Deer Baiting

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I tire of the judgements cast upon others for their LEGAL methods of taking game.

Bottom line: you don't like a particular method of taking game, you are entitled to your opinion, but don't castigate those who employ those methods.

The arguments are countless: long distance shots vs short distance, bait/food plot/natural food sources, bow technology, stand vs stalk. I am all for discussions on the topic for the purpose of education, but really get annoyed by the "holier than thou" crowd that inevitably shows their colors on these threads. Realize that we have a BIG country, with many different kinds/sizes of game, terrain, challenges. What you do in your little neck of the woods is completely foreign to someone else in theirs. As long as its legal, who cares?

Realize the same tactics, declaring some things wrong because YOU don't like it, are shared by the anti crowd to take our freedoms. If its legal, then respect it! You might not have to agree, but respect it.
There's a big downside to deer huntin the way the Indians used to far a chasin them.

When I was 16yrs. old I was almost 7ft. tall...years of chasing them deer till they dropped whittled my legs to almost nothing.
Today(many moons later) I'm only 4' 7" and if ya seen me chasin a deer through the woods today, I'd look like a gray haired pygmy goin to crap. :eek:
I like to hear hunting stories of people just getting out and hunting (legally). I like to crossbow hunt, compound bow hunt, recurve, pistol, rifle, woods, field, stand, stalking, non baited and baited. I do it all and love it all. I seem people stand while their friends drive them. Some hunt with dogs. It really doesn't matter, what does if its legal or not. I even shot a deer in high fence just for the meat. My friends owns high fence and gets 90 doe permits to take out and let's me help. I don't like the fact of high fence but to each their own. High fence is good for people with disabilitys IMO. But some wouldn't hunt like that. Some rich people do. I really don't care. I hunt the way I want and you hunt the way you want.
Let's put this go-round to bed. I doubt much of anything new will be posted and I gay-rawn-tee you that the subject will show up again. :)
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