Defense Ammo for KelTec P32

Recommend that first, whatever you choose be 100% reliable.

Silvertip has a great rep in the 32's, including most P32's.

(Just back from my friendly local gunshop, had two new P32's on the shelf. I gotta get me a couple of these beauts.)
Winchester Silvertips or Fiocchi FMJ depending on your preference for expansion vs. penetration. Both are slick feeders and have good feedback from P32 owners.
It appears that the 60 gr. Winchester Silvertip is the lead recommendation so far. Anyone have any other recommendations for HP rounds? Or shall we declare a winner and move on?
I only carry ball ammo for the following reasons...

MAXIMUM PENETRATION. To most, the .32 cartridge is still considered a "mouse" (i.e. underpowered) round. To a certain extent, I believe them. So to ensure maximum penetration, I load FMJ in my P32 (as well as my .25 Jetfire).

RELIABILITY. Yes, my P32 will feed anything, including Silvertips. But few, if any, can argue the feed reliabilty of a FMJ round.

So that's my logic. Now you know...

Of course, YMMV :D
I don't carry a .32, but I've thought about it, and will probably eventually get one.

I'm with Voodoo on this. When I get one, it will be stoked with hardball.
I used to carry Federal Hydra-Shok in mine but recently switched to Gold Dots. I tried 4 magazines of them & they worked fine. I had used Silvertips in the past which worked fine as well.

That's an affirmative on the Fiocchi!!!

I also like S&B, though some people argue that they have hard primers. Never had a problem with them, though.

I've read that the P32 even likes less-than-premium ammo - Blazers, Aguila..even FN milsurp ammo.
Runner I have to agree 100% with Voodoo on this subject. For critical info on this subject go to Goldenloki There is a lot of info on Keltecs and the .32 on his site. I studied this info before going to hardball. And for those carrying hollowpoints, you might want to check this out also. You might be suprised at how little your bullets penetrate. And as I've read numerous times, with the .32 penetration is what you need. Kevin
Cor-Bon's .32 ACP hollowpoints go fastest, per factory specs. That's what we keep in Thelma's P32. Some people have reported feed problems with the Cor-Bons, mostly in older serial number guns. The fluff & buff should cure that.
Defense Ammo

Right now my P-32 is loaded with Magsafe "Defenders". It has fired everything I've put in it. I've got a lot of Silvertips around here, but they were giving me trouble in my Seecamp. I switched to Gold Dots in the Seecamp...and no more trouble. (Larry Seecamp told me to make the switch.)
I've tried the FMJ Fiocchi in my P-32, and it did great, but Fiocchi also makes a SJHP (semi-jacketed hollow point). Has anybody other than me ever tried those in their P-32? I think they were pretty good. They "felt" stronger than Silvertips. They also worked well in my Guardian.
I called Kel-Tec on the Cor-Bons and they told me that they just couldn't guarantee proper function with a round that short. That's what worried me with switching to Gold Dots in the Seecamp. The GD's were obviously a litte shorter than the Silvertips, but they went in like they were greased.

Kentucky Rifle
Winchester Silver Tips alternated with Fiocchi harball in the magazine, with a Silver Tip in the tube and a harball next up...

I carry either Cor-Bon 60-gr JHPs, or the Fiocchi 60-gr JHPs. If I were to carry solids, I'd go for the older FN flat nosed FMJ rounds. I've heard that some have had reliability problems with the FN ammo, but I've shot about 300 rounds without a bobble.
Sellier & Bellot FMJ. 100% reliable in my P-32 and a fairly hot round.

The surplus FN stuff is good too, but the lot I bought was made in the 1960s and I worry about depending on ammo that's 40 years old. I may, however, be just worrying about nothing ...

I've read that CorBon, in response to suggestions that its .32 round is too short to feed consistently in the KelTec, is lengthening the round. Dunno if this has been accomplished yet.