Dems Hold Fire On Huckabee; See 'easy Kill' In General Election


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Tue Dec 11 2007 10:27:53 ET


Democrat party officials are avoiding any and all criticism of Republican presidential contender Mike Huckabee, insiders reveal.

The Democratic National Committee has told staffers to hold all fire, until he secures the party's nomination.

The directive has come down from the highest levels within the party, according to a top source.

Within the DNC, Huckabee is known as the "glass jaw -- and they're just waiting to break it."

In the last three weeks since Huckabee's surge kicked in, the DNC hasn't released a single press release criticizing his rising candidacy.

The last DNC press release critical of Huckabee appeared back on March 2nd.

[DNC Press Release Attack Summary:

Governor Mitt Romney (R-MA) – 37% (99 press releases)
Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R-NY) – 28% (74)
Senator John McCain (R-AZ) – 24% (64)
Senator Fred Thompson (R-TN) – 8% (20)
Governor Mike Huckabee – 2% (4)]

In fact, as the story broke over the weekend that Huckabee said he wanted to isolate AIDS patients back in 1992, the DNC ignored the opportunity to slam the candidate from the left.

"He'll easily be their McGovern, an easy kill," mocked one senior Democrat operative Tuesday morning from Washington.

"His letting out murderers because they shout 'Jesus', his wanting to put 300,000 AIDS patients and Magic Johnson into isolation, ain't even scratching the surface of what we've got on him."

The discipline the Democrats have shown in not engaging Huckabee has earned the praise of one former Republican Party official:

"The Democrats are doing a much better job restraining themselves than the GOP did in 2003 when Howard Dean looked like he was on the brink of winning the nomination."

A close friend to Huckabee explains: "Look, Mike is Hillary Clinton's worst nightmare. They should be squirming."

This goes for all the Republican candidates. Who ever the Republican nominee is next year, the Dems will open fire on them with increasing furry over the year. It is not going to be pretty. Hickabee is one of the worse choices out there, and will be an easy defeat.
Well the media is bought and paid for by the DNC. That is a fact. 80% of journalist are Democrats.They will say anything to bring down the Republican candidate in the general election. Right now I don't see anything I like in any of the candidates in either party. Huckabee is a decent fellow, and does have a certain charm about him. Unfortunately he is mired in controversy on his stance on religion, and now the case where he let murderers out of prison who then killed again. The Dems will dig up to blow out of proportion any little negative piece about him. To defeat the Democrats next year the Republicans will have to be on the offensive otherwise they will be steam rolled by the DNC machine.
Huckabee has defeated the Clinton political machine 4 times.

And to FIRST lay out the the trash:
.....Huckabee said he wanted to isolate AIDS patients back in 1992.....His letting out murderers because they shout 'Jesus', his wanting to put 300,000 AIDS patients and Magic Johnson into isolation..

THEN implying they are restraining themselves and suggesting they WANT him to be the nominee because he is an 'easy kill' is transparent fear. An obvious attempt to cause his supporters to doubt his ability to win.

Pay attention Clinton supporters. ALL 4 Republican front runners beat her in head to head polling. She isn't even winning within her own party's primaries.

As for the veiled Paul not Huck slider......also transparent.


We voted the Dems in for a shot at the ball in Congress based not on what they CAN do but rather what the Reps WEREN'T doing and look what we got....endless nothing flavored with MoveOn slogans and slathered in excuses resulting in an proof of abject incompetence. Happens every time a mealy mouth gets a leadership position.

Hillary is FAR more target rich then anyone of either party. Shu indictment....hmmmm....saving that one? "I was unaware" is getting to be her unofficial motto.

Would however PREFER her as the Dem nominee, with Obama next. As always the Dems have thier 2 least qualified but 'coolest' candidates as front runners. Biden and Richardson are the most qualified and have zero hope, Kusinich is the Ron Paul of the Dems and is a completly owed by organized labor, Dodd is really running for a Cabinet appointment or VP spot. I'd even be tempted to vote for Richardson depending on the Rep. nominee.
"He'll easily be their McGovern, an easy kill," mocked one senior Democrat operative Tuesday morning from Washington.

Famous last words.

If the Democrats think they will hurt Huckabee by bringing up his plan to isolate AIDS patients they are deluded.

Most Americans think that isolating AIDS patients is a good idea.
I back Huckabee

I am backing Huckabee. His values are the closest to mine that I can find in the choices we have.

CNN ran a poll saying Huckabee would be crushed by everyone, including Edwards. No surprise, as Arabia said, they are backed by the DNC and don't want the competition. Isn't it ironic they put McCain at the top since he is failing in the other polls.

Anti-Huckabee news isn't being mainstreamed.
The man arranged the release of a serial rapist and killer for partisan political reasons.

For the last few years one of his excuses has been that "nobody could have know he'd offend again". That turns out to be less than factual.
This story broke last week. Try and find it in the MSM.

The only reason Huckabee is still afloat is because the media likes him.

The man is about as Christian as my cat.
AIDS is bordering on a pandemic. It's a viral disies that kills most people infected, infectees cannot be cured but treated, and any attempt to reproduce results in offspring and partner contracting the disease. Sometimes the infectees do not know they are infected for a while, meaning prostitutes basically could be screwing the world into illness and death If the media would post these findings and instead of throwing a pity party for them.

In know they are human beings and deserve some compassion, but with the vast numbers of HIV infected people they could set up their own communities, work for a living, and be self sufficient until they all die out over time (although in the end stages people will be begging for death).
The Arkansas Parole Board PAROLED a rapist that re-offended. Huck didn't pardon him. When the truth doesn't hurt your opponent then blur it right.

The 'media' likes Hillary and Giuliani depending on who's slant you resemble. All others are subject to the 'build em' up so you can tear em' up' routine.

If he does well....he'll get more build up, if he starts doing slipping, it's tear up.
What I find funny is the dems had 2004 in the bank , or so they thought, then they laid the plans for all the gay marriage crap on the table, that brought the consers out in droves, and while they were voting that crap down they voted for a republican Pres., guess what...when faced with all the BS the left is putting out there, they will lose again and for very simialr reasons.
Huckabee all the way!;)
Let me start by fully disclosing that I am a Ron Paul supporter. That aside, I have watched Huckabee a little before the election even started, and I have been watching him in the debates. Other than that I haven't paid much attention to him and I don't really know his positions on all the issues. My general impression is that he might have a chance against Obama or Edwards, but he has absolutely zero chance at all against Hillary. Both Arkansas and Washington D.C. are Hillary's turf, and she will pile up so much dirt on him, his campaign will collapse from the weight. He is way out of his league if he has to deal with her. I'll go even further and say the Republican party knows it and will sacrifice him to the wolves by leaking dirty secrets to the press before the primaries are over. I saw a few instances yesterday where FOX news was suddenly starting to turn on him.
The DNC won't need to throw the dirt

At Huckabee. The Republicans will do it for them, now that he's a threat.

At this stage in the game, any negative story about any candidate is far, far more likely to come from his/her own party rivals than from the other side.

Regan's 11th Commandment is dead. Killed by Karl Rove in South Carolina in 2000 . RIP.

I recall reading about Germany's former Chancellor Helmut Kohl that the secret of his success-longest serving Chancellor of the Federal Republic-was that his enemies always understimated him. In 1966 the Democrats of California were overjoyed when the Republicans nominated "that cowboy".
but he has absolutely zero chance at all against Hillary
She's so divisive, those are probably his best chances. Nothing could motivate conservatives to the polls like Hillary on the democrat ticket.

Besides, misunderestimating :rolleyes: your opponent is never a good idea.
Many people delude themselves. Unless she makes some HUGE blunders, Hillary will be the Dem’s candidate and she will mop the floor with any current Republican. I don’t like saying this and wish it weren’t so. :(

Lot’s of Dems are punishing her now because they can do so without hurting her chances of winning in the general. Current polls showing Huckabee (or anyone else for that matter) beating her mean nothing.
Unless she makes some HUGE blunders, Hillary will be the Dem’s candidate and she will mop the floor with any current Republican. I don’t like saying this and wish it weren’t so.

Sadly, I agree.

Americans, the majority anyway, are ignorant of our own political process. Not just ignorant, but blissfully so. No one WANTS to know.
Hollywood has instilled one major destructive quality in almost all Americans, and that is that CLELBRITY is more important than CHARACTER.
That is compounded by the media, who will support the big names just because it is an attention grabber.

Huckabee's campaign would have to become much more vocal and active, and do so very quickly, for him to capture enough attention to be a viable competitor.

As for the Dems being "disciplined" in their witholding of mud-slinging, that's just an asinine thing to say. It's not discpline, is deception.
Just one more of the qualities we look for in politicians though, right?:barf: