Deadly force justified, you bet !!


That was wickedly intense! Hats off to the men in uniform that have to deal with that kind of stress everyday just to keep law and order. ANYONE who has the nerve or should I say lack of common sense to run from the law, much less attempt to run them over, all while jepordizing the safety of the innocent deserves just such action as seen here.

Too bad this person couldn't come to their sense before having to be shot. I hate to see that it came to a guy getting shot, but this world has gone and gotten TOO "politicaly correct". When criminals know that they have nothing too lose by running, with no fear of getting shot, it puts everyone else in danger of being hurt at the stupidity of others. I say...Justice was served!

I hope the men involed in this don't adversely suffer any guilt for doing their job. God bless and watch over them.
I'm going to move this to T&T for now--although it may end up somewhere else eventually.

My personal opinion on high-speed chases is that the first time the suspect displays an obvious and wanton disregard for public safety he should be treated exactly as I would be treated if I went to a heavily populated area and started shooting randomly.
Just because some guy was drunk and made a stupid decision to run from the cops, you think that the police are entitled to kill him? They had the suspect stopped i dont see why the cops decided to kill him for apparently no reason
He CLEARLY was not posing a life threatening threat...
Blowing red lights at 100mph on city streets?

Your definition of "life threatening" must be different than mine. And I don't care if the officers weren't being threatened, the guy was a tremendous danger to anyone and everyone who happened to be on the streets at the time. It's fortunate that he was stopped before he hit and killed someone.

I've never understood why someone using a deadly weapon indiscriminately in a populated area (driving a car at reckless speeds) is given a bye while someone using a deadly weapon indiscriminately in a populated are (firing a gun randomly) is rightly considered to be a deadly threat.
I think the officers should receive a bonus check for 1% of the millions of taxpayers dollars that were saved by finishing this event in a professional and appropriate manner. The suspect rammed and attempted to ram several officers and this was totally a clean shoot. There is another really good one involving a suv in a parking lot yrs ago. Several officers opened up on the vehicle and the suspect was zipped up instead of cuffed. I worked as LEO for 5 yrs and I respect the personal sacrifice that these guys make to protect others, even the ungrateful who should be allowed to rot are still protected.
Just because some guy was drunk and made a stupid decision to run from the cops, you think that the police are entitled to kill him? They had the suspect stopped i dont see why the cops decided to kill him for apparently no reason

He was stopped when his car was ramming the other police vehicles to get away, when the officer was on the hood of his car, when exactly? The only time I remember his car being stopped was after being hit by one of the officer's cars, and then it was only stopped as long as it took the guy to get going again until he was shot.

I can't speak to Ohio laws, but I know that in my state an officer can shoot you if you are fleeing from a felony arrest. I think once you've rammed your first police car most jurisdictions consider that Felony Assualt/Assualting An Officer.

Anyway, even without that the person behind the wheel was putting a whole hell of a lot of civilians and LEOs at risk of death or serious bodily harm, which in most places is justification for deadly force by itself.
I grew up in Blue Ash and I went to Sycamore High School. It is a sub-urban well-to-do city just outside Cincinnati Ohio with some hard nose cops that don't mess around.

The way the story was retold (a lot), was that the driver repeatedly tried to run the cops down. The reason the cop was on the hood in the first place was to avoid being run over.

On a side note. It takes about 15 min to get from home to Sycamore, and this event finalized not too far from my home. And the speed limit on Reed Hartman Highway is 40 MPH. You'll notice the cop calling out hotels and businesses that are off this stretch. Not much of a highway really. Everyone on the video was hauling @55.
Some very important things were left off of this video, this stopped being an "ordinary" chase when the cop got on the hood of the car (probably to avoid being hit) and the guy kept rolling. I can't say I blame the cop on the hood for firing, and I hold police pretty highly responsible for their actions.

I know I don't have it in me to be a cop but this looked like a clean shooting to me. I do have to wonder why the first cop was shooting at the car while it was rolling away (two or three shots it looked like) after the first car hit it.

I think the reason we don't see more chases end like this is because they are usually seen (on TV anyway) in highly populated areas with way too many innocents in the background. In this case I see trying to stop the driver with deadly force before he can get back in the streets and potentially kill an innocent or another cop. I don't necessarily want to give the police a free license to kill for disobeying their orders but in this case I think they served the public very well.

Did anyone ever find out a reason that this guy was running. Was it just stupidity or had he committed a previous offense. Looks like a clean shoot, just curious.
A little more information would be nice before I made up my mind (not that that's worth much anyhow).

The first time shots are fired in the video I was pretty confused as to why. I read the comments about trying to ram the police cars, but all the driver's actions looked evasive, trying to avoid a collision with the police. Yes, the guy was running, but it looked like he was pretty well stopped when the patrol car rammed into his door.

At this point I felt that shooting was excessive.

Once I saw the officer on the hood, I assumed that the driver was still trying to get away after being hit by the police car and surrounded by officers and other cars. Since the hood of a car seems to me to be the worst position an officer would want to be in, I've got to assume that the officer ended up there after the car was heading towards him, which would justify the shooting to me.

This was a stolen car. The guy tried to run over 2 officers AFTER he rammed their cruisers. There was a passinger in the car who was unharmed. That says a lot for Blue Ash PD & the HCSO officers who were involved. I live in the Greater Cincinnati area and these guys are top notch officers.

Either way, the driver was an older drug dealer/trafficker, and two officers were injured in result of this pursuit.
Bad Shoot. You don't kill someone who is NOT a threat. Brazen Cops get away with murder. Officer lied from the beginning. Never tried to ram car tried to get away.
The guy had ample opportunities to quit and didn't. I couldn't see why the officer was on the car, but assume it was to save himself. As far as I can see it was a do or die situation. I do agree with the above post the guy was fleeing but as it went on it looks like the driver made some real bad decisions.
Bad Shoot. You don't kill someone who is NOT a threat. Brazen Cops get away with murder. Officer lied from the beginning.


Not a threat? How exactly would this thread look if instead of the perp being shot, if he would have hit a minivan full of kids on their way home from volleyball practice? Or some college students coming home from a party? Or anyone for that matter?

I'm sorry, but you are out of your frickin mind if you think a 3000lb car traveling 100 miles an hour past red light, stop sings, and intersections is not a threat. Thank God he didn't hit someone, then they would both certainly be dead. And people would be on the forums asking "why didn't those cops DO something?!?" JohnSKa is right. This is no different than if the perp pulled a gun in the city and just started firing.

Good shoot. Great shoot even. People like that need to never be in a position to harm others again. And now that guy isn't. Good job officer.

We might be able to armchair the tactics and learn something from it. I'm sure trainers around the country will do so.

The video is a bit confusing, what with severla dash cams being merged. The important point to key in on is where the actions of the shooters reasonable given what they knew at the time. The guy on the hood? Certainly. Any shooters upon realizing the guy on the hoods peril? Certainly. Prior to the "final scene?" It is hard to say given the camera angles and/or lack of information.
I also think they did the right thing here. Besides, I am pretty sure the other car said "be careful, he's covering", meaning the perp was fixin to open fire on the police cars. That's what I got out of that.

Well that cruiser in his side door put a crimp in those plans, I see.