Deer season start? Get one?No?

Went down last month to the lease in the Texas hill country-saw over 100 deer in 3 days while we were working on the stands and filling the feeders. Lots and lots of babys-like a daycare center, but plenty of big ones too. Opening weekend saw two bucks harvested by members. Each weighed in at 200+ pounds, which is big for the hill country. I'm with Art-hope a blue norther blows in Thanksgiving weekend which is when I'm going. Lots of pigs, too.;)

It isn't the biggest deer in the world, but it should be the tastiest. I took a button buck opening morning about 15 minutes after 7:00. The button buck was 27 yards to my left and it was still too dark to see the front sight on my *&* 586 so I used my 20 gauge with fiberoptic rifle sights and put a rifled slug right behind the left front leg. The didn't go 10 ft!! Then I butchered it myself and am going to eat some tonight.


Coming back from down south, I saw a guy in an Explorer with an 8-point tied to the luggage rack that made my 200lb 8 point that I got last year look small!! It was one big deer. He was from Indy too.
Well, after years of being held prisoner behind a desk in the city, I finally got my first buck, a spike, using a Marlin 336 .35 Remington. It was on the evening of opening day after a lazy morning, a drive up to the country, a big chili lunch and a couple of quarters of TV football with a truly wonderful host. There were 19 antlerless deer and button bucks in the field that afternoon and he was the unlucky number 20.
Filled my antlerless permit at 7:30am on opening morning of gun season. Larger of two doe that passed my stand at 60 yards. One shot from a Mossberg 500 with Leupold M8 4X using Federal Premium Barnes Expanders.

Saw several other doe and one nice buck that didn't give me a shot. Going out again tomorrow for a couple of hours. Also have buck and doe tags for PA. Season opens there Monday after Thanksgiving.

What did I miss? See my "Ever Lose One?" thread. :o
Wednesday Update

Got a six-point this morning at 7:05am; same one I saw Monday morning. Back home, showered, and ready for the office by 9:30am. So I guess I'll call the season successful, despite losing the one during archery season.


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Took a doe last Monday with a bow. Good sized one I might add. Going to PA for rifle season with my 300 Win Mag. Man does that round pack a punch! Haven't had one take another step after the hit. Some say overkill but I don't like to chase them. Good luck to all hunters. Hunt safe and smart.

I heard that a guy got shot in the head during Bear season in PA on Monday. Still alive but in critical condition.