Definition of "pre-lock"

Hillary and -CENSORED--CENSORED--CENSORED--CENSORED- should never be used in the same sentence...unless you're looking to get thrown up on. She's the most vile, horrid, and evil political figure this country has ever seen.

As far as locks on S&W revolvers, I think they're ugly and ridiculous. If you did a global survey of gun owners, I bet the amount of people actually using the damn lock would be less than 1% of post lock S&W revolver owners. It's silly to keep making them that way.
I can assure you the thought never once crossed my mind to associate the term Hillary Hole with any part of her anatomy.

Yeah and "The Donald" never meant it when he insulted Megyn Kelley of Fox News. :rolleyes:

There's a reason the few that use the term don't call it the "Hillary lock" they use the term "Hillary Hole" because she's a woman.

It is what it is.

I think the op knows why the the term "pre lock" is used now and what it means.

That was me that pointed it out to you a few years back 44. But as I recall you only started doing that once Mrs. Clinton was running for Pres. the first time.

I told you then as I tell you now, it ain't about Hillary. It's about showing respect for women. Or in this case the lack of it.
If 44 AMP and the rest of the interwebz world changes it to Billary Hole will you feel better about it? It doesn't have the same ring to it but it might not push your PC buttons quite so hard.:rolleyes:

My understanding is that the people who developed the lock formed Safe-T-Hammer, to buy S&W when their stock tanked due to the boycott. That lock is their thing, they obviously think its a good idea, and it makes complete sense that they as the new owners will put it in the revolvers.

Saf-T-Hammer was formed in 1998. Two years before the boycott. The boycott followed the signing of the agreement in 2000. The agreement was void by 2001 when Saf-T-Hammer bought S&W from Tompkins. Because the chief officers of Saf-T-hammer came from S&W it's possible they foresaw the problems S&W and Tompkins would come up against. Could have been an okie doke, as they say in round ball. I agree it made sense for them to put the locks in the revolvers...that was the point of the whole formation of put locks in S&W wheelguns and make money off of it. So to them of course it made sense. But do revolvers need locks? No. They never have needed locks and still don't.
