Democrats vs. Republicans on Civil Rights


New member
Note that these are my beliefs only. But this is what I see.

I see both parties as a half dozen of one and 6 of the other. The Republicans don't believe all men are created equal and want to shove religion down our throats (which violates the First Amendment freedom of religion), want to control the press's ability to release certain things about the government, and suppress people who don't support them as terrorist supporters. I mean, the Republicans during the Bush Administration, at least many of them, have become anti First Amendment, anti Fourth Amendment, and Anti Fifth Amendment. The only reason Republicans support guns, at least for many of them, is because not supporting guns is, in many areas, political suicide (something the Dems haven't figured out yet). I assure you that once the tide turns, and the NRA loses much of its political clout (as far as getting gun owners to vote guns), the Republicans will be just as happy to take people's guns away as the Democrats are.
They will support whatever gets them votes and power, then they do what they want. It doesn't matter if they have a D or R after their name. They are both evil.
You're right. They are both offering nothing but bigger government, higher taxes, further erosion of civil rights. The Republicans do it under the guise of war and national security, and the Democrats do it under the guise of compassion, and helping the poor. In the end it's the same thing. More government control. They are two hands of the same puppet master and they have the same end in mind.

Only the Libertarians have a clue. Some think their ideas are somewhat radical but 100 years ago if you proposed the government policies that are in effect today you'd have been called a radical and run out of town. The two party system has stolen our country from us and is quickly turning us into government slaves.
The distinction between the parties has become somewhat more blurred but

Dems still favor more government control and social programs than Reps. The Dems also believe the government generally knows what people need and should control their decision making.

Reps are more for individual responsibilities; ie. the government doesn't need to control and regulate everything we do.

Members of either party will do whatever it takes to get elected or re-elected and make their decisions based more on that than on what may or may not be good for the country.
The Reps have increased the size of the government and spent countless amounts of money on stupid crap. They have passed the PATRIOT Act which gives the government more control over us and suspends civil rights in the name of national security.

Wuchak, I agree with your outlook on the Libertarians. Bob Barr is running on the Libertarian ticket.
JWT, I agree and disagree. I agree that both parties are more concerned about staying in office than the good of their constituents and the country.

I agree that the Dems generally support more social welfare programs and trying to get the government to control certain bad habits that people have (not eating healthy, smoking, etc).

However, I see the Republicans as the ones with the government control because they don't trust the people period. They'll let them have guns.... for now, because to do otherwise might lose some of their voting base (or perhaps more), and really hurt them in elections. They know this.

As far as the right of individuals to make their own decisions, that's a tough one. Republicans generally support big business, often at the expense of the little man, but Democrats also, if they had it their way, wouldn't allow people to smoke at all (which is bad, but I don't mind them not being allowed to smoke around others, as I value clean air), and would try to ban fatty foods and all that other nice stuff that we eat at the ballpark or off the grill. So I don't like either party, really.

Freakshow, if Bob Barr is running Libertarian, I may very well vote for him. I'm a registered Democrat, but I don't trust either of the candidates with the highest office, and I trust John McCain as far as honesty, but I disagree with many (or most) of his policies.
You're wrong of course. The Democrats are far worse than the Republicans.

The Republicans don't believe all men are created equal

It's the Democrats who push affirmative action and identity politics, not the Republicans.

and want to shove religion down our throats (which violates the First Amendment freedom of religion),

No, they want people to be free to practice their religion. That means things like a public school kid writing a report on "their favorite person" and who chooses Jesus won't get expelled. The Democrats would favor flogging for such an affront to freedom.

want to control the press's ability to release certain things about the government

No, it's the Democrats who are pushing for a revival of the "Fairness Doctrine" in order to silence critics they can't stand, such as Rush Limbaugh.

and suppress people who don't support them as terrorist supporters.

No, it's the Democrats who support "speech codes" making expressing certain opinions a "hate crime" that terrorizes, for example, gays and racial minorities. Read up on your local public University's speech code sometime.

I mean, the Republicans during the Bush Administration, at least many of them, have become anti First Amendment,

Give an example of Bush Administration actions that are, as you say: "anti-first amendment"

In that vein, the Democrats gut the first amendment by opposing the public practice of religion if it's Christianity, and opression of free speech through "speech codes", "hate crime" laws, the "Fairness Doctrine" etc.

anti Fourth Amendment, and Anti Fifth Amendment.

Are you referring to the internment of terrorist suspects? The vast majority are foreign nationals not falling under most provisions of the Bill of rights. There have been only a few cases (two?) of US citizens winding up in detention. Their cases were disturbing indeed, I agree.

Quick Quiz: How many US Citizens did noted fascist Democrat FDR round up and slap into internment camps?

The only reason Republicans support guns, at least for many of them, is because not supporting guns is, in many areas, political suicide (something the Dems haven't figured out yet).

Nonsense. Most are gun owners and are sincere in supporting the Second Amendment.

I assure you that once the tide turns, and the NRA loses much of its political clout (as far as getting gun owners to vote guns), the Republicans will be just as happy to take people's guns away as the Democrats are.

As evidenced by...nothing.
The Republicans had control of the Oval Office and the Congress long enough to make deep and profound changes if they wanted to do so. They could have slashed the size of the government, reigned in rogue federal agencies, repealed federal gun laws, returned us to the gold standard, slashed taxes, balanced the budget, etc. They did none of these things. Instead they greatly expanded the size and power of the government and got us into a war we have no business being in based on nothing but lies, and have spent our grandchildren into debt. Why? Money for the Industrial War Complex and their big business backers. They want complete control over your life just like the Democrats do, only the Republicans are happy to share some of that control with big business where the Dems want the Government to have it all. If things are as messed up as they are after all this time the Republicans have been in power then it tells you one thing and that's this is they way they want things to be.
I agree that the leadership didn't want to rock the boat and thought that would keep them in office. It didn't, it couldn't. Holding actions like that have to collapse eventually.
There's something about a Republican that you can only stand him for so long.

On the other hand, there's something about a Democrat that you can't stand him for quite so long.
--Will Rogers

I see it differently. The Democrats believe wealth and income are something to be taxed. The Republicans believe that wealth and income are something to be accumulated and re-invested or spent.

Democrats believe anyone can grow up to be successful, but if you are too successful you must be punished by higher taxes or special 'windfall profits' taxes. Republicans believe if you are successful you should decide how to spend your profits.

Congress knows only three solutions to any problem - form a committee to study it; pass a law against it; or pass a law to tax it.

Democrats talk a good game about equality and "civil rights" but fail to practice it. Schools and universities have zero-tolerance polices that are adhered too without consideration as to the reason for the policy, only that the policy exists. There was little talk about bringing back the FCC "Fairness Doctrine" until the Democrat-funded "Air America" network failed to attract more than a token audience. They also claim it's "hate speech" if certain words or concepts are spoken to others of a different minority group. In at least a couple of universities, professors are actually teaching that a person belonging to a "minority group" is "incapable" of uttering "hate speech" because, by definition, a minority group is always the victim of the white male-dominated culture. :barf:

I don't see any examples there of any policy by the Bush Administration to infringe on the First Amendment. All of these examples are of local cops arresting protestors, or the Secret Service acting in their usual heavy handed way, as they do under every Administration. The Secret Service once "arrested" a woman at a McDonald's for speaking out against Bill Clinton when he dropped in during a jog. They are notorious for that sort of thing.

And the Secret Service investigates any image that depicts violence against a sitting President.

Finally, from the last link:

Charged with "unlawful free speech," the defendants were part of a larger group that appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court on January 11

Right. They were charged with "unlawful free speech". I'll bet the lefties didn't make that one up.:rolleyes:
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This is the first assertion you've made that I've ever read.
The Republicans don't believe all men are created equal...
Considering that the Republicans were the party in power in the Senate during the passage of the 1964 civil rights act I'll have to call BS on this. Your other assertions just get less and less substantiated as one reads.

Enough time wasted. Have a nice day. :rolleyes:
The Republicans don't believe all men are created equal and want to shove religion down our throats (which violates the First Amendment freedom of religion), want to control the press's ability to release certain things about the government, and suppress people who don't support them as terrorist supporters.

Yeah, and the democrats/neo-libs are known to kidnapp and eat little children. And they don't allow citizens to post stuff on the internet. How unpatriotic. You should go and pray.
Just a historical note

which seems weird in 2008, but from 1865 through 1962 it was the REPUBLICANS pushing for equal voting rights for blacks, and the Dems (the party of the South) resisting with all their might. It took Kennedy using Federal troops in the early '60's and Johnson's civil rights and voting acts to turn this around. Once blacks began voting in large numbers, it was for the Dems.
Man do you have your facts screwed up. Let me help you with that.

The Republicans don't believe all men are created equal
Something that they will not teach you in school, mainly because most teachers are Democrats. Abe Lincoln was a Republican. The Democrats were the party of Slavery. The Republicans freed the slaves not the Democrats. The Republicans created the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments to protect the right of newly freed blacks. The Republicans brought about Reconstruction which swept large numbers of freed blacks into office. The Democrats formed their military arm the KKK to intimidate and kill blacks and their Republican protectors. The Democrats military arm were the ones that murdered and multilated blacks for trying to vote. The Democrats created the Jim Crowe Laws. A Republican President sent troops to enforce Brown vs The Board of Education after a Republican appointed SCOTUS came down with the ruling. Democrats were the ones blocking access to school. Both Senator John F. Kennedy and Al Gore's father voted against the civil rights act, and it was the Kennedy Administration that sicked the FBI on Rev. King.

and want to shove religion down our throats (which violates the First Amendment freedom of religion),
This we agree on.

want to control the press's ability to release certain things about the government,
Actually it's the Democrats that want to bring back the "Fairness Doctrine" to shut down the only voices that the don't have any control over. Starting with eliminating talk radio.

and suppress people who don't support them as terrorist supporters. I mean, the Republicans during the Bush Administration, at least many of them, have become anti First Amendment, anti Fourth Amendment, and Anti Fifth Amendment.
While I disagree with much of the Patriot Act I think you overstate what's going on. If you're referring to Gitmo and enemy combatants caught out of uniform - they have no rights. They could have legally been shot on sight.

The only reason Republicans support guns,
I believe that the majority actually do support the 2nd Amendment.

at least for many of them, is because not supporting guns is, in many areas, political suicide (something the Dems haven't figured out yet).
Oh the Dems have figured it out - they just lie about it. Look at Obama on the 2nd...
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Our nation’s top historians reveal that the Democratic Party gave us the Ku Klux Klan, Black Codes, Jim Crow Laws and other repressive legislation which resulted in the multitude of murders, lynchings, mutilations, and intimidations (of thousands of black and white Republicans). On the issue of slavery: historians say the Democrats gave their lives to expand it, the Republicans gave their lives to ban it.
The Democrats:
• Democrats fought to expand slavery while Republicans fought to end it.
• Democrats passed those discriminatory Black Codes and Jim Crow laws.
• Democrats supported and passed the Missouri Compromise to protect slavery.
• Democrats supported and passed the Kansas Nebraska Act to expand slavery.
• Democrats supported and backed the Dred Scott Decision.
• Democrats opposed educating blacks and murdered our teachers.
• Democrats fought against anti-lynching laws.
• Democrat Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia, is well known for having been a “Keagle” in the Ku Klux Klan.
• Democrat Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia, personally filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for 14 straight hours to keep it from passage.
• Democrats passed the Repeal Act of 1894 that overturned civil right laws enacted by Republicans.
• Democrats declared that they would rather vote for a “yellow dog” than vote for a Republican, because the Republican Party was known as the party for blacks.
• Democrat President Woodrow Wilson, reintroduced segregation throughout the federal government immediately upon taking office in 1913.
• Democrat President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s first appointment to the Supreme Court was a life member of the Ku Klux Klan, Sen. Hugo Black, Democrat of Alabama.
• Democrat President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s choice for vice president in 1944 was Harry Truman, who had joined the Ku Klux Klan in Kansas City in 1922.
• Democrat President Franklin D. Roosevelt resisted Republican efforts to pass a federal law against lynching.
• Democrat President Franklin D. Roosevelt opposed integration of the armed forces.
• Democrat Senators Sam Ervin, Albert Gore, Sr. and Robert Byrd were the chief opponents of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
• Democrats supported and backed Judge John Ferguson in the case of Plessy v Ferguson.
• Democrats supported the School Board of Topeka Kansas in the case of Brown v The Board of Education of Topeka Kansas.
• Democrat public safety commissioner Eugene “Bull” Connor, in Birmingham, Ala., unleashed vicious dogs and turned fire hoses on black civil rights demonstrators.
• Democrats were who Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the other protesters were fighting.
• Democrat Georgia Governor Lester Maddox “brandished an ax hammer to prevent blacks from patronizing his restaurant.
• Democrat Governor George Wallace stood in front of the Alabama schoolhouse in 1963, declaring there would be segregation forever.
• Democrat Arkansas Governor Faubus tried to prevent desegregation of Little Rock public schools.
• Democrat Senator John F. Kennedy voted against the 1957 Civil rights Act.
• Democrat President John F. Kennedy opposed the 1963 March on Washington by Dr. King.
• Democrat President John F. Kennedy, had Dr. King wiretapped and investigated by the FBI.
• Democrat President Bill Clinton’s mentor was U.S. Senator J. William Fulbright, an Arkansas Democrat and a supporter of racial segregation.
• Democrat President Bill Clinton interned for J. William Fulbright in 1966-67.
• Democrat Senator J. William Fulbright signed the Southern Manifesto opposing the Supreme Court’s 1954 Brown vs. Board of Education decision.
• Democrat Senator J. William Fulbright joined with the Dixiecrats in filibustering the Civil Rights Acts of 1957 and 1964.
• Democrat Senator J. William Fulbright voted against the 1965 Voting Rights Act.
• Southern Democrats opposed desegregation and integration.
Democrats opposed:
1. The Emancipation Proclamation
2. The 13th Amendment
3. The 14th Amendment
4. The 15th Amendment
5. The Reconstruction Act of 1867
6. The Civil Rights of 1866
7. The Enforcement Act of 1870
8. The Forced Act of 1871
9. The Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871
10. The Civil Rights Act of 1875
11. The Freeman Bureau
12. The Civil Rights Act of 1957
13. The Civil Rights Act of 1960
14. The United State Civil Rights Commission
Republicans gave strong bi-partisan support and sponsorship for the following
1. The Civil Rights Act of 1964
2. The Voting Rights Act of 1965
3. The 1968 Civil Rights Acts
4. The Equal Opportunity Act of 1972
5. Goals and Timetables for Affirmative Action Programs
6. Comprehensive Employment Training Act of 1973
7. Voting Rights Act of Amendment of 1982
8. Civil Rights Act of 1983
9. Federal Contract Compliance and Workforce Development Act of 1988
The Republicans:
• Republicans enacted civil rights laws in the 1950’s and 1960’s, over the objection of Democrats.
• Republicans founded the HBCU’s (Historical Black College’s and Universities) and started the NAACP to counter the racist practices of the Democrats.
• Republicans pushed through much of the ground-breaking civil rights legislation in Congress.
• Republicans fought slavery and amended the Constitution to grant blacks freedom, citizenship and the right to vote.
• Republicans pushed through much of the groundbreaking civil rights legislation from the 1860s through the 1960s.
• Republican President Dwight Eisenhower sent troops into the South to desegregate the schools.
• Republican President Eisenhower appointed Chief Justice Earl Warren to the Supreme Court, which resulted in the 1954 Brown vs. Board of Education decision.
• Republican Senator Everett Dirksen from Illinois, not Democrat President Lyndon Johnson, was the one who pushed through the civil rights laws of the 1960’s.
• Republican Senator Everett Dirksen from Illinois wrote the language for the 1965 Voting Rights Act.
• Republican Senator Everett Dirksen from Illinois also crafted the language for the Civil Rights Act of 1968 which prohibited discrimination in housing.
• Republican and black American, A. Phillip Randolph, organized the 1963 March by Dr. King on Washington.
The 1964 Civil Rights Act Roll Call Vote: In the House, only 64 percent of the Democrats (153 yes, 91 no), but 80 percent of the Republicans (136 yes, 35 no), voted for it. In the Senate, while only 68 percent of the Democrats endorsed the bill (46 yes, 21 no), 82 percent of the Republicans voted to enact it (27 yes, 6 no).
Thaddeus Stevens, a Radical Republican that introduced legislation to give African Americans the so-called 40 acres and a mule and Democrats overwhelmingly voted against the bill.
During the Senate debates on the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871, it was revealed that members of the Democratic Party formed many terrorist organizations like the Ku Klux Klan to murder and intimidate African Americans voters. The Ku Klux Klan Act was a bill introduced by a Republican Congress to stop Klan Activities.
History reveals that Democrats lynched, burned, mutilated and murdered thousands of blacks and completely destroyed entire towns and communities occupied by middle class Blacks, including Rosewood, Florida, the Greenwood District in Tulsa Oklahoma, and Wilmington, North Carolina to name a few.
History reveals that it was Abolitionists and Radical Republicans such as Henry L. Morehouse and General Oliver Howard that started many of the traditional Black colleges, while Democrats fought to keep them closed. Many of our traditional Black colleges are named after white Republicans.
After exclusively giving the Democrats their votes for the past 25 years, the average African American cannot point to one piece of civil rights legislation sponsored solely by the Democratic Party that was specifically designed to eradicate the unique problems that African Americans face today.