Dems Hold Fire On Huckabee; See 'easy Kill' In General Election

And everyone in politics — conservatives, libertarians, liberals, atheist, religious, et al — is trying to legislate morality.
Libertarians? If I am correct the libertarian idea is you should be free to do whatever you want so long as your actions do not infringe on the rights of another. Legislating that you should not be allowed to kill me, rob me or set fire to my house seems a pretty far cry from legislating morality to the extent of no gays allowed on one side and not being able to express a disapproval of gays on the other.
If I am correct the libertarian idea is you should be free to do whatever you want so long as your actions do not infringe on the rights of another.

That is an excellent description of morality.
Actually the better term is "fish in a barrel".

I am not sure if I can see what the big difference is between Huckabee's actual undergraduate degree, which is in Religion, and a degree in Theology.

Seems like it's a pretty slight difference.

Huckabee also has about 46 credit hours completed in a Master's Degree Program in Theology at Southwestern Theology Seminary.

I don't think that the issue is going to have legs, not that the MSM won't run with it like it was a "macacca moment."

Romney seems to be the most well qualified academically, with an MBA and JD from Harvard, next would be Ron Paul in my opinion, with a M.D. from Duke University School of Medicine.

I would rank the candidates academic credentials as:

1. Mitt Romney

2. Ron Paul

3. Rudy Giuliani: Undergraduate degree in Philosophy: Manhattan College, J.D. from NYU (Cum Laude)

4. Fred Thompson: Undergraduate degree in Philosophy & Political Science from Memphis State Univ., J.D. from Vanderbilt

5. Mike Huckabee

6. John McCain: Undergraduate degree in ?? from the US Naval Academy
Famous last words.

If the Democrats think they will hurt Huckabee by bringing up his plan to isolate AIDS patients they are deluded.

Most Americans think that isolating AIDS patients is a good idea.
Yeah, they also thought arresting Japanese Americans, born citizens, and placing them in Concentration Camps was a good idea too.

Illegal then and illegal now.

Virtually the entire healthcare community is opposed to it as well.

More to the point, here's some analysis of Huckabee on his plans.

December 17, 2007
The Huckster's Foreign Policy - Talk to Tehran – and invade Pakistan

by Justin Raimondo

The word-bite coming out of Mike Huckabee's Foreign Affairs manifesto is "arrogant bunker mentality," this in reference to the Bush administration, a mindset which, the new Republican front-runner avers, "has been counterproductive at home and abroad." Mitt Romney is demanding an apology from Huckabee to the president, but this grasping at straws only confirms Huckabee's status as the front-runner.
Read the full article
Yeah, they also thought arresting Japanese Americans, born citizens, and placing them in Concentration Camps was a good idea too.

You're equating the legality of isolating patients involuntarily who have serious communicable diseases with the Japanese internment. There is no valid comparison.

Illegal then and illegal now.

Really, when was Korematsu v. United States overturned? :D

And I don't think Huckabee has advocated concentration camps for anyone with AIDS. His comments were made in 1992 and referred to isolation in hospital sanatoriums, as is done perfectly legally with other communicable diseases like Tuberculosis.

Today, knowing more about the transmission route that AIDs requires, Huckabee doesn't advocate the idea.
His comments were made in 1992....

...Today, knowing more about the transmission route that AIDs requires, Huckabee doesn't advocate the idea.

I'm pretty sure this was well known in 1992, though. I know I was taught in a public school in 1993 or 1994 just how difficult it was to transmit the HIV virus. Which means either he was ignoring these facts and going along with the scaremongering that was probably still pretty popular at the time, or he was talking about policy decisions on the issue without bothering to look into widely available information on the subject. Either way, not the kind of thing I'd like to see from a president. But this is what happens when you ignore science.

That last should probably read, "Today, seeing as treating AIDS patients like lepers is less socially acceptable..."
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The vectors for AIDS transmission were very well known in 1992, and unfortunately for Huckabee, he's not distanced himself from the position at all.

Really, when was Korematsu v. United States overturned?
It was overturned by rule 7.62 and 5.56.
One thing I can say about Huckabee is that he does stand solidly behind our 2nd Amendment rights and he is one of the very few. I, personally, think our gun rights will be assaulted seriously in the coming next years, especially if a Dem is elected. We as gun owners had better stand together during this election or we could be in serious trouble. Anyone thinking it could never happen here had better get their head out of their butt and wake up.
His comments were made in 1992....

...Today, knowing more about the transmission route that AIDs requires, Huckabee doesn't advocate the idea.

High school health class in 1987 was pretty clear on this one. Unprotected anal sex and IV drug use were then and are today the most likely methods of transmission. This is followed by normal unprotected intercourse and the rare case of tainted blood transfusions (far more common in the late 80s than now.) Now if we are discussing an airborne version of Ebola Zaire then I am all for quarantines but you don't transmit AIDs by talking to someone on the street and a public official should not advocate the forced detention of a segment of society for public safety reasons if he doesn't understand the issue.

Why doesn't he address the issue now if he feels differently?
16 year old comments aren't really very influential when working the effect someones opinion. More recent comments/actions will have to be pointed to. It seems that his Christianity is what gets the most air time and news print.

With 76.5% of Americans self identifying as Christian and only .7% as atheist it seems like a tough road to hoe to present that as a down side. Granted, few vote their theology, but at the same time few are going to alienated by his.

The honest weak spot Huckabee has might be a 'soft on crime' label that could have adhesion.

Huckabee is viable. And going from a third tier candidate to the front-runner speaks alot of not just his appeal (Paul has appeal too) but also points out his leadership/executive ability. Governors that have served multiple terms have proven executive ability. An initially obscure Presidential candidate moving past established front runners with larger budgets takes leadership ability.

His 2A stance is clearly positive, his recent glancing criticism of the Bush foreign policy without taking on the 'hate Bush' stank shows savvy as it precludes the expected 'just another version of Bush' tactic that the left will try to label the next Republican nominee. They will run against Bush (already are) and Huckabee showed that he has the political awareness to anticipate and counter political attack.

The 'easy kill' line is simple an attempt to worry supporters about his electability. The top 3 least qualified but most popular Democrats have much softer bellies. If they were to run Richardson or Biden they would have a better qualified and substantive candidate.

Iowa is 3 weeks away. If Huckabee carries Iowa it will be down to Huckabee, Romney, and Giuliani overnight. After super Tuesday we will likely have a presumed Republican nominee, as gun owners who is the choice here?

Hillary's wheels are coming off and she is 'reshaping' her campaign every week now so it is quite likely Obama will get the Democrat nomination. Even if Hillary does pull off a win, we have no good (D) to veto new gun legislation or pass repeals of current legislation should Heller be decided correctly.

Link to demographics cited. US Census citation at bottom of linked page.
With 76.5% of Americans self identifying as Christian and only .7% as atheist it seems like a tough road to hoe to present that as a down side. Granted, few vote their theology, but at the same time few are going to alienated by his.

I am certain those Jews and Muslims out there may also have an issue with a bible thumping minister as president. Then there are all those "Christians" who consider rational thought more important that belief in the Bible as the unadulterated word of God. They too may have an issue.

Atheists are not the determining factor. They are merely the informed whistle blowers who recognize any religion taking control of gov't is a bad thing. Personally I would love to see an even split between all sects with no one group having the horsepower to push forward an agenda.
Did you know that Huckabee has a "Merry Christmas" commercial running right now. :eek: Merry Christmas?!? How dare he wish Americans a Merry Christmas! All of the atheists, liberals, and are enraged, and highly offended, I might add. :rolleyes: How can Huckabee expect to have the atheists, liberals, and folks vote for him if he wishes people a Merry Christmas?!? Oh wait a minute, those enraged and highly offended folks ain't gonna vote for him anyway, regardless of his faith and/or prior statements. But lots of other non-atheists, non-liberals, and people will vote for him if he earns the nomination. :D

I hope the Demos keep thinking it'll be an easy win, especially if they nominate Hillary or B. Hussein Obama. After all, they thought it would be easy in 2004. Turns out it wasn't so easy. ;)