DC Permit Process Will Make Your Blood Boil

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Is it reasonable to expect that Alan Gura might try to hurt them in the wallet over this?
The District is doing its absolute best to comply with the Supreme Court's Heller ruling as little as possible. In the wake of the decision, they came up with a registration scheme that theoretically allowed registration of privately-owned handguns, but made it as difficult as possible.

This [pdf] is what you have to go though just to own a handgun in DC. There was a challenge to the scheme in the District Court. It ruled that the 2nd Amendment only deserved "intermediate scrutiny," and that,

the District's registration scheme did not unduly burden the citizens of the District based on arguments from the defendants that the various measures in place serve the government's interest in "accomplishing the District's public safety goals." (pp. 17-20)

One of the problems I saw with the case was that it challenged several facets of the District's law rather than just focusing on one or two. There are some potentially novel and effective strategies we can use to chip away at it, not the least of which would be an ADA lawsuit based on this:

[the applicant shall] be free from physical defects which would impair his or her safe use of the weapon, such as paralysis of hand or arm, poor vision, or lack of coordination due to age

As far as the requirement that the applicant "have reason to fear injury to his or her person or property or any other proper reason," that's being addressed by an SAF suit in Maryland (Woollard v. Sheridan et Alii). They are also spearheading a similar lawsuit against New Jersey's regulations.

I wonder if we're not barking up the wrong tree by going after the District specifically. We could get certain precedents (such as an acknowledgment for strict scrutiny) settled elsewhere, which could then be used to enjoin the District.
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UM, I know it's hard to see, but most of this law was written in 1976. Some were updated in '77. The City Council repealed the provisions for the police to actually issue a permit in 2008.

So this doesn't invalidate (moot) the cases.
boredom said:
it seems that the gun laws every where north of virginia are ridiculous.

That's the perception. Truth is, a lot of NYs laws are better than a lot of the laws in Texas regarding firearms. It seems that most states have a mix of good and bad.

DC is, almost literally, a whole different world.
South Carolina is also pretty bad...

... only state in the southeast where I can't carry. And they have some crazy knife laws. And you can only apply for an out-of-state permit if you buy land there...
Not everyplace north of Virginia is bad. There's VT of course, and PA is quite nice, better than TX which many people seem to think is great.

2303.11 For the purposes of satisfying the specifications of 2303.9(c), applicant shall allege serious threats of death or serious bodily harm to his or her person or theft or destruction of property in writing, under oath. The applicant shall also allege that the threats are of a nature that the legal possession of a pistol would provide adequate protection.
I'm guessing living in one of the most dangerous cities in the country doesn't count as a good reason. MD has a similar stipulation, and I don't think living in Baltimore counts as a good reason either. :(
Wisonsin, other than the lack of CCW and unloading/casing requirement in a vehicle (which I think is an artifact of the lack of CCW), has pretty sane gun laws I think.

No purchase permit for long guns
No purchase permit for hand guns (though there is a 48 hours cooling off period.)
No ammo purchase permit.
No resistration.

With the extremely likely CCW coming, I would say WI will have it pretty darn good.
Rhode Island has the fewest laws of any state in the Northeast. Getting a CCW is a pain but not impossible. The only real frustration is the complete ban on NFA items. I don't want a full auto but I would love to have a silencer. But it's illegal. If I were across the border in CT, "assault weapons" would be illegal but silencers would not. It is a strange world we live in...
With the extremely likely CCW coming, I would say WI will have it pretty darn good.
It appears that, with the new governor, CCW is virtually assured.

The Hamdan and Schultz decisions could both be taken as guideposts in excellent pro-2A litigation, and are well worth reading.

There's some serious Joyce Foundation money flowing into Wisconsin to stop it, but folks there have done some amazing groundwork, and it's all but inevitable.
Tom ServoThere's some serious Joyce Foundation money flowing into Wisconsin to stop it, but folks there have done some amazing groundwork, and it's all but inevitable.

I agree completely, but.....

I have been around plenty of "all but inevitable" situations that evaporated. Call me a pessimist or a realist, but until the ink is dry on the gov's signature on whatever form the bill takes and the all but inevitable ourt challenges, I will holding my celebration.

Regardles of what happens, it will be interesting. Even with with the lack of CCW here (I can carry openly, if I so choose), I am grateful that I live in WI and not NY, NJ, DC or Chicago. Incidently, I would have lived in any of those places before I knew to the level of their gun laws.
I just threw-up blood all over my keyboard and the vision from my right eye has a red tint to it.

This is the equivalent to your neighbor inviting you over for a hot-dog and a beer. You go over to his house and he hands you a clever and a knife, saying, "Get on in the pin and make us some. Chop Chop."

What's the point? Every Month?! Pre-approved conditions of personal threat assessment? Applying under threat of a criminal felony for false information? 5-6 shot revolver with pre-approved, low velocity, lead-nosed ammunition?!


...crap, I just cleaned this thing...

I posted, earlier, that this was old law.

Gary has started a new thread reflecting this. A mistake was made, one that all of us could make. Gary has rectified that mistake.

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