maxine Waters, Calif., Bob Filner, Calif., Diane DeGette, Colo., Alcee Hastings, Fla., John Lewis, Ga., Patsy Mink, Hawaii, Jessie Jackson Jr., Ill., Barney Frank, Mass., John Conyers, Mich., Jerrold Nadler, N.Y., Major Owens, N.Y., Charles Rangel, N.Y., Dennis Kucinch, Ohio, Sherrod Brown, Ohio, Peter DeFazio, Ore., Robert C. Scott, Va., Bernard Sanders, Vt., James McDermott, Wash.

Read their positions here:

Did I miss where is said they are members of the Communist Party?
Did I miss where is said they are members of the Communist Party?

I think the implication is that there is no difference between the PDA and the Communist Party.

Personally, after reading their positions, I'm not seeing it. Single-payer healthcare and progressive taxation do not a Communist make. Probably more socialistic that most people here would prefer, and understandably, but come on. The world isn't that black-or-white.

Though it's amusing to see that there are some circles where calling people Commies still hasn't gone out of vogue.
Take a 200-400 + level sociology class lol..

Really don't know how they come up with some of it. I successfully argued a class of around 80 people on the issue of gun control. Who would think only a few hours from chicago you'd have an amphitheater full of raging "guns kill school kids!" folks...