Defense against Pirates and Boarders

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Times have become tough for myself and my family. There is a planned lay-off happening in a few weeks and I have had time to prepare. I used to be in the Navy and have been preparing to work aboard a US flagged merchant ship. They have a quiet unwritten policy of allowing crew members to carry sidearms and so I have decided to bring aboard my 1911 that will be open carried while in dangerous waters.

I guess this is a fairly open question where there might be different answers, but I am open to any commentary. So I was going to ask how would you defend yourself against pirates and boarders who might be armed with assault weapons and RPGs? I am asking because I simply dont know and would like input.
Hey HotRod

Sorry about the rough times your feeling. Great question, and subject. You do have a delema. If a US flagged merchant ship will allow open carry on board, that may be a violation of international maritime law. And a bad idea as well. If I were you i'd look a little deeper into that.

As far as pirates... And defending self, and ship against them. A handgun would be pretty much useless to keep them from boarding. But it would be perfect once they are on board. Given the structural reality of a ship cal., and ammo choice would be the major consideration. I also think this is a situation perfect for a high capacity handgun.

My personal choice in this situation would be a 9mm Hi-cap double action auto loaded with jacketed soft point ammo. However I'd prefer to have a short bbl. shotgun as a primary.

Glenn Dee
Scoped M1A or M14 to engage them at a distance or better yet a Barret .50?

If they get up close to your boat an AR-15 with 30-round mags. and a 12 ga. shotgun with extended mag. tube loaded with 00 buck and slugs.

Lastly, a .45 cal Model 1911 pistol for up close and personal work on unwanted boarders.

That ought to just about fix their mangy butts!!! :D
An open carry 1911 is not likely to stop any hopped up Somali bandits from taking the ship. I certainly agree that if legal and possible, a handgun is a good thing, but for reliability and safety I think I would A.) keep it's presence a closely held secret and B.) make it a Glock 9mm, probably a 19. I prefer larger calibers but you can find 9mm stuff all over the globe, the Glock is pert near corrosion proof, is about dead nuts reliable as can be had, and I would just hate to toss a 1911 overboard in the case of being boarded or searched by some foreign navy who might not recognize your desire for self preservation. I do like the Glocks, but I would not cry over flipping one off the fantail.
+1 Snakedriver, but if you are not allowed and M-1A and a Mossburg 590A1, you should look into bringing and carrying the same gun as the issued ones to the crew, or Beretta, every ship USS has mags and ammo for it. Besides I am pretty sure that US merchant ships can arm themselves as they are sovereign property.
So I was going to ask how would you defend yourself against pirates and boarders who might be armed with assault weapons and RPGs?

Clearly a M2 .50 caliber machine gun would be called for. Semi-auto versions are available for an arm and a leg. Alternatively the DShK machine gun in 12.7X108. A good mounting system is required for either. This would give my vessel the standoff needed to stay out of grenade launcher range. If I could get the proper license the MK 19 would be ideal.

What you would use I do not know.
The OP says he has a 1911. He isn't asking about any other weapons, although I'm certain he realizes that alternatives are available. I think our responses should be focused on his question that was about using his 1911, not about using other weapons that he doesn't have.

I think the previous postings about other possibilities are good ones, but the issue here is that the OP has to use what he has available. I'm certain we could all come up with really good suggestion for better or worse weapons and tactics, but that wasn't his question.

My first suggestion would be for him to avoid areas where there are pirates...but that isn't what he asked. Second suggestion is always bring a long gun when you expect a fight, but again, that wasn't what he asked.

So within the parameters of his original question, my suggestion would be for him to carry as many extra magazines as possible, and to take classes that will show him basic (and advanced if time and finances allow) handgun tactics. Learn tactics like use of cover, slice the pie, teamwork if other crew members are armed, malfunction drills, and as many of the "industry standard" techniques that are taught at reputable handgun fighting skills classes.
Dealing with pirates I want to be outfitted with.
--H&K 416 with a valdada CQB, with a couple hundred round drums handy:D.
--M249 PARA with a Red Dot, 200rd boxes around everywhere.
--(M2 Maduse 50BMG mounted somewhere on the ship but probably impractical because of expenses and such.)
--Benelli M4 12 Gauge.
-- Model M1A1 Thompson but with the foregrip added and just stick mags, maybe one or two drums.
-- Grenades
-- Mytrusty 1911 45ACP with tons of mags and ammo.
-- Model 13 357 3inch as a backup.
Obvioulsy I wouldnt have them all at once however both pistols and the 416 would be on me 24/7. The other weapons Id use for when needed, especially the Thompson :D.
Realistically bring your 1911 and hide a long arm of some sort (Mini 14, AR) so you can have a bit more firepower. Those pirates are NUTS
Unless every crew member is armed and ready you’re in deep dudu as the only one with a gun.

Better than asking us is to ask the other crew members.
O thats my private stash. The other crew members would happens weapons themselves. If not I would arm a couple. If I am the only guy with a gun Im a in trouble :eek:.
A constable was carrying his pistol,,,

A lady asked "Are you expecting trouble?"

He replied: "No Ma'am,,,
If I were expecting trouble, I would have brought my shotgun."

Man I am all about your sentiment,,,
But one man isn't going to be able to do much,,,
Not unless every man on the crew were armed as well.

But if I were going to venture an answer to your original query,,,
A .45 Auto is not the handgun to have,,,
High capacity and firepower,,,
That's the ticket.

Hotrod4u said:
how would you defend yourself against pirates and boarders who might be armed with assault weapons and RPGs? I am asking because I simply dont know and would like input.
Ever see Fire Down Below with Steven Seagal? Jack Taggart uses a 1911
I guess this is a fairly open question where there might be different answers, but I am open to any commentary. So I was going to ask how would you defend yourself against pirates and boarders who might be armed with assault weapons and RPGs? I am asking because I simply dont know and would like input.
Use what you have and are familiar with. Might not be good for exchanging shots with riflemen in the open but you sure can keep heads down of people trying to climb up a ladder to the deck or give a group a hard time in a confined passageway. Any hidey hole you can find for yourself you can make into a fortified position they won't try real hard to get into unless they are suicidal.
boarders who might be armed with assault weapons and RPGs

I would submit that your strategy, tactics and pre-discussed plan will be more important in your survival and success than carrying a SEAL's weapons compliment.

Their initial entree' to the vessel is likely to be on their terms and timing, putting you and your crew at a distinct disadvantage. It is unlikely you'll be (successful) taking on a pirate with a long gun or RPG from the deck in a 1-on-1 encounter at more than a few yards engagement distance. While there are many reports that 'all of these guys are yea-hoo's', many if not most have grown up with weapons and are not bad shots. While they don't necessarily want to kill you, previous encounters have showed that they will if you create problems for them.

Your real advantage is knowledge of the ship's layout, knowledge that you are covertly armed and can take actions on your terms. That is not an outside deck based all-out-shoot-em-up. In close quarters, your 1911 may be a better weapon for a quick back-of-the-skull shot, taking on and out the boarders one at a time.

Having lived in the region, I do have a concern that carrying a firearm (which in some countries becomes aggravated by being a foreigner) into port in many countries of the world is a very very serious crime. I would trust you have a very secure location to secret the weapon and ammo away that is unlikely to be discovered in a through search by local or marine authorities, yet is readily accessible if needed.

Good luck and God bless.
Number one if you are going near the land of the skinnies dont go! If you are not then i would not worry about it. Piracy is around skinny land. If you have to go through skinny land then you need a real plan with real weapons. A few Marines and an M-60 would do just fine if you cant have a MA Duce. It does not take much to repel them but it would take more than a .45. They are not looking for a fight but a soft target.
So I was going to ask how would you defend yourself against pirates and boarders who might be armed with assault weapons and RPGs? I am asking because I simply dont know and would like input.

I might consider, in additiion to the pistol, smuggling a .30 Carbne with DPX in my duffel bag.
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