Democrat Chicanery...:(

1 Sponsor and 25 Co-sponsors - 21 Democrats / 5 Republicans

1 Sponsor and 72 Co-sponsors - 65 Democrats / 8 Republicans

Totals: 86 Democrats and 13 Republicans

That is as partisan as it comes. The split here is 80/20 Democrat in the Senate and 89/11 in the House. The split in Congress is about 50/50. Senate is 50 Dems, 49 Reps, 1 Independent. House is 233 Dems, 201 Reps, and 2 Independents. So it's not reflective of the ratios.

Bottom line is that it's a Democrat sponsored effort with partisan Democrat support. It's no secret that they are counting on the potential new voting demographic being Democrat leaning.

There exists no inherent human right to live in the United States. Those born here and those that have naturalized have that right but it's not an inherent human right.

There is a REASON it's hard for people to immigrate here. Our society and economy can only absorb and assimilate so many at a time without disrupting our politics and economy (sound familiar).

These concepts are not hard to understand. To do or take something just because you want or need it is wrong. People willing to do or take something illegally are people society calls criminals.

Mexico is corrupt, sure, not a secret. Since it's corrupt the general population is in poverty. Also not news. Why is that the responsibility of the US population?

11 billion dollars a year are sent to Mexico from the US economy. Millions of jobs are done by cash workers putting American entrepreneurs out of business. A political party is bent on securing their place here for their votes. It is effecting our economy and politics.

Again we have a problem that is monumental and again we have a political party that's answer is 'GIVE UP! we lose, they win, accept it and let's get elected' rather then making the hard decisions for the best of the nation regardless of the political price. Ever heard a Democrat leader say Americas honor is more important then the Democrat Party?
once we take over we wont try to kick you out or put you in reservations. We'll be better hosts than that. Oh yeah, and you should start learning Spanish, lo van a necesitar.

Once you take over huh? Hope you're ready for a fight!
"Once you take over huh? Hope you're ready for a fight!"

Ready for a fight? How much of a fight did YOU put up for California? Because whatever you did Its obvious it did not do a darn thing.
Conquer_all2002, are you actually stating that you or your 'faction' are engaged in an organized effort to wrest control and/or authority of the United States? I hope this is just 'chest thumping' from the perceived anonymity of the internet. If your just acting big that's one thing, if your serious that's another.

Which is it though?
What Conquerall2002 is saying is that given enough time "they" will eventually have greater influence over U.S. politics than the silly white men do. Once they have this influence, "they" will change the laws to favor themselves and in turn take over the U.S. There isn't any implied threat of overt overthrow. He/She is merely stating the long term effects of population change. America is going to become a Spanglish speaking land that is closer to being Mexico, rather than the English design we see today. No threat there, just a statement of future fact. Nothing more than a slow subversion.

It is as plain as day. If you recall the chant, " Today we march, tomorrow we vote." you will understand. They told America strait to it's face what "they" intend to do. Americans are asleep at the wheel and will awaken to a True New Mexico. Guess that is what we deserve since we will not fight. All Americans do is posture and pose, we are a bunch of paper tigers and "they" know it.

It may make some of us mad, but the truth hurts. The only ironic thing is that these New Americans will find themselves living in the equivalent to a third world country by the time "they" do take it over. Why is that? Because "they" will support political policies that inevitably will bankrupt this country and lead it down the same path that they lead themselves down before. It will be fun to see the dumbfounded looks on their faces when "they" understand that you cannot run from your problems.

Children think that they can move to a new location and all their problems will be left behind. Only when they grow up, and begin to realise that they were the root of their problems, will they comprehend the truth. Isn't life beautiful?
The aspect of this DREAM act that makes it chicanery IMHO is that they are trying to attach it to the Armed Forces appropriations bill. The act of trying to attach it to important legislation rather then to propose it as it's own legislation and have it considered on it's own merits shows they know it's bad legislation. A bill titled "DREAM Act Immigration Reform Bill" would have them scoured in rebuke by the American people.

What happened to the most transparent Congress promise they made to get their temporary majority? Seems they are working VERY hard to show their election was a big mistake.

The 2 biggest issues in America are Immigration and Iraq. They want to give amnesty to current and FUTURE illegal aliens and they want to give up on a working strategy in Iraq. They work very hard to regain their seats as minority leaders and vice-chairman.

Don't change a single thing Democrat leaders......your doing a GREAT job for Republicans.
"Conquer_all2002, are you actually stating that you or your 'faction' are engaged in an organized effort to wrest control and/or authority of the United States? I hope this is just 'chest thumping' from the perceived anonymity of the internet. If your just acting big that's one thing, if your serious that's another.

Which is it though?"

No no, its not an organized effort like say the pilgrims strategy raping , killing and robbing Indians of their lands. That would just unethical and savage. Im not "acting big", Im simply stating what I believe the future will bring.

You can see the change all over the place. There is virtually no big city where you cant comfortably get around speaking no english. All the signs are bilingual, most paperwork is bilingual and you can find someone that can speak Spanish just about anywhere. You guys have lost neighborhoods like Spanish Harlem, Chinatown and little Havana. ENTIRE cities like Miami, plant city , Brownsville and L.A. You have also pretty much lost or are in the verge of losing states like Texas, CA and FL. And by lost I dont mean as in its separated from the rest of the US. I mean lost as in the language, culture, entertainment, governing bodies, enforcing law agencies and economy are occupied/run by immigrants or sons and daughters of immigrants. I tried to rationalize with people here but everyone is blinded by their hatred of immigrants. They want to hate? Fine, Im just showing they are wasting their energy. They might as well accept it because the immigration war has been lost. Immigrants have too much political power, too much money and are a big enough part of society now days where we cant just be pushed around.

You think this amnesty reforms are thought up just to help immigrants? No! They are presented by governing bodies to fall in grace with immigrants. And its not just Mexicans like everyone keeps talking about, ALL immigrants stick together when it comes to issues like this. Immigration its a self-fueling machine. The more we grow, the more power we have, the more power we have, the more we grow. Its a chain link effect unlike anything the US has ever seen. Regardless of amnesties, every legal immigrant claims one relative. When the process is done, they each claim one more relative, and so on and so on and so on. You guys are fueled by disdain of immigrants to keep us out. We are fueled by hunger to stay in and bring more people in. Not to mention ALL immigrants are fighting for the same cause while you guys are divided and fighting within. Who do you think has a better shot of getting things acomplished?

Mark my words, one block at the time, one town at the time, one city at the time, one state at the time, we will run this place.
Conquer all 2002.

I am an American Indian and my people lost to the English due to their infighting. Sadly the Native Americans were unorganized and backward in their culture and technology. The Federal Government of the United States of America recognizes my ancestral roots and I also recognize that the English conquered this land and rule it rightfully. I bet you thought I was a "white man".:eek:

Yes, in time Mexicans will rule this land if the English/European descendants don't get their act together. What you don't seem to understand is that the U.S. is prosperous due to the culture of the Englishmen who helped create her. If it wasn't for the English roots of the culture, the roots in English common laws and the traditions therein, this country would be populated by either Indians that were still using stone age weaponry and tools and who were stuck in a stagnant culture or it would be ruled by the failed designs that Spain gave your people to work with and be a broken land like Mexico is.

Keep thinking that it will be prosperous when those roots have been undermined in totality. You will awaken to a new reality when there are no more people who up hold up the traditions that the Founders help get started. The Mexican culture led to Mexico's current situation and all those that are coming illegally here aren't trying to become Americans. They are just trying to make America in a New Mexico, by bringing the same traditions and culture here into the U.S.

By not attempting to adapt to the language, culture, and traditions of this country and expecting the country to adapt to them, they will be their own undoing. All this is going to do is cause these people to create more of the same misery that they are attempting to leave behind. But hey, it's ok. America deserves what it gets for letting this farce go on.

Go for it, I will have fun watching this once great country descend into chaos and ruin. My ancestors didn't do justice to it and neither will those that will not play by the rules that created the prosperity of the U.S. in the first place. I do thoroughly enjoy this dark comedy. ;)

Keep thinking that there will always be a free lunch at the neighbors house. When you are living in that house your people lusted after and the people that made that house what it is are no longer keeping it up, the house will begin to look very much like the house your people are abandoning. Mark my words. Tick.. Tock... Tick... Tock... and the joke is on who?
Well now you've blown your case.

First, ILLEGAL immigration is what people have issue with. And ILLEGAL immigrants do not and cannot hold any of the positions of power or influence you cited. BUZZZZZ Not factual although it is entertaining to see the dream weaving. Slug called it a dark comedy, very apropo.

Second, LEGAL permanent resident aliens that have become naturalized citizens can in fact sponsor in family members. Takes about 10 years and only the truly lawful make it in. Those numbers are regulated to avoid the very scenario you invented. BUZZZ Not factual.

Also, I am close friends with 4 people that have legally immigrated and guess what......they ARE united in their position on illegal immigration, they resent the hell out of it. They get more agitated about it then any others. They did it right and it took them YEARS to do so. They feel it to be personally offensive that others wouldn't be held to that same standard.

America is a land of immigrants. Those that have successfully assimilated are proud to be Americans because they have LIVED the alliterative.

Americans (native and naturalized) DO NOT HATE IMMIGRANTS. We are against illegal immigration. Only ILLEGAL immigrants are of the single mindset you discussed. And they are also impotent to affect the future you have dreamed up for us.

Thank you. I have enjoyed this. You have pointed out exactly why illegal immigration is such an important issue. And for pointing out why this Democrat chicanery is so appalling. You've done a great job helping the Republicans make their point!
Well now you've blown your case.

First, ILLEGAL immigration is what people have issue with. And ILLEGAL immigrants do not and cannot hold any of the positions of power or influence you cited. BUZZZZZ Not factual although it is entertaining to see the dream weaving. Slug called it a dark comedy, very apropo.

Second, LEGAL permanent resident aliens that have become naturalized citizens can in fact sponsor in family members. Takes about 10 years and only the truly lawful make it in. Those numbers are regulated to avoid the very scenario you invented. BUZZZ Not factual.

Also, I am close friends with 4 people that have legally immigrated and guess what......they ARE united in their position on illegal immigration, they resent the hell out of it. They get more agitated about it then any others. They did it right and it took them YEARS to do so. They feel it to be personally offensive that others wouldn't be held to that same standard.

America is a land of immigrants. Those that have successfully assimilated are proud to be Americans because they have LIVED the alliterative.

Americans (native and naturalized) DO NOT HATE IMMIGRANTS. We are against illegal immigration. Only ILLEGAL immigrants are of the single mindset you discussed. And they are also impotent to affect the future you have dreamed up for us.

Thank you. I have enjoyed this. You have pointed out exactly why illegal immigration is such an important issue. And for pointing out why this Democrat chicanery is so appalling. You've done a great job helping the Republicans make their point!

You do have an issue with immigrants, otherwise you would not be against turning them legal. While illegal immigrants may not hold positions of power, their sons daughters and other family member and friends do. And even if not related, Legal immigrants do not or tend to not support anti immigrant politicians and laws. It does not take 10 years. I know that for a FACT! If you have the relative come here with a Visa and then you claim them, you can get them a work permit in under 12 months and be permanent residents within 16 months. And I dont what the deal is with that family of immigrants you are friends with. I have not run across anyone that would do anything to complicate their own people.

Really? Impotent of affecting the future I "dreamed up". So i guess I "dreamed up" that you MUST speak Spanish to get around in Miami, I "dreamed Up" that there are 21 Spanish speaking stations in LA, I "dreamed up" that all business cater to immigrants with their bilingual ads, I "dreamed up" that ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS paralyzed tens of downtowns with the pro immigration marches on march 1st, I "dreamed up" that Jeb Bush ran ads in SPANISH to rally support for his brothers election, I "dreamed up" that 1 in 4 Americans is an Immigrant or son of Immigrants, I "dreamed up" that it is so the case that legal and illegal immigrants have power that they are pressuring the Gov for raiding Illegal Immigrants, I "dreamed up" that all these years of trying and after all the anti-immigration lobbing you have been able to do nothing to stop immigration, I "dreamed up" that other immigrants have set up help points to hand out water and food to illegal immigrants crossing the border, I "dreamed up" that it is virtually impossible for you or any other American to go a whole day with out having to deal with an immigrant in some way shape or form, I "dreamed up" that most every city have immigration pockets that straight up look and feel as if they were foreign soil, I "dreamed up" how immigrants or people born of immigrants have become mainstream in the media and politics (Carlos Mencia, Sofia Velgara, Venicio del Toro, Eva Longoria , Gloria Stefan , Carlos Santana, Livan Hernandez , Hakeem Olajuwon, Sammy Sosa, Patrick Ewing, Oscar de la Renta, Madeleine Albrigh, Henry Kissinger, Tom Lantos, Placido Domingo, Michael J. Fox, Bob Hope, Ricardo Montalban, Gene Simmons, William Shatner, Neil Young, John Secada)

Listen, I think the future will be as I say. Looking at the evolution and change of the last 30 years I think we are well underway to running this place. But I guess we will have to agree to disagree and let time show who was right.


You know what the difference is between you and m (aside from me seeing no difference between legal and illegal immigration) . If it turns you are right and anti-immigrant supporters end up running this country, and somehow they manage to stop immigration. I can go back to where I came from the second I dont like what is going on, taking with me my education, my savings, profits for selling my house and car, cashing in my investments and start up a fresh new life with capital in my mother land. If turns out Im right and you are wrong and you end up surrounded by Immigrants, where are you going to go? Who knows, maybe you will then be forced to immigrate.
Your giving inaccurate information. The reason is yours, I don't know why. Maybe hoping to encourage someone too uneducated or naive to know better and hopes that your not lying enough to just believe you.

I refuse to ever post a personal 'resume' ever and also refuse to be baited into emotional rants. That said, you and I BOTH know your not telling the truth on the family sponsorship issue. Unless your 'motherland' is one with political refugee qualification your misleading people.

The 'problem with immigrants' you mentioned. ILLEGAL immigrants, yes. You seem to be blind to the difference.

Further your an American. Native born. How in the world do you think you can go to a country you've never been a citizen of? Family heritage does not a citizen make. As you used the term 'motherland' it is likely your referring to Mexico. Hope you don't think you get to immigrate THERE as a American. You'll see the inside of a jail faster then you can say 'Don't taze me bro!'

You got a skit or some YouTube video you can share of this latin dream. You realize it's the culture that makes America the great nation it is and not the real estate right?

Provocar y si queres, emoción ensena debilidad. Mentira y si necessitas ignorancia no puede hacer mas mejor. Debilidad y ignorancia conquistar a nada.

What do you think of my Spanish? Want to hear some German or Russian? I guess those guys are taking over too right.:p

Would take this to PM or email but apparently you're afraid of those from anybody.
Afraid? Dont make me laugh. You haven't even tried to contact me, but PM and email away. Shoot, I will meet you in person if you want. And I am not a US native. I have options, more options than you have. I am a permanent legal resident of the US due to my mom, have citizenship of Spain because I was born there, and can migrate to Mexico as a resident if I ask for it because of my dad. And yeah, i found some visual aids to what you claim "I dreamed up"

US firefighters relaxing in their US firehouse

US students assembling in a US school

Immigrants Legal and Illegal protesting anit-immigration laws in US streets

US citizens PRO immigration fighting with US citizens anti immigration in US streets

The UNITED STATES PRESIDENT saying there should be a way to legalize illegal immigrants

Rudy Giuliani pro ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION remarks

Cuban immigrants overwhelm Miami streets After Castros supposed death

And once again just for good measure. US citizens protesting US citizens for protesting illegal immigrants

And thats why I think the future will be as I say. I think eventually we will take over. Our numbers are far to big , we are intertwined with society and have too much support to be stopped. I may be wrong, but it certainly seems my forecast is plausible scenario.


No comment in your Spanish. I cant make out what you are trying to say.
Thank you for turning your email and PM back on. It's useful for future contact.

I have to say your right. Your posts and links have changed my mind. I had the impression that illegal immigrants just wanted a better life so they could feed their families and all that gooblidy gock. You message of their intent being to make America into Mexico deserves a much less accommodating and a much more aggressive response. I will spread your message of immigrant aggression. It is news and many up the chain will be interested that it has progressed to overtly admitting it and touting it as accomplished already.

Thank you for bring the intent and scope of this to our attention. Good job.
Its never been off. And you have never contacted me. It is not aggression, its the evolution of a nation. Take it or leave it, its a force beyond your control. For what its worth, dont worry. The whole US wont turn into the "filthy" Mexico you seem to hate so much. Some corners will belong to CUBANS, DOMINICANS, BRAZILIAN, RUSSIAN, CHINESE, INDIAN, CROATIAN AND HONDURAN AMONG OTHERS.

Good night.
It seems this is a wide spread mindset in the latino culture. This is an actual serious intent. I was initially under the impression that this was a single poster with hostility to vent but it seems that the founder of La Raza Unida Political party, Hillary Clinton campaign contributor and donor, and former professor at UT - University of Texas Jose Angel Gutierrez promotes the silent conquest of the United States very passionately.

Aside from the promotion and incitement of insurrection, Conquer_all2002 has brought to light the real issue of immigration. The links above are from the inside of the movement.

Turns on Conquest_all2002 isn't venting aggression, he's touting progress in the organized effort to wrest control and/or authority of the United States of the latino community.

Despite the erroneous information he put out, illegal immigrants do have the intent he described and are in fact indoctrinating their American born children into this insurrection.

ESPECIALLY revealing, and a big milestone in the