Deer calls


New member
What are some good deer calls that aren't way over priced? My buddy is going to be going up north for some deer hunting and I wanted to get him a call for his birthday but didn't want to break the bank.
Scents are a good call.

Antler rattles come in various shapes and sizes and aren't too expensive. I've never had any luck with them though.
It was more or less just a random thing to buy him. When he gets his new rifle I may get him a box of ammo if I can find some for it
The only call that I use is a Fawn Bleat. The other calling tubes. Buck & Doe types. I've never got them to work for me. I've check a few popular web sites for your benefit OP. What I use is not seen or perhaps no longer made. So not wanting to waste your time and mine. I'll move on in giving some advice.

If you can find a blow type of Fawn Bleat buy it. If you can find a instructional cassette tape on deer grunting/calling buy that too. As either item would make and excellent present for any deer hunter. Otherwise just being motionless and extremely quiet is the next best thing to do.

I'm sure your friend will be pleased with whatever you decide to purchase.

try these

I have had great success with these two calls.
The EZ Grunter by Knight and Hale. It cost around $10. The first time I used it many years ago, I had been walking to a stand, going very slowly, step - look around - step. During one look around I saw a buck had gone into the field behind me. I stood against the hedge row and gave a low "buuuurrrppp" on the call. Nothing. Gave two more. The buck never seemed to look my way, but did turn and go back into the hedge. I waited and waited. Some birds were making a racket in the bushes behind me so I turned to shoosh them away. There staring at me was the buck. Another time I had seen a deer 60 yards away on a trail. From my treestand I gave a "buuurrpp". The deer came directly to me. Another time my son had shot at a deer in the next stand. As the deer came running by, I did the burp sound. The deer stopped and walked under my stand. Often even if I don't see deer I'll give a burp softly so as not to spook them. The grunter is the go to call.

The next call is the Primos Original Deer Call Can. You cover the bottom hole, tilt it upside down and back and it goes "bwawawaaannll" I believe it imitates a doe in heat. The first time I used it a buck crashed up the hill to my stand. I had not seen him when I used the call. Another time I watched a buck cross a trail and heard it walking away in the marsh. I used the call and he splashed crashed back to my stand. On the other hand, I used it once while some yearling does were by the stand and they ran away.

Of the two, I prefer to have the grunt call with me all the time. It seems to signal to a deer, "I'm over here and it's safe, come on over."
I found a ez grunter extreme for like 14 bucks. I was wondering if that is a good one or not.

On a side note what is a good caliber for deer hunting. I currently own a winchester ranger .30-30 and a .22 I know the .22 isn't a good choice. But what about the .30-30
The 30-30 will work just fine but do your homework. Practice and know the distance in which you can hit a paper plate consistently at and stay in that range.
I don't know if it still is. But at one time in the past the 30-30 claimed more deer taken with its cartridge than any other caliber. That should give you some idea what you have there.
Just don't expect any call to work like they do on TV. I have grunted, rattled, fawn and doe bleated and brought deer within range but I've done it all many hundreds of times more with no results whatsoever.

My favorite grunt call (can't remember the name) is solid black, rubber coated. The end with the reed is cut out so only the rubber covers it. You can press down in different places to make different buck, doe and fawn sounds. I'll try to remember the name...
Yea I know it won't work like tv. That's why I wanted a decent relatively cheap one so if he doesn't use it I'm not wasting money and if he does use it he may get decent results.
What I have found out over the years is "Timing is everything". For a call to work really well you have to be in an active rut area, or have does in heat at that time, or really undisturbed deer that are just curious. I have called deer in using just my mouth, when there were hot doe in the area. Other times I used a grunt call and it was too early, or the bucks were small and they ran away. Even during the rut lots of bucks will stay out in the thickets and circle until they get a look or can smell what it is making the noise. That is why a lot of guys say the calls never worked for them. The deer sneak in, see something is not right and sneak off. I don't bother with anything vocal anymore.
I remembered... it's called the True Talker. The new version looks different but it seems like the same basic call. They say it's "freeze proof". That's a claim I'd dispute but overall it's my favorite.
Gunplummer is exactly right. Even Tinks put out in the wrong time is ******* it on the ground, timing IS everything. But the corn always works. When acorns fall around here the deer will walk past corn feeders but they'll occasionally feed. Other times corn works awesome.
I'd buy your partner a good chainsaw. The sound of a chainsaw in the woods, is a dinner bell call for deer.

A roll of blaze orange surveyor's flagging is not a bad idea...not only for marking blood trails, but a strip of flagging tied & left hanging down while fluttering in the breeze from a bush on a buck trail --- might make a buck stop and look quizzically at the flagging --- possibly giving you a standing broadside shot.

I do like grunt tubes, fawn bleat calls and rattling antlers. The authentic antlers...sound the best.