Day Labor sites in Portland, OR

I think if someone is willing to spend 5 hours sweating their sack off doing some hard physical work (rather than spending that time selling drugs or doing B&Es), then it's a win-win, no?
I think that its a good idea to have something like this in place. It will keep workers from showing up intoxicated, and help determine if the workers can really do the work they claim the can. I know I wouldnt like hiring a couple of workers to shingle a roof only to find out that none of them have ever swung a hammer before.

I think in the end, it will be a benifit to the comunity. I just hope they can make the program self sufficent.
The article lacks specifics; as to exactly what functions these hiring centers are supposed to serve. However, my past experience with Oregon bureaucracy leads me to speculate it is probably just a pretext for expanding government control.

Small clue:
They also must have community support to be successful, he said, noting that most of the hire sites are run with a mix of public and private funds. Potter’s office has spent $20,000 hiring a project leader to run the meetings and collect input from all sides.

Passing reference is made to a minimum hourly wage ($10, which isn't statutory minimum?), and protections against employers stiffing workers. Methinks this could evolve into a system where things like fica taxes, health insurance and unemployment compensation get rolled into the deal. Expected overhead costs? This kind of defeats the purpose of "day labor" as we now understand it. :confused:

Edit to add: Once these centers become established, expect that "unauthorized" day labor scenario will become outlawed. 'Course, that is not part of the promotion up front.
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So a city that sponsors a place for illegal immigrants to find work is no different from a city that accepts money to use police to commit murder for hire suggle drugs.

If the government does not obey its own laws, the result is anarchy.
then it's a win-win, no?

Actually, I think it is a lose-lose. The money you think you are saving by hiring illegal workers is more than surpassed by the free social services they receive. We all pay for these services.
Then why have other posts been locked for this very reason ????

Because they were either off the topic presented in L&P, diverged into or were based on religion or racism, or were L&P type threads in other forums.
Again, it's lose-lose. - Cheap labor will end when welfare begins.htm

And the labor has never been cheap; the expense is just borne by the taxpayers who pay all those welfare benefits for the children of the illegal aliens born on American soil and the emergency medical benefits for the illegal alien adults as well.

In California alone, hospitals spend over $1 billion a year on health care for illegal immigrants. And the National Research Council has found that an immigrant with less than a high school education will, over his or her lifetime, impose a cost on taxpayers of $89,000. It is unfair to force legal residents and taxpayers to continue to pick up the tab.
Sorry, I typed my last post in a hurry. What I meant to say was that a city that sponsors a place for illegal immigrants to find work (sponsoring lawbreakers) is no different from a city that accepts money for police to carry out murder for hire or to use city employees to smuggle drugs.

If the government does not obey its own laws, the result is anarchy. This is a city knowingly using city employees to break the law.

BTW- instead of "picking up the tab" kick their butts out of here.
I would never hire anyone to do work on my house from a day labor site... kinda hard to get a legal remedy from a day laborer if they botch the job.
In California alone, hospitals spend over $1 billion a year on health care for illegal immigrants.

part of the problem is the U.S citizens who seek out illegals for employment.
southern texas and california households (im sure others but i dont have first hand knowledge) employ illegals as domestic servants, farm /ranch hands, gardeners etc.... not to mention commercial entities; factory, production line etc...
If americans stopped offering jobs to illegals there would be less incentive to come here. and, just maybe, less unemployment of US citizens.
Then why have other posts been locked for this very reason ????

sorry for double posting, but a thread on polygraph tests just got ended by staff for being "off topic"
unfortunately it was posted in "general discussion" .
would it be acceptable in the "legal" forum?
and if so, why didnt staff just move it instead of ending it?
there doesnt seem to be any set rules, just the whims of individual staff, as to what is "appropriate" and what isnt.
Is it just me or have others noticed this?

there doesnt seem to be any set rules, just the whims of individual staff, as to what is "appropriate" and what isnt.
Is it just me or have others noticed this?

The post you mentioned was in general, not L&P, as you pointed out. It is not up to the admins to move it when the poster should have placed it properly. They can if they want or simply close it. Moving them only lets people get sloppy expecting the admins to move more in the future for them.

There are rules and there is discretion. I have been opposed to the admins on occasion and even drew a L&P suspension once which I do not agree with. What I do agree with is they need the power to enforce the rules and they must be given discretion in this. I have seen what happened to an unadministered (or self administered) site and do not want to see it happen here. Rest in Peace
In Florida we have Day Labor operations... They require ID etc. I do not feel we need anything else. If you want to free lance hire someone to do your bathroom tile I would not suggest some one off the side of the road. If they get hurt they can hit your HO insurance which may incite a cancellation of coverage. Also you do not know if they are coming back to rob you. Better to find a friend you trust or at least put the word out to your friends to suggest a qualified freelancer.
In my 28 years of working, I have less than 12 working for companies. But I don't do tile... SORRY:D