Deer Season Approaches

My daughter and I went Thursday to a CA in Mercer county, it was so windy it was horrible, didn't see any deer and walked 2 miles overall to get a good look at this land...
It has deer on it but they were hunkered tight all day, but my daughter had fun....and that's what counts really.
She scored with a nice doe Sunday afternoon around 4:00, one shot through the shoulder and done.. she's a really good shot with her rifle.
"My enthusiasm was on the low side until yesterday. I saw 5 bucks while I was out doing chores and fixing fence and one of them was a dandy. Saw him twice within 150 yards of one deer house"

I did get that buck about noon first day. Just before dark, Son hit a big buck from another stand. We waited until next morn and recovered the head. The rest had been eaten. This was a huge 8 point that I'd seen 2 years prior and missed from that stand last year. Sorry to lose the meat but ecstatic to recover the antlers.
I'm about done deer shooting for the year. "Taking orders" type hunting from now on. We don't need much more and are making meat sticks and jerky with whatever we get from here on out. I was sitting on stand Monday evening watching a doe through the scope and talking on the phone. I had to ask the caller twice if he wanted a deer before he understood that the next sound he heard was going to be the kill shot.
Hunted 4 days without getting a good shot on anything. My 5th day presented me with a quartering shot on a spike that was too good to pass up. We don't have any type of antler restrictions in Kentucky but I usually pass on small bucks but I was not hopeful I'd get another chance at one and I was on a meat hunt anyway.

I take the 40 yard shot and I knew it was a good one. The small buck jumped up a small ravine after the shot and then I watching him walk 30 to 40 yards and disappear into some brush. He didn't walk out the other side so I knew he was down. Never had a deer walk away after being shot. They either drop right there or run for a few yards before dropping. Odd.

After giving him a little time, I walked to where I thought he was at when he was hit and found a few drops of blood. I tried to trail him based on blood but after the initial area of impact, I could not find another drop. Anyway, knowing more or less where he went down I followed the game trail and found him dead in brush.

I quickly circled back and double checked for a blood trail but couldn't find any. Odd but the deer was dead and died within a minute after being shot so not a big deal.

Upon cleaning the buck, I noticed no exit wound. That was a first for me. I used a 7mm RM with Winchester Ballistic Tips and the bullet hit a rib, shattering it and then I assume blew apart from there. This is my normal deer combo but had never seen this happen before. Odd but not a big deal I suppose as it did the job on my animal.

Just wanted to share and wish everyone the best of luck on their hunts this yeear.
We had an excellent season, with the only downsides that a storm (baby F1 tornado, confirmed by the NWS) blew away my dad's ground blind.... probably in Kansas with Toto and Dorothy ......

Just about everybody in the group got a least one deer, and my two youngest kids got their first deer ever! Both one shot stops, 120 and 135 yards..... and my dad got deer (buck) for the first time since the Reagan Administration...... I took a buck seconds after my 11 year old daughter got her yearling ..... and best of all, my Eldest got back on leave early from the Naval Academy, arrived early on the last Saturday in camp and was too sick to hunt Saturday morning ..... saw nothing Saturday night and again did not go out Sunday AM, unable to breathe ....... but Sunday afternoon, the last day of the season, we went went out, just her and me, like the old days .... she went on stand on a wooded dry creek and I walked around the section and pushed deer to her with the wind at my back ..... from 40 yards, she dropped a nice big bodied whitetail with 4 point on each side .... not a massive rack, but tall and wide......

Oh, that other downside? Due to the last minute deer (and getting temporarily stuck getting it out to the gravel road), we got a late start for home, a 4 1/2 hour drive ..... 20 miles from home, in the wee hours, 3 doe trotted across the road in front me ..... I slowed way down, and the first 2 kept going ..... and tail end Charlene doubled back into the ditch ..... just as I began to accelerate, she changed her mind for the last time .... killed her and smashed up the grill and bumper on my Ancient F150....... Sherriff's Office took about 45 minutes (loitering on the far western edge of the county.... I did ot get into bed unto after 3 AM .... and then I had to get up to butcher Eldest's buck, by myself...... and I had a pile of phone messages, all work needing done: Don't these people understand tha "Deer Season" is followed immediately by "Jerky Season" which is in turn followed by "Sausage Season"?