Defense against vehicles?

I know an officer (LEO) that a man was trying to flee in a car the officer pursued and then the man bumped the officers car a couple times. The officer started shooting at the man (some 37 rounds) and ended up hitting him 9 times in the neck. The man had 5 rounds removed in surgery and had to leave the other rounds due to where they were and then went to prison.
I have several friends who are cops and the conversation of cars sometimes comes up. One of their concerns, as well as my biggest concern, regarding cars is the drive by shooting or armed robbery from a car, which happens quite often. The perp is using the car, and likely car door as cover to shoot at me while i'm somewhere in the open with no cover. I may have no choice but to get low and shoot through the sheet metal, glass and interior panel in order to get to that perp.

Often these car and gun conversations tend to center on defense against someone trying to run us down with a car but perps using cars as cover is much more dangerous. It's much more difficult than just stepping aside and running from that.
2 months back in Albuquerque, someone tried to ram their way out of a stop.
Fortunately the officer stopped the attack with a couple of well placed shots through the door. The car may be hard to stop, but it still needs a driver.
That officer is one special guy. Glad he's on the force for us.
Radiator. Empty the coolant, vehicle will eventually overheat and stop.

Sure, 5 miles after it has flattened you. I've had to confront people in cars many times. I have ended up on the hood of a caprice. Get out of the way by going to the side. Place other objects (trees, cars, light poles) between you and the car. A car going only 20 MPH is covering ground at the rate of appoximately 29 FPS (88 feet in three seconds).
The obvious is to jump out of the way or run to the side. But what fun would that be in a conversation such as this.
I think the OP's question was how do you stop a car with a pistol? Otherwise my first choice is an RPG.
Radiator being shot will not save your life. Depending on the weather, that car could run forever with no coolant. Even without coolant on a hot day it could easily go quite a few miles. Actually, the Northstar engines are designed for I think either 30 minutes or 30 miles, can't remember which, on a hot day with no coolant. By then, if you couldn't escape the threat, you're dead.

Im not sure of the exact situation, but I'm sure there's one where shooting at a car is necessary. I'm not wasting my time trying to think of the perfect situation. FMJ bullets would be best. But, recent I was shooting at a Helium tank (empty). I was using my Circuit Judge with target Winchester 45 Colts. They are lead bullets. The entry hole was about an inch big and the exit was slightly bigger. And this is around 30-40 yards away. So I believe this round would have no problem going through a car.
Assuming you have made the decision to shoot..........

Side step the car, preferably towards cover that will stop a car, shoot at the driver, aim just above the hood line. If he keeps moving, keep side stepping and shooting until something in the equation gives.

Side Step, two shots,
Side Step, two shots

repeat until someone gives up.
I don't know where people get this notion that if you shoot at a car windscreen that the bullet is going to bounce of. In some circumstances it will but i wouldn't like to rely on it if i was sitting in a car with someone shooting at me. That's why they invented bullet glass. Below An incident that happened here a few years ago.

Mr Colwell was the driver of a stolen BMW which was facing the officer with its engine revving, in what appeared to be an attempt to escape a vehicle checkpoint, having ignored the officer's commands to stop. Police officer fired two shots. The first went through the windscreen and the second through the driver's window.

Mr Colwell got out of the car and collapsed.

Despite the efforts of medical personnel, he was pronounced dead at the scene.

PS. You would wonder how this happened when the bullet used was 9mm and not .40 or .45. ;)
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If you are ever forced to fire through the windshield of a vehicle, generally you should aim a bit lower than your intended point of impact to compensate for the deflection.

Another reason to carry 2 spare magazines.
Theres been a lot of road ragers here lately, people doing 60-70+ in 45 zones.

If I am on foot and a car trys to ram me, I will try to find a place to hide like behind a metal post/solid object so if the car rammed into it, it should be totalled.

I wouldn't aim for the engine, I go for the driver whos more likely to be struck than bullets through metal boxes/engine blocks etc... This has been proven in posts past, where cops shoot the driver out rather than the engine.
A good question. It is one that I have not thought in some time.

Avoid the car if possible. The only time I think shooting at the car or driver would be if someone was down after being hit and the driver was making a second attempt to run over the injured person.

The only thing short of a Maw Duce (M2 BMG) Is a rifle suited for Dangerous Game. Kodiak, Elephant or Cape Buffalo.

In the late 50s there was a Mo HPD Sgt who routinely stopped fleeing felons with a Pre 64 Winchester in 458 Win Mag. When the desk SGT got word that a hot pursuit was in progress heading toward the station, he would go to his car, get the rifle and wait at the Road Junction by the Barracks. When the bad guys car would appear he would shoot the engine and break the block. The engine would cease and the car would stop in a spectacular manner.

His comment, after several adult beverages, shooting cars is the next best thing to going to Africa and shooting Cape Buffalos.