Deer Season Approaches


New member
I would like to say that everybody that goes afield this season, be Safe and respectful to wildlife.
Post cool hunting stories here if you like...
Be safe!!!
Yupper, feeling the crunch here. Got the deer houses set and doing some "bino scouting". Will make one final circle tomorrow after the predicted high wind and rain event to make sure things are still in place and stock the houses with heaters and supplies.
My enthusiasm was on the low side until yesterday. I saw 5 bucks while I was out doing chores and fixing fence and one of them was a dandy. Saw him twice within 150 yards of one deer house. Hoping the guys across the fence get their corn harvested real soon.
Best hunting story from my seasons, so far...

Everyone lived!
And I bagged a few chickens (grouse).

Elk season (not mine, I was just the backup labor) didn't work out. Crankylove decided to need hospitalization, while in the mountains.

Neither deer season worked out.

Antlerless elk season (mine) is coming to an end, and I haven't been able to hunt at all. I tweaked my back and really P-O'd some bulging discs just before it started. My back is just now feeling good enough to hunt, but the season ends Sunday and I don't know if I can get out before then.

Maybe muzzle loader elk season will work out (Dec 1-31)...

No regrets.
I'm just glad everyone survived without permanent damage.
Right on dude, hope crankylove gets totally healthy.
We start Saturday, my two sons and daughter and a best buddy going out to try it....
Been in the deer woods since September 1, this weekend will be the first one I won't sweat through a sit. I've seen quite a few, taken one so far and passed on the rest. The flooding kept us from hunting for 15 days or so and all the rain and high temps have kept the deer movement pretty slow. The rut seems to be kicked off so I'm hoping to see more than small bucks and yearlings.

I do know this, if you have stock in ThermaCell, then you're getting a darn good return on your investment this season. The mosquitos have been like a biblical plague so far. Hopefully low temps in the 40's will kill some of them off.

Good luck to all of you just getting started, we've got another month and half to go. Hoping it is better than the previous two and a half.
Salty, thank God we don't have that problem here,it's 35 for low 60 for high no rain or snow forecasted....
And the Bucks are chasing does, see a lot of them splattered on Highway so far.
I recovered pretty quickly. Sat, Sun, Mon in the hospital, home Monday night. Pancreatitis and diabetic ketoacidosis (triggered by the pancreatitis).

I was pretty close to needing a hole in the ground, but they got the DKA under control pretty quickly, and the pancreatitis worked itself out after a few days of no food, only water.
Good luck, everybody.

(...) Pancreatitis and diabetic ketoacidosis (triggered by the pancreatitis).

I was pretty close to needing a hole in the ground (...).
And the pancreatitis, we figure, was triggered by SPAM.

It's a killer. ;)
Our rifle season in the southern zone starts next weekend. I can hardly wait! All rifles are zeroed and stands are up and ready to go. My brother got a decent 8 with his bow so i need to beat that for sure. I didn't take a big buck last year so i have a lot to look forward to this year. On the other hand, as long as a few make it into my freezer ill be a happy with that!!
Our rifle seasons starts tomorrow. Well for me its handgun season :D

It looks like I'm out of commission for this deer season.
I was so looking forward to hunting with my granddaughter and hopefully helping her get her first deer.
My buddy and I tagged two nice bucks around 8:00 am, and I got excited and made a bad first shot shooting low and through offhand leg, then one through shoulder, then another through spine which dropped him but I still can't shake off, how you go from anticipation of even seeing anything to total idiot in only milliseconds, adrenalin is a most powerful is buck fever!!!
Mine was a decent 10 point that weighed 148 pounds, and has a crabclaw.
James deer was a real nice 8 point that weighed 150...
and yes the celebration went on into the late night for sure...;)
I took my brother hunting with me for several years. evety time i put him in places where i shot deer. even still hunting the animals placed themselves in front of me. the last time we hunted together i placed him in the edge of an open field. told him to conctrate on the road we entered on.
well i left him for about two hours, it began to snow so i went to check on him. he listened so well (found him just inside the woods not covering the field) but looking into the woods. i made him move to the field edge. not 5minutes later he calls me said a deer was right where i said it would be. then he asked (he was 82nd airborne) what do i do. i said shoot (let him use the more accurate of my 06s) . finally got a nice 6point one shot offhand 120 yards.
I was headed back out this morning to hunt, but it's snowing and wind is howling. Currently trying to talk myself into either walking out the door or going back to bed. Wife killed 2 so I am only looking for one to invite over for a smoked ve nison hindquarters on New Years Eve.