Democrat Chicanery...:(


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They won't quit, ever... :mad:

Stop your pro-amnesty senator(s) from passing the DREAM Act amnesty

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The open-border opposition plans to get its amnesty for millions of illegal aliens through the DREAM Act amnesty and increase the number of legal foreign workers through H-1B and H-2B visas. Both Democratic and Republican leaders are working to pass these amnesties and increases - thus paving the way for more amnesties later this fall. Once again, we must overwhelm the Senate with our opposition.

Please send your personalized fax (use the edit feature) to your senator(s) who voted for the "grand bargain" amnesty in June. Let them know you will not stand for this end-run around the American public.

Many of the senators who voted with us against the comprehensive amnesty bill this summer are indicating that they favor these piecemeal amnesties and increases - which are altogether as dangerous as the giant amnesty we defeated this summer.

How they hope to do it

They will try to attach three proposals to the Department of Defense authorization bill: (1) The DREAM Act (amnesty); (2) provisions of the SKIL Act (increases in H-1B visas); and (3) increases in H-2B non-agricultural seasonal workers.

The DREAM Act sounds like an amnesty to provide in-state tuition to illegal aliens who entered the country before they were 16 (millions of illegal aliens would qualify), but in reality would likely grant amnesty to millions more because no documentation is required of an illegal alien applicant to prove that he/she entered the country before he/she was 16. What is required? A sworn statement. Once that illegal alien is approved, he/she is put on the fast track to citizenship and "retroactive benefits," while lawfully present aliens are forced to take the long route.

The SKIL Act provisions would increase the annual cap from 65,000 to 115,000 the first year, and by an additional 20 percent the next. There is a "ceiling" of 180,000 per year, but there are so many exemptions from the cap (currently, approximately two-thirds of H-1B visas have been exempted) that the cap itself is virtually meaningless. Wages the the tech industry have been fal ling or flat for more than five years now. This increase will make even easier for U.S. employers to import cheap labor rather than hiring American workers. Watch this CNN report to see how it works.

The increase in H-2B visas for non-agricultural, unskilled workers works to deny jobs and decent wages to "unskilled" American workers in the same way that the H-1B does for "skilled" workers. Employers who want to hire H-2B workers must obtain a labor certification from the Department of Labor (DoL) stating that qualified American workers are not available to fill the jobs, but the DoL is not permitted to verify the truthfulness of the information the employers submit on the petitions. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are 14 million Am ericans actively seeking employment who cannot find a full-time job in the current economy. Forty percent of the illegal alien population came to the United States on a temporary visa, like the H-2B, and then overstayed after the visa expired. Congress has not implemented an exit system to ensure that visa holders ever leave.

Newly-Introduced Bill gives Millions of illegal aliens what they want - AMNESTY

ALERT: Our elected Congressmen, after being FORCED by WE THE PEOPLE to kill off their last attempt at granting amnesty to illegal aliens, are trying AGAIN!

Stop the New AMNESTY Bill -

Select Here -Tell Congress, President, Governors & More to SECURE OUR BORDERS NOW:

According to our friends at the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), a newly-introduced bill gives millions of illegal aliens what they want -- AMNESTY -- despite promises of tougher enforcement. As noted by Ira Mehlman of FAIR, "Really what it does is it grants amnesty to just about everybody who's been in the country illegally before June 1, 2006, so that encompasses just about everybody who's in the country illegally right now."

The "STRIVE Act of 2007" (Security Through Regularized Immigration and a Vibrant Economy), introduced by Congressmen Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) and Jeff Flake (R-AZ), is similar to the Senate bill put forward last year by Senators Ted Kennedy and John McCain. Kennedy even praised the Gutierrez-Flake bill, and said he was optimistic a new Senate bill will follow!

You read that right: we've won the battle against AMNESTY for illegals for the second time in a row, but the pro-amnesty forces are trying to bring it back again in the form of the "STRIVE Act".

Why is the title of thread "Democrat" chicanery?? I believe our leading Republicans, all the way up to the President, support Amnesty, so why would you use the word "Democrat"?
Unregistered said:
Why is the title of thread "Democrat" chicanery??
Take a look at who introduced these bills and their sponsors. Oh, I've conveniently marked the republicans, for you!

S. 774 - Dream Act of 2007
Sponsor: Sen Durbin, Richard [D-IL] (introduced 3/6/2007)

CoSponsors (sorted by date):

* Sen Hagel, Chuck [R-NE] - 3/6/2007
* Sen Lugar, Richard G. [R-IN] - 3/6/2007
* Sen Kennedy, Edward M. [D-MA] - 3/6/2007
* Sen Craig, Larry E. [R-ID] - 3/6/2007
* Sen Leahy, Patrick J. [D-VT] - 3/6/2007
* Sen McCain, John [R-AZ] - 3/6/2007
* Sen Lieberman, Joseph I. [ID-CT] - 3/6/2007
* Sen Crapo, Mike [R-ID] - 3/6/2007
* Sen Obama, Barack [D-IL] - 3/6/2007
* Sen Feingold, Russell D. [D-WI] - 3/6/2007
* Sen Feinstein, Dianne [D-CA] - 4/12/2007
* Sen Bingaman, Jeff [D-NM] - 5/1/2007
* Sen Cantwell, Maria [D-WA] - 5/1/2007
* Sen Clinton, Hillary Rodham [D-NY] - 5/1/2007
* Sen Kerry, John F. [D-MA] - 5/1/2007
* Sen Menendez, Robert [D-NJ] - 5/1/2007
* Sen Murray, Patty [D-WA] - 5/1/2007
* Sen Reid, Harry [D-NV] - 5/1/2007
* Sen Boxer, Barbara [D-CA] - 6/11/2007
* Sen Bayh, Evan [D-IN] - 7/9/2007
* Sen Dodd, Christopher J. [D-CT] - 7/16/2007
* Sen Nelson, Bill [D-FL] - 7/17/2007
* Sen Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [D-DE] - 7/19/2007
* Sen Harkin, Tom [D-IA] - 7/19/2007
* Sen Whitehouse, Sheldon [D-RI] - 7/19/2007​

H.R.1645 - STRIVE Act of 2007
Sponsor: Rep Gutierrez, Luis V. [D-IL-4] (introduced 3/22/2007)

CoSponsors (sorted by date):

* Rep Flake, Jeff [R-AZ-6] - 3/22/2007
* Rep Baca, Joe [D-CA-43] - 3/22/2007
* Rep Diaz-Balart, Lincoln [R-FL-21] - 3/22/2007
* Rep Emanuel, Rahm [D-IL-5] - 3/22/2007
* Rep Radanovich, George [R-CA-19] - 3/22/2007
* Rep Jackson-Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18] - 3/22/2007
* Rep LaHood, Ray [R-IL-18] - 3/22/2007
* Rep Crowley, Joseph [D-NY-7] - 3/22/2007
* Rep Diaz-Balart, Mario [R-FL-25] - 3/22/2007
* Rep Giffords, Gabrielle [D-AZ-8] - 3/22/2007
* Rep Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana [R-FL-18] - 3/22/2007
* Rep Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9] - 3/22/2007
* Rep Fortuno, Luis G. [R-PR] - 3/22/2007
* Rep Becerra, Xavier [D-CA-31] - 3/22/2007
* Rep Cardoza, Dennis A. [D-CA-18] - 3/22/2007
* Rep Cuellar, Henry [D-TX-28] - 3/22/2007
* Rep Gonzalez, Charles A. [D-TX-20] - 3/22/2007
* Rep Grijalva, Raul M. [D-AZ-7] - 3/22/2007
* Rep Hinojosa, Ruben [D-TX-15] - 3/22/2007
* Rep Napolitano, Grace F. [D-CA-38] - 3/22/2007
* Rep Ortiz, Solomon P. [D-TX-27] - 3/22/2007
* Rep Pastor, Ed [D-AZ-4] - 3/22/2007
* Rep Reyes, Silvestre [D-TX-16] - 3/22/2007
* Rep Rodriguez, Ciro D. [D-TX-23] - 3/22/2007
* Rep Roybal-Allard, Lucille [D-CA-34] - 3/22/2007
* Rep Salazar, John T. [D-CO-3] - 3/22/2007
* Rep Serrano, Jose E. [D-NY-16] - 3/22/2007
* Rep Sires, Albio [D-NJ-13] - 3/22/2007
* Rep Solis, Hilda L. [D-CA-32] - 3/22/2007
* Rep Honda, Michael M. [D-CA-15] - 3/26/2007
* Rep Velazquez, Nydia M. [D-NY-12] - 3/26/2007
* Rep Davis, Danny K. [D-IL-7] - 3/28/2007
* Rep Ellison, Keith [D-MN-5] - 3/28/2007
* Rep Hastings, Alcee L. [D-FL-23] - 3/28/2007
* Rep McGovern, James P. [D-MA-3] - 3/28/2007
* Rep Weiner, Anthony D. [D-NY-9] - 3/28/2007
* Rep Harman, Jane [D-CA-36] - 3/29/2007
* Rep Langevin, James R. [D-RI-2] - 3/29/2007
* Rep Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9] - 3/29/2007
* Rep Filner, Bob [D-CA-51] - 4/17/2007
* Rep Abercrombie, Neil [D-HI-1] - 4/17/2007
* Rep Davis, Artur [D-AL-7] - 4/17/2007
* Rep Frank, Barney [D-MA-4] - 4/17/2007
* Rep Meek, Kendrick B. [D-FL-17] - 4/17/2007
* Rep Pallone, Frank, Jr. [D-NJ-6] - 4/17/2007
* Rep English, Phil [R-PA-3] - 4/18/2007
* Rep Stark, Fortney Pete [D-CA-13] - 4/18/2007
* Rep DeGette, Diana [D-CO-1] - 4/18/2007
* Rep Rush, Bobby L. [D-IL-1] - 4/18/2007
* Rep Bishop, Timothy H. [D-NY-1] - 4/19/2007
* Rep Olver, John W. [D-MA-1] - 4/24/2007
* Rep Moran, James P. [D-VA-8] - 4/24/2007
* Rep Johnson, Henry C. "Hank," Jr. [D-GA-4] - 5/1/2007
* Rep Van Hollen, Chris [D-MD-8] - 5/1/2007
* Rep Neal, Richard E. [D-MA-2] - 5/2/2007
* Rep Faleomavaega, Eni F.H. [D-AS] - 5/2/2007
* Rep Kucinich, Dennis J. [D-OH-10] - 5/2/2007
* Rep Jackson, Jesse L., Jr. [D-IL-2] - 5/3/2007
* Rep McCollum, Betty [D-MN-4] - 5/3/2007
* Rep Capps, Lois [D-CA-23] - 5/3/2007
* Rep Clay, Wm. Lacy [D-MO-1] - 5/10/2007
* Rep Wynn, Albert Russell [D-MD-4] - 5/10/2007
* Rep Brown, Corrine [D-FL-3] - 5/10/2007
* Rep Berkley, Shelley [D-NV-1] - 5/10/2007
* Rep Meeks, Gregory W. [D-NY-6] - 5/10/2007
* Rep Meehan, Martin T. [D-MA-5] - 5/10/2007
* Rep Blumenauer, Earl [D-OR-3] - 5/15/2007
* Rep Lowey, Nita M. [D-NY-18] - 5/15/2007
* Rep McCarthy, Carolyn [D-NY-4] - 5/15/2007
* Rep Israel, Steve [D-NY-2] - 5/21/2007
* Rep Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC] - 6/14/2007
* Rep Christensen, Donna M. [D-VI] - 6/14/2007​

Since it is Democrats that control both houses, it is Democrats that control (more or less) what will be introduced as amendments to other bills.
Since it is Democrats that control both houses, it is Democrats that control (more or less) what will be introduced as amendments to other bills.

But haven't Bush, Lott, McCain, Graham, and a whole host of other Republicans already exprssed support for similar immigration bills? How is this different really?
No "Buts."

We, as in, We The People, led a huge outcry and defeated the last couple of bills that came round the bend in March, April and May. Remember?

Now the Congress appears poised to sneak another set of amnesty bills through. So that, while we may quibble on the word "democrat," there can be no doubt that it is indeed chicanary.

I don't give a horses fart how many demopubs or republicrats are for amnesty. The People have spoken.

So what's your real point, Unregistered? Where's the beef?
So what's your real point, Unregistered? Where's the beef?

My beef is that our Republican leaders suck just as badly on the immigration issue as the Democrats do. Your thread should be titled "Congressional Chicanery", so the Republicans get their fair share of credit for pushing amnesty.
Not many Republicans supporting that legislation, at least not compared to the number of Democrats. The numbers speak for themselves.

Welcome to the Democratic solution for securing our borders.
Ok let me get this straight. Most people complain about illegal immigrants because they are illegal. People claim they didnt take the proper channels to become legal, etc, etc. But when a proper channel such as this opens up, people complain about it? So what is it then? You want people to take the proper channels but at the same time you do not want to give them the proper channels? I see...............................
conquer_all2002: When did granting amnesty, to aliens who have flaunted our immigration laws, become a Proper Channel?

Unregeistered: You might want to check the OP. It's hardly "my" thread.
Those that are here illegally are in a race with those that come legally. The problem is that the illegals are cutting across the track rather than going around it. When you cheat you should be sent back to the starting line. They should be not told that even though you cheated it is ok we will still reward you for being in the race.

Maybe since it is legal to own a firearm and there are a great many that wish to make it illegal, for a private citizen to own one, we should just change the laws and put anyone owning a firearm in jail.

Better yet, since it is illegal to forcibly enter a home we should make it legal to do so, provided that you are homeless first. Homeless people need a home after all. :rolleyes:
It also appears to me that it is BIPARTISAN chicanery - agree with Unregistered. Disgusting - no amnesty for illegals should be allowed. That's a massive slap in the face to every hardworking immigrant who worked their tails off to do things the RIGHT way. Get a green card, come in legally, wait the 5 years, learn english, take the test, keep their noses clean (no crimes), etc. It does not behoove society to reward lawlessness and punish law-abiders.
Ok, the narrow minds here are pissing me off. So this will be my last post in regards to this subject.

Are you guys really that ignorant to think that illegal aliens chose to cheat the system? The only reason they did it is because they had NO proper channels to use at the time. Those that know ANYTHING about INS know that the options to qualify to be legal are very restrictive. Very few people fall under the guidelines to be here legally. Most immigration guidelines heavily restrict people from poor countries from being here.For the most part there are basically only 2 options for poor people of 3ed world countries to be here legally. A legal relative claims you, or you marry a citizen. There are a few other options but its only for extreme cases almost no one qualifies for, such as fearing for your life because you were a witness against organized crime or fear for your life because your religion beliefs make you a target (like Christians in Iraq) , but even then there must be documented proof someone has or is trying to kill you. Or if you are escaping a communist country like Cuba,

This amnesty will give people a chance to do everything by the book. Which isnt that what we all want? For aliens to pay taxes, be accountable for their actions, keep track of them and make them abide by the rules. Saying that someone "chose" to be here illegally rather than legally is about as ignorant as saying that someone "chose" to work construction for $5 per hour instead of "choosing" to work in an office for $20 per hour. It is not a choice to be an illegal, it is a lack of choices to become legal.

And yes, they did break the rules by coming here. But lets for a second assume the shoe was in the other foot. I dont know about you guys. But if my choices were watching my kids literally starve to death due to poverty in the US or disobeying a law that says I am not allowed to work in Mexico or Canada; you best believe I will hop my happy ass across any border if it means feeding my family. Can anyone here honestly state that they would obey the work laws of a foreign country even if obeying such laws meant your 5 year old kid will go to bed hungry more often than not?
conquer_all2002 said:
Ok, the narrow minds here are pissing me off. So this will be my last post in regards to this subject.

they came here illegally. thats all there is to it. just because it is hard does not give them the right to break our laws. if i have a hard time making money, should i be able to rob my neighbor? no, i shouldnt.

im all for immigration reform, but we shouldnt reward those who showed a complete willingness to break our laws, repeatedly. they should be punished for doing so. namely, deportation.
But lets for a second assume the shoe was in the other foot. I dont know about you guys. But if my choices were watching my kids literally starve to death due to poverty in the US or disobeying a law that says I am not allowed to work in Mexico or Canada; you best believe I will hop my happy ass across any border if it means feeding my family.

Wouldn't it be better for them to stay in Mexico, fix their own problems (? with revolution if needed), and then make their country better for future generations? America is like a lifeboat. There are only a certain number of people who can fit on the boat before it capsizes and everyone drowns.
Mexico has had nearly as much time as the US to get it's act together. Why is it that they didn't and now expect another country to accept the same cultural mind set, that helped ruin their country, inside the US?

Now for an episode of Sarcasm Theater...

How about we allow China to move 2% of their population here illegally too, since it is acceptable for Mexico to send 10% or more of their population. These Chinese could fly their flags and sing the praises of their country of origin. We can start printing our advertisements, street signs, and consumer goods in Mandarin too.

Being that it is reasonable for our country to allow people to come illegally and then arbitrarily confer legal status upon them, why not do that for any group of people that want to immigrate here too?

Let us divide up each state into five states and allow all the worlds countries to influence the politics and economics therein. Since the world would like to come here, let's allow them. Having 200+ different cultures, traditions, and customs, would be better than just one. We can rename ourselves the UN of A. Wouldn't that be wonderful?

Wouldn't it be great to have a few hundred million more undocumented workers tomorrow? Who cares where their loyalties lie, so long as they wish to work. It is more important to satisfy their need for jobs and wishes to benefit themselves and country of origin, instead of them having to deal with the problems in their own countries.

The concept of a single language, border and culture is so outdated. America has unlimited resources and money, ya know. The least we can do is give every person who wants a piece a piece. The melting pot was such a retarded concept, what were people thinking? After all the concept of legal immigration isn't about the benefit of the host country anyway, it's just about making it hard for people who want a piece of the pie. You silly party pooping Americans.

I have an idea, since it is too difficult to deport illegals we can make them legal and it solves the problem... oh, oh... I have it. We should allow non indigenous Americans to run for president, congress, and the senate too, that way the entire world can have proper representation in America. It would be spectacular to change those laws for the benefit of foreign nations as well.:rolleyes:

...and now a return to your regularly scheduled broadcast.

Try immigrating to Mexico illegally. Fly the U.S. flag and talk about apple pie while breaking their laws. Use lame excuses about how their immigration system sucks and is an inconvenience to your need be there. Tell them your expectations of having them speak to you in English, as well as having expectations of them to provide translations in all places of business for your pleasure. Tell them that 8 million+ Americans are going to enter their country illegally and that they must adapt to our American culture, rather than us adapting to theirs. See how far that goes before there are several million incarcerated and/or dead illegal immigrants from America in Mexico.

Try it in any other country for that matter. Tell them that, in a nut shell, for every dollar you and your fellow 8 million+ Americans put into their economy you expect two for yourselves in social benefits and see how that works out.
Just stop welfare!

Just stop government welfare. No government sponsored free ride(s) for illegals.

All welfare should be privately supported, not government supported.
Listen guys, even if you dont agree. Immigration is a war the US has already LOST!!! And I think deep down that is what really upsets people. You should support a reform if nothing else to keep track of people. But you know what, if you dont want to support a reform. Thats fine too, because you are not stopping anything, simply delaying it. Check your census stats. 1 in 3 US residents are a minority. 5 States are already a majority-minority and 4 more states are less than 10% away from being a majority-minority. 25% of the US population is immigrant or from 1 or two immigrant parents. There are quite a few Governors and Senators that are immigrant themselves or from immigrant parents. Even the presidents brother and ex-FL Gov is married to a Mexican.

Regardless of reforms or amnesties. What do you think the stats are going to look like in 10, 20 or 30 years??? So go ahead, enjoy the power your vote still has. It is my humble opinion that in a decade or two, it wont mean much. But dont worry, once we take over we wont try to kick you out or put you in reservations. We'll be better hosts than that. Oh yeah, and you should start learning Spanish, lo van a necesitar.
I thought that the "narrow minds" here had pissed you off so much that you were not going to post again? You must have a very wide mind, capable of overcomig even your own anger. Of course, anyone who doesn't agree with you has a "narrow" mind.

once we take over we wont try to kick you out or put you in reservations. We'll be better hosts than that. Oh yeah, and you should start learning Spanish, lo van a necesitar.

Now that kind of an opinion doesn't make you sound like you've got a wide mind. Please work on widening your mind. It needs to be wider. :rolleyes: