Daughter's first deer

Here's what happens to a Schwacker after it goes through the broad side of a buck and suffers rapid deceleration upon meeting a maple tree.


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Congrats on her first deer.

My daughter (15) traded her Weatherby Vangard in .243 for a new bow. :eek:

She has been shooting every chance she gets. Smacked herself in the arm 4 times on her first session. To her credit, she picked another arrow out of the quiver and kept shooting. She finally learned the way to hold it properly and isn't catching herself any more. :cool:

Her first hunt with the bow is going to be this Saturday morning.

She's really gonna love me at 4:30 in the morning. :D
Here's what happens to a Schwacker

The Schwacker is interesting to me as I can't see how it's not a patent violation of the Aftershock Hypershock series. It's apparently not, or Aftershock doesn't have the funds to pursue it.

In any case, you should look into the Hypershock. I've had more than one into a tree and never had any deformation besides the extreme tip, as in a few thousands bend on the sharpest part of the point. Unquestionably the best expandable I've ever used.

Expandables are no longer necessary (if they ever were) but I still use the Hypershock sometimes. Mostly, I now use the Slick Trick which is the best broadhead I've ever seen.
Hey Peetza....yeah that's what I still call ya

You might want check that Patent infringement claim. Swhackers have been around long before they got their name. See here:


Those Aftershocks do look legit though.....might be a better mouse trap and if I ever decide to go back to fixed, I'll be switching back to Muzzy.
Yeah? Could be. I just know I'd never seen or heard of anything like the Schwacker until way after the Hypershock was out. Michael Widel (Sp?), I think, started advertising the schwacker, that was the first I'd ever heard of it and had never seen it in a shop.

Looks like Aftershock is gone now anyway.:( They are by far my favorite mechanical.

Muzzys will kill deer just fine and only a small percentage of shooters can tell any accuracy difference at all between almost any broadheads. I do recommend the Slick Trick though.
Congrats you proud papa...and congrats to that daughter with nerves of steel.

Far as mechanicals goes, I still prefer 'Gators'. I beleive they were out even befor the Schwacker's. They somewhat resemble the Schwacker in as far as using the scissor effect. as it is passing through the deer, if one side of the blade passes close by a bone, that blade can close enough to pass by the bone then re-open once it gets passed. Plus the Gator has a separate razor tip that cuts in on angle'd shots much better then the three sides metal tip that comes to a point. At least into a McKenzie target.

The old Gators used to have this three sided tips then went to the razor tip. I've shot both at angles into the McKenzie and have never had the razor fail to stick but have on a rare occassion had the three sided,pointed tip fail to stick.

First I ever heard of the Schwacker was many years ago when Hank Parker the pro fisherman started his hunting show. Bout the same time he was promoting C'mere Deer. I'm thinkin that was even before Waddell came on the scene.
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