Day Labor sites in Portland, OR

there doesnt seem to be any set rules

If you look at the header for the forum of General Discussion it says posts must be firearms realted in bold lettering. However, accidents do happen and we post things by accident.
my point wasnt to slam the staff/mods. it was to address the confusion over whats "OK" and whats not.
obviously, i wasnt the only one who didnt know the legal forum was open to just about ANY topic.
so, if thats acceptable (topics not gun related) why dont we have a general forum for other topics not gun related?
How about a "dear abby" forum?
my point is, if this is a gun forum, who decided that legal could be ANY topic?
(its a benign, honest question, not meant to attack anyone)
I didn't see mention of who's paying for this "center". Taxpayers? I have nothing against private day laborer hiring centers (staffing agencies) that provide drug, background and citizenship status for all employees, but I don't agree with having taxpayer funded, undocumented worker hiring centers, regardless what they call them. I have no issue with those that come to our country legally and no sympathy for those who don't. People who employ illegals contribute to the problem and should be dealt with very harshly indeed. But their transgressions don't justify the criminal act of entering our country without proper authority.

I like how as a kid, I received many a citation for loitering, but when I go to Home Depot now, there are dozens and dozens of "day laborers" loitering in the parking lot and on the sidewalks. I'm pretty sure they outnumber the customers! I see the police drive by and completely ignore these people.

Are the socialist bastards just going to continue to hand the fruits of our efforts over to any lowlife criminal who crosses the border? Yup! Then again, with the moron that now constitutes the average American citizen continuing to vote the criminals into office, I guess the country deserve what it gets.
my point is, if this is a gun forum, who decided that legal could be ANY topic?

Legal is not ANY topic. Legal and Political are just that, Legal and Political. The site's owner sets the rules and they are enforced by the admins. You can always PM them for clarification or a change. If you have a suggestion for a new category then PM it.

This site is specifically not a Dear Abby column. It is a firearms site and as the 2A debate is a legal and political one this section of the forum is a nod to the tie in. It is more likely that the non-2A items would be banned from L&P before a Dear Abby section was created.
I say make the hiring center a pre-fab mobile/trailer with just a roof that can be moved from location to location. As soon as it starts drawing a good sized crowd in a new location sweep in with buses and INS to cart off the illegals and then move on to a new location!

From the article:

Mayor Tom Potter and a group of around 30 community members are on the fast track to creating a $200,000 hire site for day laborers, an amenity dozens of U.S. cities already have in place.

“The mayor has heard the criticism constantly,” said Kevin Easton, Potter’s policy manager for business and arts. “But it doesn’t affect the mayor’s opinion on this, one way or the other. They’re residents of the city. The most vulnerable residents of the city deserve things as well. The community this impacts deserves it as well. It’s not just an investment in the job-seekers on the site. It’s an investment in the community and in Portland.”

They also must have community support to be successful, he said, noting that most of the hire sites are run with a mix of public and private funds. Potter’s office has spent $20,000 hiring a project leader to run the meetings and collect input from all sides.

As far as the question of whether workers are in the U.S. legally or not, “Our policy has been that we don’t ask,” Alvarado said. “The centers are not immigration agents. The coordinator is not an immigration agent. The center is just there to provide a safer and more humane environment for workers and employers to meet.”

Easton, in Potter’s office, echoed that thought.

“The immigration questions – that’s federal law,” he said. “And in terms of this project, that’s not part of it. With a day-hire site, it’s not just for documented or undocumented. All are welcome. Nor is it just Latino.”
noting that most of the hire sites are run with a mix of public and private funds. Potter’s office has spent $20,000 hiring a project leader to run the meetings and collect input from all sides.

Thanks divemedic. Missed that part.:)

Still bothers me that any taxpayer funds are used in this manner. Staffing agencies should always be private enterprise.
I find it somehow unsettling to see local officials say that they do not enforce a law because it is a "federal" law.


And Dianne Feinstien's staff writes back to me that the Feds couldn't possibly enforce the law, so we pretty well need to just accept this takeover of our country.

But I'm sure they'll be more than happy to enforce any federal law I happen to run afoul of!

But I'm sure they'll be more than happy to enforce any federal law I happen to run afoul of!

Yeah, ask Feinstien if she can propose San Francisco to be a gun rights sanctuary city!
Oh my God, I simply just could resist...

This new day laborer site seems to cost quite a bit. Why not hire day laborers to build it? They come real cheap.

I am currently working on a project issued by a government contract - which basically means I get paid a lot to sit around all day, maybe spend some time on TFL (as in, right now!). All I really have to do is drop an occasional pearl of smartness on these government people, and all's good.

Day laborers toil in the sun digging pools or mowing lawns or whatnot. That sucks. I make several times more money than them even before I take a break.

The point I'm making is that we shouldn't hate on them for working their butts off (especially when compared to the amount of trabajo I do daily). God bless 'em for their work ethic. They got a whole lot more than than your typical fat Union assembly line metal stamping chump working at $20/hour with benefits, but still demanding more pay. There's a union that keeps striking across the street from where I work. They want even more benefits on top of the benefits they got. They lay drywall. Sheesh. To inflate the apparent size of the strike, they *hire* homeless people off the street to protest and carry signs. I can't wait until the homeless people demand wage increases from the union organizers.

It's the immigration system that's broke.

My personal take is to figure out some way to issue long-term work visas (didnt' bush II want that?) that will somehow document the undocumented, and make sure they stay outta trouble, possibly offer a path to citizenship (you must have dug X amount of pools and mowed Y number of lawns to qualify). Something that's accessible. So before the illegals hop over Pat Buchanan's fence, they can say to themselves, "hmm, I could just apply for a visa instead of stuffing myself in some American tourist's trunk."
How much exactly can I make to haul these folks in my trunk? I am thinkin' I need to make a little $$$ to cover this high gas bill. Lemme thunk about this....
4 illegals and 50 pounds of wack tabacky....:rolleyes: