Defense against Pirates and Boarders

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If I thought I'd have to go up against gunmen in a speedboat while armed only with a handgun, a 1911 would not be my first choice.

A SuperRedhawk in 454 with a 7.5" tube and a low-power long eye relief scope starts to make sense. Something *accurate*, capable of reasonably standing in for a rifle. The SRH in 454 can eat from N-frame S&W speedloaders so it's got the best firepower available of any of the handcannons.
You'd better find out the policy of the company. If you by your lonesome start popping away at a boat with Ak's, the Russian version of a 50 BMG or RPGS and return fire kills you and others - that might be a bad thing.

It's fine to talk hardware but the lone gunman without support from the others seems problematic.
Against Somali's, I think you should put you head between your knees and kiss your butt goodbye if you try to defend yourself with a pistol, any pistol!

Unless, your Chuck Norris, then you wont need any gun!:D
My grandkids figured out how to arm their boat for pirates that may be wondering the small lakes in NE Wyoming

Ever shot from a moving deck? I have - ain't as easy as you might think. Now switch to a high speed small boat, really not easy. Yes, there was at least one encounter with Somali pirates that was stopped by professionals armed with handguns, sorry, disremember, may have been an Israeli security unit.
All of the Somali gear I have seen is in terrible shape, and the reports show that they truly are not match grade marksmen. Shooting rounds into the air or randonly in the streets doesn't make for someone who can take a precision shot off a pitching and bucking Zodiac, or other small boat trying to catch a lumbering whale of a freighter. heck, if they were in a Zodiac it would be easy - pop some shot into that inflatable and watch them get wet. :)
This doesn't mean they can't get lucky, find spots on the gunwale that might stop a bullet, use cover and concealment as best you can.

One thing that makes me curious, "unwritten policy"? This means if you use your sidearm, and it doesn't go 100% the companies' way, you will be hung out to dry, financially and legally. Get some legal back up in writing first.
I believe that there are pirates also in the caribian.... seriously. Many of the super yachts out of Ft Lauderdale have a compliment of weapons, and crew members who are qualified to use them.
argh, matey! Thar she blows!

highvel said:
Against Somali's, I think you should put you head between your knees and kiss your butt goodbye if you try to defend yourself with a pistol, any pistol!

Unless, you're Chuck Norris, then you wont need any gun!
Save the last round in the mag for yourself :eek:

Taking on a group of heavily armed, determined, experienced assailants boarding your vessel would pose a serious health threat unless you're highly trained in maritime ship-board defense or close quarters H2H combat like Chuck Norris or Steven Seagal LoL.

Not to state the obvious, but the best option would be to not let them get on board in the first place..
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